US Embassy holds homosexual's ceremony in Islamabad - WTH, don't they know its not acceptable here?


Senator (1k+ posts)

US Embassy holds gay, lesbian ceremony in Islamabad
Sunday July 03, 2011 (1304 PST)

ISLAMABAD: The US Embassy has arranged the first ever gay, lesbians and transgender pride celebration ceremony in Islamabad and assured its participants that Washington would continue to support their cause here in Pakistan.
The US Embassy issued a press release on June 26 in which it made it public that Charge d’ Affaires Ambassador Richard Hoagland, and members of Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies (GLIFAA) hosted Islamabad Embassy’s first ever gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender (GLBT) Pride Celebration on June 26.

It further states that this gathering demonstrated continued US Embassy support for human rights, including GLBT rights, in Pakistan at a time when those rights are increasingly under attack from extremist elements throughout Pakistani society.

Over 75 people including mission officers, US military representatives, foreign diplomats, and leaders of Pakistani GLBT advocacy groups attended the ceremony. In formal remarks, the charge d’ affaires underscored President Obama’s May 31, 2011 GLBT Pride Proclamation: “We rededicate ourselves to the pursuit of equal rights for all, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity”.

Addressing the Pakistani GLBT activists, the charge d’ affaires, while acknowledging that the struggle for GLBT rights in Pakistan is still beginning, said: “I want to be clear that the US Embassy is here to support you and stand by your side every step of the way”.

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MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

oh State department Are you sleeping or you want completly Hated in Pakistan and Islamic World, since when State Department OF USA GETTING INVOLVED TO enforce the gay and lesbian in other countries and if so why not in ISRAEL , these so called stupid sitting officers of US embassy will damage USA mission in all over the Islamic world with their stupid Actions , why cant State Department hire some serious officers in state department so that this country could make its reputation as a country not as a monster . I request the President to look into this matter immediately and fired those who are responsible for this PARTY at the Embassy, The Ambassador is not their to PARTY with Gays but to create a better image of the great USA.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

mr habib, considering the recent developments in usa, it is not difficult to fathom that, in addition to exporting democracy, exporting perversion and homosexuality is on the agenda of the 'great' usa.


Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

As she-male community has finally got recognition through supreme court,after their long and tiring efforts. Now they are getting their separate social status on NADRA ID cards. Similarly I will fully supports same sex groups and their struggle for separate identity. Lowering the voice is not an option for any crisis group among the fanatics, so my thumbs up for their brave stance. And surely supreme court should hear such voices.


Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

Foreign Office should condemn this shameful act, issue notice to American ambassador to explain this act, and make sure any kind of these parties should not happen ever again in Pakistan.



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

Foreign Office should condemn this shameful act, issue notice to American ambassador to explain this act, and make sure any kind of these parties should not happen ever again in Pakistan.

Don't let the leaders know...Most of them will join the next such gathering.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

کسی بھی پاکستانی طبقے کو حقوق امریکہ یا مغرب نے نہیں دینے. بلکہ ایسے اقدامات ایسے لوگوں کو پاکستانی عوام کی اکثریت کی نظر میں مزید مشکوک بنا دیتے ہیں. امریکہ اور مغرب کو اپنا چاچا اور ماما سمجھنے کی روش پتہ نہیں کب ختم ہو گی. امریکہ اور یورپ کے لوگوں کو چینیوں یا جاپانیوں نے آ کر حقوق نہیں دلواۓ تھے

جہاں عوام کی اکثریت پر مبنی کسی طبقے کو بھی بنیادی حقوق میسر نہیں، وہاں ایک چھوٹے سے طبقے کی کیا اوقات ھے. اسکے لیے پہلے امن، خوشحالی، تعلیم، شعور وغیرہ درکار ھے.اسکے بعد ان مسائل پر علمی، اخلاقی، مذہبی، معاشرتی بحث اور پھر آہستہ آہستہ لوگوں کی سوچ بدلے گی. جب تک عوام کی اکثریت ان کے ساتھ نہیں ہو گی، قانون پاس کرنے کا بھی کوئی فائدہ نہیں. کہ آخر ان لوگوں نے رہنا تو عوام میں ہی ھے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

this is a first step towards making homos known to Pak society thatthey exist. Next step would be to get media to start writing in favor of their 'rights'. And the final step would be to lobby the senators and ministers. You will see

abhi unhon ney plant lagaya hai, baad mein phal kateingey


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

If I were the Pres/PM I would kick out the ambassador and declare him/her a persona non-grata.

Holding such kind of activities knowingly how we feel about qaum-e-loot (as), its against rules of diplomatic missions.

But then again US has installed the PPP so they can do anything and PPP will just go along with it.

