This gentleman rips Bilawal's speech into tatters

Wake up Pak

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
But before we go gaga over his fine words and his cool and calm delivery, lets not forget that Bilawal has no trophies on the wall.
He's but a mere twenty something, silver spooned, pole vaulted privileged young man who hasn't done a day's work in his life. Has no achievements to his credit. Has no struggles. No experience.
So what does he have?
A biological accident or incident of privileged birth, a political legacy in which he has ZERO contribution except being to "The Manor Born", a reasonably nice face, a reasonably decent education, but nothing outstanding, and absolutely no decent school or college achievements, worthy of any mention, even in a private social setting!
He's a just a regular, pampered, privileged, overly well fed, rich kid with acquired, affected, cultured social graces, a fluent English accent which only the affected and pretentious South Asians put on.
But more importantly, he has access to his father's seemingly unlimited looted and plundered wealth, the best speech tutors and speech writers money can buy, hundreds of brown nosing, butt kissing hangers on surrounding him day and night, many who would put to shame their past credentials!
And then, like a schoolboy, prepped and propped up to deliver his speech!
In summary, he symbolises the hypocritical and pretentious social privileges and ambivalence that plagues South Asian politics!
And the speech?
There are tens of millions of kids like him, privileged and underprivileged, who can deliver a similar speech or better if given the same opportunity and wealth! Watch any Hollywood movie of highly effective and moving High School speeches by any Valedictorian and you know what I'm talking about.
And that is our tragedy, as we forget the real things that matter but go all warm and fuzzy and mushy over his speech!
But for the record. This is nothing personal about or against Bilawal, before the Jiyalas atrack me! I'm sure personally he's a most charming, personable and nice person. But so are hundreds of millions of others. But that doesn't make him or them potential leaders for Pakistan.
Would have been nice if somebody like Bilawal would have earned his spurs working his way up the party ranks. But this will never happen now, as he rides on the coattails of the political legacies of his grandfather and mother and the looted wealth of his corrupt father. He's now unfortunately doomed to live the life of a political puppet, with nothing to show of his own!
However his personal pettiness and shallowness came through when he called Imran the "PM Select". A behaviour worthy of the pettiness of his grandfather and parents! And of those petty souls who tutoured him to say this phrase!
While he has no option but to play act his role, the tragedy is to see the likes of Sherry Rehman, Aitizaz Ahsan, Raza Rabbani, Khurshid Shah etc, stand behind Bilawal, hands folded, in a display of shameless and abject slavery and servility.
To display such a level of slavish servility in today's day and age is much worse than those our ancestors showed to the conquerors who swept through this wretched land centuries ago.
Shame on these pygmies who sell their souls for petty crumbs of power, money and influence!
But the great news for Pakistan is this.
Imran's day has come. And I have no doubt he will deliver what he's promised. Insha Allah.


Senator (1k+ posts)
But before we go gaga over his fine words and his cool and calm delivery, lets not forget that Bilawal has no trophies on the wall.
He's but a mere twenty something, silver spooned, pole vaulted privileged young man who hasn't done a day's work in his life. Has no achievements to his credit. Has no struggles. No experience.
So what does he have?
A biological accident or incident of privileged birth, a political legacy in which he has ZERO contribution except being to "The Manor Born", a reasonably nice face, a reasonably decent education, but nothing outstanding, and absolutely no decent school or college achievements, worthy of any mention, even in a private social setting!
He's a just a regular, pampered, privileged, overly well fed, rich kid with acquired, affected, cultured social graces, a fluent English accent which only the affected and pretentious South Asians put on.
But more importantly, he has access to his father's seemingly unlimited looted and plundered wealth, the best speech tutors and speech writers money can buy, hundreds of brown nosing, butt kissing hangers on surrounding him day and night, many who would put to shame their past credentials!
And then, like a schoolboy, prepped and propped up to deliver his speech!
In summary, he symbolises the hypocritical and pretentious social privileges and ambivalence that plagues South Asian politics!
And the speech?
There are tens of millions of kids like him, privileged and underprivileged, who can deliver a similar speech or better if given the same opportunity and wealth! Watch any Hollywood movie of highly effective and moving High School speeches by any Valedictorian and you know what I'm talking about.
And that is our tragedy, as we forget the real things that matter but go all warm and fuzzy and mushy over his speech!
But for the record. This is nothing personal about or against Bilawal, before the Jiyalas atrack me! I'm sure personally he's a most charming, personable and nice person. But so are hundreds of millions of others. But that doesn't make him or them potential leaders for Pakistan.
Would have been nice if somebody like Bilawal would have earned his spurs working his way up the party ranks. But this will never happen now, as he rides on the coattails of the political legacies of his grandfather and mother and the looted wealth of his corrupt father. He's now unfortunately doomed to live the life of a political puppet, with nothing to show of his own!
However his personal pettiness and shallowness came through when he called Imran the "PM Select". A behaviour worthy of the pettiness of his grandfather and parents! And of those petty souls who tutoured him to say this phrase!
While he has no option but to play act his role, the tragedy is to see the likes of Sherry Rehman, Aitizaz Ahsan, Raza Rabbani, Khurshid Shah etc, stand behind Bilawal, hands folded, in a display of shameless and abject slavery and servility.
To display such a level of slavish servility in today's day and age is much worse than those our ancestors showed to the conquerors who swept through this wretched land centuries ago.
Shame on these pygmies who sell their souls for petty crumbs of power, money and influence!
But the great news for Pakistan is this.
Imran's day has come. And I have no doubt he will deliver what he's promised. Insha Allah.

