
  1. M

  2. H

    Children books (fiction) at a discount

    Its all about 'FICTION' at Raising Readers this week! Fiction is a forgotten gem, an untapped well of knowledge and information. A person developing and aiming for success should steep themselves in fiction, and read it copiously. It helps us understand other people’s perspectives and has a...
  3. F

    Watch This Report On Mother's Day - Please Love Your Parents

  4. H

    Winter vacations begin in Punjab schools

  5. H

    We Hypocrites? Why mourn only #Peshawar Attack?

    No question this attack was wrong and unislamic! but were you sleeping when your army was killing children in swat after lining them up? when a drone last year killd 80 students in hangu? when yet another drone killed 60 madrassa kids all under age 12? Army karay to raks.. ttp karay to...
  6. Pak1stani

    Latest Wikileaks: US troops executed Iraqi children then blew up the evidence

    What a shame of true
  7. WatanDost

    AlertNet Scrapbook - Almost 2 million Indian children under 5 die annually

    AlertNet Scrapbook - Almost 2 million Indian children under 5 die annually By Nita Bhalla | Wednesday at 12:31 PM | Comments ( 0 ) More than 1.74 million children in India die every year before they reach their fifth birthday, the government was quoted as saying by the Indian Express on...
  8. crankthskunk


    Americans have lost their heads, even though they never charge OBL for the NY fiasco, but now they are printing children coloring books on the incident. And showing to the kids how the boogie man was killed, according to their prop-a-ganda. Then they accuse Muslims to change their text books...
  9. Geek

    CCTV Camera records Israeli security abducting Palestinian children.

  10. Mysticreed

    Afghan Taliban blow up little children

    Suicide attackers kill 19 in southern Afghanistan KANDAHAR, Afghanistan - 29th July 2011 (3 hours ago) By Reuters Suicide attackers killed at least 19 people, 12 of them young children, when they targeted government buildings in southern Afghanistan Thursday, the latest blow to a...
  11. Khari Baat

    Khari Baat - 25th July 2011 - Are old parents a burden on their children?

  12. A

    Please buy my three children... and give them a better future

    SIALKOT: Of the many things for sale outside Government Allama Iqbal Hospital, perhaps the most intriguing are Waqas, 9, his six-year-old brother Waqar and their three-year-old sister Amna. Their mother Khatoon Bibi, 33, has put them up for sale in the hope that they will be bought by somebody...
  13. PkRevolution

    Parents relationship with their children! A brother speaks on basic education. Must watch!!!!

    Children need their parents attention:
  14. moazzamniaz

    Tajikistan to ban children and teens from attending mosques

    Tajikistan to ban children and teens from attending mosques 15/06/2011 16:43 Avaz Yuldoshev Views: 750 DUSHANBE, June 15, 2011, Asia-Plus - Tajik Education Minister Abdujabbor Rahmonov said that Tajik Ministry of Education received more than 4000 messages...
  15. moazzamniaz

    TTP militants say they train kidnapped children

    TTP militants say they train kidnapped children Published: June 18, 2011 Children kidnapped from different areas of Karachi sent to Waziristan for terrorist training. PHOTO: QAZI USMAN KARACHI: Two alleged...
  16. moazzamniaz

    After adults fail, children try to melt hearts of stone

    After adults fail, children try to melt hearts of stone By Peer Muhammad Published: June 7, 2011 Children from Parachinar peacefully called on the government to help them. PHOTO: MUHAMMAD JAVAID ISLAMABAD: Over four...
  17. D

    Where will the children play? - Ayesha Tammy Haq

    The writer is a corporate lawyer and hosts “24 Seven” on Business Plus [email protected] Where will the children play? By Ayesha Tammy Haq Published: May 26, 2011 Salmaan Taseer’s daughter tweeted saying she and her husband had built a school in Pakistan and wanted to name it after...
  18. haqiqat

    Children 'staggeringly' inactive

    Children 'staggeringly' inactive Press Association, Wednesday May 4 2011 A "staggering" number of children cannot swim or ride a bike and have...
  19. canadian

    What will happen to Osama bin Ladens children?

    Osama bin Ladens children? May 04, 2011 Rick Westhead Guards stand outside one of the doors of the compound where Osama bin Laden was killed on Monday in Abbottabad, Pakistan. RICK WESTHEAD/TORONTO STAR ABBOTTABAD, PAKISTANIt took less than an hour for the U.S. Special Forces to complete...
  20. C

    Osama's will: Bin Laden says his children must not join Al Qaeda

    Media reports in The Guardian and Al-Anbaa, a Kuwaiti newspaper, have revealed that Al Qaedas chief Osama bin Ladens last wishes were that his wives do not re-marry and that his children do not join Al Qaeda. Bin Laden also allegedly expressed regret for not having had enough time to spend...
