
  1. I

    A message to my Karachi Brothers & Sisters

    Khuda ka wasta,, plzzz plzzz plzzz n plzzzzz NEVER VOTE AGAIN TO THESE THREE MURDERERS PARTIES they all are in govt and r collectively killing our brothers and sisters in karachi by giving weapons to their gangs and supporting them,,,,, they take vote from us,, n in return they shedd our blood
  2. A

    Brothers and Sisters help regarding QUAID-E-AZAM

    my brother put some quotations from internet on his facebook about QUAID-E-AZAM MOHAMMAD ALI JINNAH ... one of his friend commented 1- do great leaders leave the nation in the middle as well like Mr jinnah did in 29? 2- so he changed his stance too like all the other leaders do but how...
  3. azrana

    Attention Please all Brother,s and Sisters from Faisal Abaad, (please pay attention)

    Aslam o Alakum All brother,s and Sister,ls and Visitors of this fourm I love this fourm as bieng Paki from aboard i have the3 chance to say something A very Crouppt Judge Additionel Session Juge Gujranwala Name ASSAD ALI has been transferd to Faisal Abad , he can do...
  4. abbasiali

    I wish all Pakistanis becomes kind hearted to their all Brothers & Sisters, like this young boy.

  5. MileStone

    2 brothers marrying 2 sisters (from different family)

    AoA, I just wanted to know if anyone has had any experience of this? What peoples view are? In this situation one sister is already happily married to one brother (but they were not related before they got married) I would like to ask that what are people's opinion about this in our...
  6. D

    Fleeing From Home, Fighting For Freedom; Pakistani Sisters Seek Religious Asylum In Sri Lank