In a couple of years they will ask to legalize homo marriages


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

mojhye poori umeed he pahal kahny tak ye sab pak say bahg jaye gey,Allah ham per reham farmaye,ager Allah ke rehmat ham per matwajah na hoee tu pher Allah key azab key ley teyar rehna chaye
this is a first step towards making homos known to Pak society thatthey exist. Next step would be to get media to start writing in favor of their 'rights'. And the final step would be to lobby the senators and ministers. You will see

abhi unhon ney plant lagaya hai, baad mein phal kateingey


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

کسی بھی پاکستانی طبقے کو حقوق امریکہ یا مغرب نے نہیں دینے. بلکہ ایسے اقدامات ایسے لوگوں کو پاکستانی عوام کی اکثریت کی نظر میں مزید مشکوک بنا دیتے ہیں. امریکہ اور مغرب کو اپنا چاچا اور ماما سمجھنے کی روش پتہ نہیں کب ختم ہو گی. امریکہ اور یورپ کے لوگوں کو چینیوں یا جاپانیوں نے آ کر حقوق نہیں دلواۓ تھے

جہاں عوام کی اکثریت پر مبنی کسی طبقے کو بھی بنیادی حقوق میسر نہیں، وہاں ایک چھوٹے سے طبقے کی کیا اوقات ھے. اسکے لیے پہلے امن، خوشحالی، تعلیم، شعور وغیرہ درکار ھے.اسکے بعد ان مسائل پر علمی، اخلاقی، مذہبی، معاشرتی بحث اور پھر آہستہ آہستہ لوگوں کی سوچ بدلے گی. جب تک عوام کی اکثریت ان کے ساتھ نہیں ہو گی، قانون پاس کرنے کا بھی کوئی فائدہ نہیں. کہ آخر ان لوگوں نے رہنا تو عوام میں ہی ھے

I had an aquintance man off the internet. he lived in winnipeg and asked for advice what to do because he had a wife but he was also seeing a man behind his wife.

I sent him a short book on Islam written by Maulana Maudoodi and asked him to read the following when ever he felt like going to a man;

la haul-e-wa-la quwwata illa billah

Amazing he was so desperately trying to get out of this practice that wrote this and hang it on his piano by the door and start reading every time he wanted to go to his male lover.

few weeks later I got an email from wife that she saw the little lahaul on piano and forced the husband to spill the guts.

she thanked me that except for a couple of times in the early days of reading, he was cured in few weeks and he was able to mate with her as a man normally would.

so it proves that it can be cured if the homo has the desire and is able to first realize that what he is doing wrong. If you want to be cured, you must first accept that you are sick. true for any disease

Note: he was a catholic, Philipino canadian
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

The US Army still has the policy DON'T ASK DON'T TELL - so why not first implement this tradition in USA? Let New York host the next gay pride parade, this would at least give some comfort to Torontonians! May be CENTCOM would like add some comments.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

I had an aquintance man off the internet. he lived in winnipeg and asked for advice what to do because he had a wife but he was also seeing a man behind his wife.

I sent him a short book on Islam written by Maulana Maudoodi and asked him to read the following when ever he felt like going to a man;

la haul-e-wa-la quwwata illa billah

Amazing he was so desperately trying to get out of this practice that wrote this and hang it on his piano by the door and start reading every time he wanted to go to his male lover.

few weeks later I got an email from wife that she saw the little lahaul on piano and forced the husband to spill the guts.

she thanked me that except for a couple of times in the early days of reading, he was cured in few weeks and he was able to mate with her as a man normally would.

so it proves that it can be cured if the homo has the desire and is able to first realize that what he is doing wrong. If you want to be cured, you must first accept that you are sick. true for any disease

Note: he was a catholic, Philipino canadian


MashAllah. May God bless u for helping a human being. I have no doubt that homosexuality is not an ideal or desirable trait even in the west. Nobody wants his son or daughter to be gay. Neither one wants for himself/herself to be gay. The case u have stated above is probably a person with crisis of sexual preference. What i have learnt so far about this menace regarding Pakistan is

1- Apart from (I)eunuchs and (II)heterosexuals who are involved in this ill due to various reasons, there are (III)genuine homosexuals (By birth). Now, there are foolproof ways to correct first 2 groups, but this 3rd group has no treatment as of now. In pakistan, more ppl are involved in this ill practice by %age as compared to west.

2- In pakistan, due to various factors, majority of ppl who are committing this sin belong to first 2 groups. Our lack of acknowledgement of these groups is the major cause of this total problem. Until and unless we recognize this whole problem and come up with suitable solution for each of these 3 groups, this problem is going to persist and grow bigger and bigger with time. As far as ur assertion of admitting it as a problem, let me assure u that even a genuine homosexual can not declare his condition as 'normal' in the beginning. But, with time, he has to come to terms with nature in the absence of any suitable cure. Therefore, the strategy to deal with this 3rd group should be 'damage control' instead of failed attempts of treatment, hate, social boycott, punishments or ignoring them.

3- "Admittance of a problem is the first step towards solution" is also right for Pakistani society as a whole. We should think about it. Sweeping the problems under the carpet will not solve anything. West has done much in this regard.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

Foreign Office should condemn this shameful act, issue notice to American ambassador to explain this act, and make sure any kind of these parties should not happen ever again in Pakistan.