well said , great write up by you (y)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Very well said.

I hope bilawal gets to listen to this guy... This needs to be everywhere on the internet.

This is truly today's Pakistan.
Sunbeam - Thanks for sharing!


Senator (1k+ posts)
Very well said.

I hope bilawal gets to listen to this guy... This needs to be everywhere on the internet.

This is truly today's Pakistan.
Sunbeam - Thanks for sharing!
That is why Bilawal , Billo Rani has been Trashed from Liarai Karachi, which was known to be stong hold of PPP.
Imran Khan has waked up the sleeping nation
You are Welcome!


A well informed gentleman speaks about historical facts about Bilawal grandfather Zuliqar ali buhtoo and about Bilawal.
I really appreciate your effort because you are one of the very few Pti follower who took a decent way to put forward your point of view and did not resorted to filthy language.
There are many factual errors in your facts sheet but I still appreciate your mannerism.
I hope you realize that you did exactly what you critized bilawal for i.e communicating in a foreign language-english


MPA (400+ posts)
‏Bilawal used the word elect twice in his speech and I was thinking why he is not saying elect instead of elected and then lastly he used word select instead of selected. Even Imran khan has clapped it was not expected it was blow the belt.He finds out that he is not clean or heartfelt, if Elections was not well, He needed to highlight what went wrong and instead of hiding behind words would come out for his mandate if he believes it was rigged or stolen. PPP would have done something to fix this process and would participate in PTI's sit-in front of parliament.
‏Malik Riaz needs Zardari’s support to grab the land in sindh We understand when Malik Riaz paid anchors appreciating Blawal for speaking-good English, Slave nation could not come out of complexity. If Malik Riaz buy all media and his Lafafa anchors stand on their heads Blawal cannot come out of larkana. stop false promoting


MPA (400+ posts)

‏Bilawal used the word elect twice in his speech and I was thinking why he is not saying elect instead of elected and then lastly he used word select instead of selected.

Even Imran khan has clapped it was not expected it was blow the belt.He finds out that he is not clean or heartfelt, if Elections was not well, He needed to highlight what went wrong and instead of hiding behind words would come out for his mandate if he believes it was rigged or stolen. PPP would have done something to fix this process and would participate in PTI's sit-in front of parliament.

‏Malik Riaz needs Zardari’s support to grab the land in sindh We understand when Malik Riaz paid anchors appreciating Blawal for speaking-good English, Slave nation could not come out of complexity.

If Malik Riaz buy all media and his Lafafa anchors stand on their heads Blawal cannot come out of larkana. stop false promoting
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Minister (2k+ posts)
The actual term is prime minister elect and president elect not elected . But yes it was very cunning n mean. Bilawal's speech was okish. It was in English so our mental retard media anchors got sold easily. What ppp has done to this country and what is zardari we all know . So just ignore them little twats.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Childish speech
Only those who are still mental slaves to colonial system can adore it due to English medium..

Else it was a non starter...


MPA (400+ posts)
‏Bilawal used the word elect twice in his speech and I was thinking why he is not saying elect instead of elected and then lastly he used word select instead of selected.

Even Imran khan has clapped it was not expected it was blow the belt.He finds out that he is not clean or heartfelt, if Elections was not well, He needed to highlight what went wrong and instead of hiding behind words would come out for his mandate if he believes it was rigged or stolen. PPP would have done something to fix this process and would participate in PTI's sit-in front of parliament.

‏Malik Riaz needs Zardari’s support to grab the land in sindh We understand when Malik Riaz paid anchors appreciating Blawal for speaking-good English, Slave nation could not come out of complexity.

If Malik Riaz buy all media and his Lafafa anchors stand on their heads Blawal cannot come out of larkana. stop false promoting


Senator (1k+ posts)
Billo Rani's only claim of fame is that "IT" was born to the corrupt family, but even then Allah selected him to be born there.

If anyone needs a warning sign to stop eating haram and feeding it to their children, then billo is a prime example of how your children will turn out if you continue.