رسم یا روایت کیسے جنم لیتی ہے ؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Find below an interesting experiment done by scientists on Monkeys to find how norms are generated (رسم یا روایت کیسے جنم لیتی ہے)

It would be more interesting to see this experiment keeping in mind a religion such as Islam. How are we following blindly people around us. Although Allah and Prophet Muhammad (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) has given us Qur'aan and Sunnat (Hadeeths), still we prefer to follow the our ancestors, traditions and what people doing around us.

Islam is very strict about "Bida'at" , creating something new in religion and thinking that it is part of Shariat (شریعت). Somebody might think he is doing good by introducing something good according to his/her knowledge but with the passage of time it may become norm (رسم) and then part of Sharia. The only litmus test (کسوٹی) we have in Islam is Qur'aan and Sunnah (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم).

Keep yourself away from Bida'at like, spreading chadar on Qabar, Urs, making Mazars etc. If you are true Muslim then at least follow Allah's basic commandments - Namaz (payers 5 time), Roza, Hajj, Zakaat...

Do not follow any peer (پیر), faqeer (فقیر), wali (ولی) but only follow Qura'an and Allah's messenger's (صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم) authentic Hadeeths.

If you find an authentic Hadeeth which is contrary (خلاف) to Imam's saying than reject the saying of Imam not the Hadeeth. This is what all four Imams have told us.

May Allah give us guidance (Aameen)

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