Again a weak idea from a weak person of a weak nation.
When it comes to attain personal benefits we are ready to take the world by horns, ready to do what ever, but when it comes to Pakistan, the ebst we can think of is basically doing nothing.
What about changing ourselves first rather then trying to change others opinion about us by cosmetic measures?
What about stop breaking laws?, stop hating each other? stop worshiping money? stop our desire for worldly items? stop disrespecting elders? start praying five times? stop watching Indian movies? stop listenning to their music? stop backing terrorsits? stop doing biradri based politics? start getting real education? start research? start doing social work for our street and for our community and for our city and for our country? what about educating the less priviliged ones? stop exploiting poor? stop creating pollution?
what about building a strong nation so that others are forced to respect us?