
  1. E

    Imran Khan: The Leader, The Pawn

    Imran Khan: The leader, the pawnBy Nadir Hassan Published: August 8, 2011 The PTI plans to hold the dharna in front of the parliament building in Islamabad every Saturday from iftar until sehri the next morning. PHOTO: AFP Veterans of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) dharnas know that the main...
  2. Bilal_Mushi

    PML(N) Ch. Nisar accuses Imran Khan as pawn of intelligent agencies.

    Last Updated On 25 April,2011 About 5 minutes ago Opposition leader alleges agencies involved in politics Opposition leader alleges agencies involved in politics He said he usually avoid criticising agencies but they were responsible for alliances and sit-in. Leader of the opposition...
