Should anyone be spared as promised ??


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)


MPA (400+ posts)
if they are culprits , they should be brought to justice. but i personally think it will be difficult , because NAB is ready to take on SUGAR and WHEAT case. and i dont have have a single percent doubt that NAB is here to punish the culprits. its a washing machine and it will pose as its doing a lot of investigation and they are honest. look at the cases of SHAHID KHAQAN, SHEHBAZ SHAREEF, HAMZA SHAREEF, MARRYAM NAWAZ NAWAZ, KHAWAJA SAAD AND HIS BROTHER, TWO OF THOSE FED SECRETARIES. all were arrested and not even interrogated once while in custody. IMRAN KHAN has nothing in hand except the best he can do is make proper cases thru FIA. AND finally your AALA ADLIYA will let them go. so chill and see , how far KHAN can go. But all the prayers with KHAN as he is doing whatever he can.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
if they are culprits , they should be brought to justice. but i personally think it will be difficult , because NAB is ready to take on SUGAR and WHEAT case. and i dont have have a single percent doubt that NAB is here to punish the culprits. its a washing machine and it will pose as its doing a lot of investigation and they are honest. look at the cases of SHAHID KHAQAN, SHEHBAZ SHAREEF, HAMZA SHAREEF, MARRYAM NAWAZ NAWAZ, KHAWAJA SAAD AND HIS BROTHER, TWO OF THOSE FED SECRETARIES. all were arrested and not even interrogated once while in custody. IMRAN KHAN has nothing in hand except the best he can do is make proper cases thru FIA. AND finally your AALA ADLIYA will let them go. so chill and see , how far KHAN can go. But all the prayers with KHAN as he is doing whatever he can.
You wrote a lot however you didn't tell me who do you think are ruling the country ?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts) NO NRO, no one above the law !!!
It’s about time to show the Container slogans did mean something and were not just for votes.
All should be treated equally and dealt with Iron Hand ‼
What's the authenticity of this news : Zero.

Whatever campaign noon and other mafias may rum using out of control reporters --- Shehbaz n Co. will have to pay for their loot and crimes.

Awan S

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
if they are culprits , they should be brought to justice. but i personally think it will be difficult , because NAB is ready to take on SUGAR and WHEAT case. and i dont have have a single percent doubt that NAB is here to punish the culprits. its a washing machine and it will pose as its doing a lot of investigation and they are honest. look at the cases of SHAHID KHAQAN, SHEHBAZ SHAREEF, HAMZA SHAREEF, MARRYAM NAWAZ NAWAZ, KHAWAJA SAAD AND HIS BROTHER, TWO OF THOSE FED SECRETARIES. all were arrested and not even interrogated once while in custody. IMRAN KHAN has nothing in hand except the best he can do is make proper cases thru FIA. AND finally your AALA ADLIYA will let them go. so chill and see , how far KHAN can go. But all the prayers with KHAN as he is doing whatever he can.
NAB arrested them with out any proofs therefore when cases went in to real courts, those people got bail. It is a consistent pattern now that whoever from opposition speaks against government, government get him arrested through NAB. Where is video of Rana Sanaullah heroine case? Where is proof that Shahid Khaqan Abbsi made money from Qatar deals, it was in fact cheapest deal made at that time. Adaliya cannot punish anyone without any proofs. Adalia do not work for Khan; it is their job to look proper proof to deliver justice.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
You wrote a lot however you didn't tell me who do you think are ruling the country ?
The cancer spread by previous rulers and mafias is deep and chronic. It will take sometime to clean it up.
Please continue running campaigns to protect mafia heads like shehbarz and others, and to spread disillusions about current cleaning process. Very expected since some groups are a part of the cancer.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
The cancer spread by previous rulers and mafias is deep and chronic. It will take sometime to clean it up.
Please continue running campaigns to protect mafia heads like shehbarz and others, and to spread disillusions about current cleaning process. Very expected since some groups are a part of the cancer.
Look Eyeaan . How long you will cry for former rulers. You need to get out of that NS phobia. Your own performances are next to nothing. You are admitting that the real rulers are not giving you any space. You can't even reduce the size of the lota bus . Just count the number of people in your Cabinet .. Its a joke.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Look Eyeaan . How long you will cry for former rulers. You need to get out of that NS phobia. Your own performances are next to nothing. You are admitting that the real rulers are not giving you any space. You can't even reduce the size of the lota bus . Just count the number of people in your Cabinet .. Its a joke.