Foreign Office........................
Wazart e kharja too sharm say dohree hoo jaay gee yeh khabar sunn kar.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

ہمارے دفتر خارجہ میں بھی سارے ہیجڑے ہی موجود ہیں
اس لیے انہیں یہ واقع کوئی غیر معمولی محسوس نہیں ہوا
بلکہ انہیں اطمینان محسوس ہوا ہوگا کہ اب ان کے "سرپرست اعلی" ان کے لیے بھی نرم گوشہ رکھتے ہیں

ہم بحیثیت قوم ایک کے بعد ایک ایسی حرکتیں کر رہے ہیں جو الله کے غضب کو دعوت رہی ہیں
الله کے واضح احکامات اور گزشتہ قوموں پر آنے والے عذاب سے ہم کچھ نہیں سیکھنا چاہتے


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad


MashAllah. May God bless u for helping a human being. I have no doubt that homosexuality is not an ideal or desirable trait even in the west. Nobody wants his son or daughter to be gay. Neither one wants for himself/herself to be gay. The case u have stated above is probably a person with crisis of sexual preference. What i have learnt so far about this menace regarding Pakistan is

1- Apart from (I)eunuchs and (II)heterosexuals who are involved in this ill due to various reasons, there are (III)genuine homosexuals (By birth). Now, there are foolproof ways to correct first 2 groups, but this 3rd group has no treatment as of now. In pakistan, more ppl are involved in this ill practice by %age as compared to west.

2- In pakistan, due to various factors, majority of ppl who are committing this sin belong to first 2 groups. Our lack of acknowledgement of these groups is the major cause of this total problem. Until and unless we recognize this whole problem and come up with suitable solution for each of these 3 groups, this problem is going to persist and grow bigger and bigger with time. As far as ur assertion of admitting it as a problem, let me assure u that even a genuine homosexual can not declare his condition as 'normal' in the beginning. But, with time, he has to come to terms with nature in the absence of any suitable cure. Therefore, the strategy to deal with this 3rd group has always been 'damage control' instead of failed attempts of treatment, hate, social boycott, punishments or ignoring them.

3- "Admittance of a problem is the first step towards solution" is also right for Pakistani society as a whole. We should think about it. Sweeping the problems under the carpet will not solve anything. West has done much in this regard.

you have some flaws in your statements but I am not versed in homosexuality. All I know is that it is sin whether John does it or Jenny does it.

waisey this spread of homos in an Muslim country might even be qurb-e-qyamat ki daleel. if Nabi pbuh has said it will happen, we can not stop it.

His pbuh words are on behalf of Allah, we can not stop it.

By the way I have a question for you. Does homo milk mean milk that came out of homosexual cows? No offense meant to our Indian members


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

Please Forward this news to maximum Churches, and Christean Organization of USA and whole world ,Please do so , so that They would know what their establishment doing In Pakistan and what their embassies are involved in .This should be exposed so that the responsible could worried and punished , Please Don't let it go , God Bless you all.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Homo-sexual gathered around in American Embassy Islamabad

you have some flaws in your statements but I am not versed in homosexuality. All I know is that it is sin whether John does it or Jenny does it.
No sane human can deny above fact. It is as clear as murder, theft, profanities, rape etc. Let me explain it in a different way
- Murder of an innocent is wrong. But ppl with untreated Paranoid Schizophrenia nearly always end up killing their loved ones sooner or later. Now, what Islam says in this case??
- Abusing others is always wrong. But, children with Tourette synd develop attacks of shouting filthiest profanities and they have no control over it.
- Moral dis-inhibition is always a loathsome characteristic. People with Kluver-Bucy synd have an unrelenting hunger for food, sex and habit of putting everything in their mouths like monkeys.

And there are thousands of other such inborn maladies, where people dont have a choice between right and wrong. Now, just assume for a minute that what i m saying about that third group ie Born homosexuals is right and they are present in every society in a fixed percentage. And, currently there is no cure for this group. Now, what should be the solution????

waisey this spread of homos in an Muslim country might even be qurb-e-qyamat ki daleel. if Nabi pbuh has said it will happen, we can not stop it.

His pbuh words are on behalf of Allah, we can not stop it.
It might be the case. However, in Pakistan, we are voluntarily pushing normal heterosexual persons esp young innocent boys into this menace, just by ignoring this third group. We are pouring gasoline on the fire. Islam has a solution of everything, though mullaism has none.

By the way I have a question for you. Does homo milk mean milk that came out of homosexual cows? No offense meant to our Indian members
Homogenized milk means " When milk from various sources (Buffaloes, cows, sheep, goats etc) which has different composition, is mixed in such a fashion that resulting mixture is completely devoid of any particulate matter. Or in simple words mixing of different milks to form a homogeneous milk mixture.
