Dawood Hassan Minister (2k+ posts) Premium Member Jul 26, 2021 #1 Featured Thumbs https://i.ibb.co/wyRwyTV/Whats-App-Image-2021-07-26-at-8-10-43-PM.jpg
Iconoclast Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Jul 26, 2021 #2 Make me his interlocutor and let's see how long is he able to keep up this charade....
E Eagle-on-the-green Minister (2k+ posts) Jul 27, 2021 #3 In nutshell he was a druggy and developed schizophrenia (paaghol in Punjabi)…..was in fact dangerous in community and was supposed to be in mental hospital.
In nutshell he was a druggy and developed schizophrenia (paaghol in Punjabi)…..was in fact dangerous in community and was supposed to be in mental hospital.