کتنا جاہل ہے یہ اپنی ہی باتوں میں اپنے سوالوں کا جواب دے دیتا ہے


MPA (400+ posts)
Look Eyeaan . How long you will cry for former rulers. You need to get out of that NS phobia. Your own performances are next to nothing. You are admitting that the real rulers are not giving you any space. You can't even reduce the size of the lota bus . Just count the number of people in your Cabinet .. Its a joke.
zaidi bhai, i am not crying of previous regimes . I am crying of NAB and JUDICIARY who are spilling beans. nawaz AND Zardari are history anyways.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
zaidi bhai, i am not crying of previous regimes . I am crying of NAB and JUDICIARY who are spilling beans. nawaz AND Zardari are history anyways.
Thank you Bhai Sahib . I am also interested to know who the real ruler is ? By the way , I asked you the question , she answered me , I replied and you answering me ... what is going on here ?


MPA (400+ posts)
Zaidi bhai, real Ruler is ALLAH . and he will bring to justice to those who ever has looted . no matter what if he is from JUDICIARY, POLITICIAN, GENERAL or a COMMON man. No one thought a man with past character like of IK could be a PM in a conservative society like ours. But Allah made him repent and now he is our PM. Rest some Establishment people tried to control him by snatching 16 seats in the last elections, so he can be controlled by giving him a coalition govt so they can keep him in check.But now looks like he doesn't care. lets see where the game ends.

Zaidi Qasim

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Zaidi bhai, real Ruler is ALLAH . and he will bring to justice to those who ever has looted . no matter what if he is from JUDICIARY, POLITICIAN, GENERAL or a COMMON man. No one thought a man with past character like of IK could be a PM in a conservative society like ours. But Allah made him repent and now he is our PM. Rest some Establishment people tried to control him by snatching 16 seats in the last elections, so he can be controlled by giving him a coalition govt so they can keep him in check.But now looks like he doesn't care. lets see where the game ends.
Brother, I don't know about the last election but JKT already spoke about the realities of 2013 election and their portion of the winning seats . Its not too long ago, that JKT jet was used to sortie people in and out of Islamabad .The worst kind of horse trading in open . Do you really think that it was against the wishes of so called Establishment ? I think he is willing partner with Establishment and they are in the driving seat. You didn't answer my question but I know what you are trying to say .


MPA (400+ posts)
Brother, I don't know about the last election but JKT already spoke about the realities of 2013 election and their portion of the winning seats . Its not too long ago, that JKT jet was used to sortie people in and out of Islamabad .The worst kind of horse trading in open . Do you really think that it was against the wishes of so called Establishment ? I think he is willing partner with Establishment and they are in the driving seat. You didn't answer my question but I know what you are trying to say .
lakin zaidi bhai, whome you think JKT plays for , other than himself. He was the MOHRA to keep check on IK. Would any sence soul spend so much money on some one without keeping an eye on his and someone elses intrest. But he also misread IK, like most of the people. he is not kind of person that you do him a favour and in return would get some. Like hafeez ullah niazi said few days ago on tv , He would even throw his father out of party. well that is kind a person he is. I will keep supporting him unless he does something against the intrest of the country. right now he is doing good even all the status quo and media, judiciary is against him.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Brother, I don't know about the last election but JKT already spoke about the realities of 2013 election and their portion of the winning seats . Its not too long ago, that JKT jet was used to sortie people in and out of Islamabad .The worst kind of horse trading in open . Do you really think that it was against the wishes of so called Establishment ? I think he is willing partner with Establishment and they are in the driving seat. You didn't answer my question but I know what you are trying to say .
Is JKT more wealthy than Shareef family ?

jeo pakistan

MPA (400+ posts)
NAB arrested them with out any proofs therefore when cases went in to real courts, those people got bail. It is a consistent pattern now that whoever from opposition speaks against government, government get him arrested through NAB. Where is video of Rana Sanaullah heroine case? Where is proof that Shahid Khaqan Abbsi made money from Qatar deals, it was in fact cheapest deal made at that time. Adaliya cannot punish anyone without any proofs. Adalia do not work for Khan; it is their job to look proper proof to deliver justice.
NAB is not under Khan so Khan can’t get anyone arrested NAB don’t represent their case strong enough in courts for some unknown reasons plus lohar court & athar minallah court are only to serve these basterds so it makes no difference if thier are any proves or not
