Shab e Barat ki haqeeqat by Mufti Tariq Masood شب برات کی حقیت مفتی طارق


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
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didn't understand purpose of ur Video
Mufti Tariq Masood, a renowned and popular scholar, from Deobandi school of thought, says that it is bida'at to celebrate Shab-e-Barat and that all of the Hadeeths which are presented in favor of this event are Zaeef (weak). He further says that the common believe that during Shab-e-Barat, there was a Nazool-e-Qur'an is baseless.

In short, he denied all the myths and misconceptions related to this night.

If you are interested to know an unbiased view on this event then you may watch following video:

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Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Mufti Tariq Masood, a renowned and popular scholar, from Deobandi school of thought, says that it is bida'at to celebrate Shab-e-Barat and that all of the Hadeeths which are presented in favor of this event are Zaeef (weak). He further says that the common believe that during Shab-e-Barat, there was a Nazool-e-Qur'an is baseless.

In short, he denied all the myths and misconceptions related to this night.

If you are interested to know an unbiased view on this event then you may watch following video:

ZAEFF AHADEEES HAI TOU? Khilaafe Islam koi kaam to nahe ho raha


"here was a Nazool-e-Qur'an is baseless."


Laila-Tul-Qadar is night of Ramadan

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
ZAEFF AHADEEES HAI TOU? Khilaafe Islam koi kaam to nahe ho raha

Although I am totally against all the deobandi, brelvi or any sect Mullahs and moulvis because all they do is promote their own sects and brands rather than Islam

But your argument is very weak, oh so what happened, we are doing only good. But you are doing good to support a false belief and thus changing or making an addition to the deen. Why do good only on so called shab e barat, why not any night, by doing so you are setting an example there is something special about it.

Its things like these which have corrupted other religions.

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Although I am totally against all the deobandi, brelvi or any sect Mullahs and moulvis because all they do is promote their own sects and brands rather than Islam

But your argument is very weak, oh so what happened, we are doing only good. But you are doing good to support a false belief and thus changing or making an addition to the deen. Why do good only on so called shab e barat, why not any night, by doing so you are setting an example there is something special about it.

Its things like these which have corrupted other religions.

Basics are all same. Just for you knowledge If Ahadees is Weak but its Not Contradicting with Islam or Sunna

You are not gone be less Muslims if you don't pray Nafils on this Night. But you gonna be more Pious Muslims if you Do Ibada. Dil kay Haaal ALLAH janay

If you don't want Ibada on that Night you can do next night before night or any night. Nobody calling u less muslim

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
If you don't want Ibada on that Night you can do next night before night or any night.
Thats exactly what I'm saying, but our people many only do it on that night and with the false belief that there is something special about this night and its better than others

Once again this is a weak argument all those peers and moulvis use to justify their all their mostly unislamic actions., which were never practiced or taught by the Prophet s.a.w or were done by the Prophet but never asked or even stopped others from doing. Basically saying (nauzibillah) we know more or are better muslims than him.

There is no need to be more loyal than the king.

I will give you another example which is going on nowadays in many parts of Pakistan, that is to give Adhan at night long after Isha prayers are over because of some weak hadith that by doing so will keep the town or village safe from any calamity and disease in order to combat corona. And they say the same thing how can giving adhan be wrong?

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thats exactly what I'm saying, but our people many only do it on that night and with the false belief that there is something special about this night and its better than others

Once again this is a weak argument all those peers and moulvis use to justify their all their mostly unislamic actions., which were never practiced or taught by the Prophet s.a.w or were done by the Prophet but never asked or even stopped others from doing. Basically saying (nauzibillah) we know more or are better muslims than him.

There is no need to be more loyal than the king.

I will give you another example which is going on nowadays in many parts of Pakistan, that is to give Adhan at night long after Isha prayers are over because of some weak hadith that by doing so will keep the town or village safe from any calamity and disease in order to combat corona. And they say the same thing how can giving adhan be wrong?
"unislamic actions"?? how come u justify un Islamic Action

Thats exactly what I'm saying, but our people many only do it on that night and with the false belief"? False Belief

Its Weak hadees Please keep the different in Weak HAdeees and False Belief

How many years did you spend study Deen? can you please answer?

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
"unislamic actions"?? how come u justify un Islamic Action

Thats exactly what I'm saying, but our people many only do it on that night and with the false belief"? False Belief

Its Weak hadees Please keep the different in Weak HAdeees and False Belief

How many years did you spend study Deen? can you please answer?
So basically you have no answer and went off on a totally different tangent.
A weak hadith is just that a weak hadith and there is a reason why its considered weak because its not credible and you cannot base anything from itor derive anything from it. There are weak hadiths that are so disgusting that I cannot even write them here.

And false belief is a false belief, just like shab e barat is a false belief. Other than that one weak hadith there is nothing that supports it, same with the giving of Adhan at night. These are false beliefs. 22 Rajab kounday also a false belief, the Sub continent is drenched in false beliefs

And the study of deen never ends so its a continuous process and my level of knowledge has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Even if I know only 1 correct ayat of the Quran its my duty to relay it to the others. If you can answer me with credible proof that what I've said is wrong then I will change my position.

Islam is not only for mullahs and moulvis as we have made it.

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So basically you have no answer and went off on a totally different tangent.
A weak hadith is just that a weak hadith and there is a reason why its considered weak because its not credible and you cannot base anything from itor derive anything from it. There are weak hadiths that are so disgusting that I cannot even write them here.

And false belief is a false belief, just like shab e barat is a false belief. Other than that one weak hadith there is nothing that supports it, same with the giving of Adhan at night. These are false beliefs. 22 Rajab kounday also a false belief, the Sub continent is drenched in false beliefs

And the study of deen never ends so its a continuous process and my level of knowledge has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. Even if I know only 1 correct ayat of the Quran its my duty to relay it to the others. If you can answer me with credible proof that what I've said is wrong then I will change my position.

Islam is not only for mullahs and moulvis as we have made it.
"There are weak hadiths that are so disgusting that I cannot even write them here."

I have explained you before many times that any Ahadees not contradict Islam even its weak
either u leave it or take it its bringing good for you.

The Ahadeees u saying contradicting our deen should be ignored

so make sure u know the difference n u keep repeating same thing again n again

Tum nai Allah Tooba nahee karni 15 ko na karoo. Jo Karna chatta hai usay krnay dou. Agay kon sa hum loog strong Ahadeees ko rooz Follow karaté hain

tou be Mujay Koi Shidaat Pasand Mullah type lagta hai

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
"There are weak hadiths that are so disgusting that I cannot even write them here."

I have explained you before many times that any Ahadees not contradict Islam even its weak
either u leave it or take it its bringing good for you.

The Ahadeees u saying contradicting our deen should be ignored

so make sure u know the difference n u keep repeating same thing again n again

Tum nai Allah Tooba nahee karni 15 ko na karoo. Jo Karna chatta hai usay krnay dou. Agay kon sa hum loog strong Ahadeees ko rooz Follow karaté hain

tou be Mujay Koi Shidaat Pasand Mullah type lagta hai
So basically you are adamant that no matter what I will follow the weak hadith because that conforms to my false and twisted beliefs and that is what I have been brainwashed with since I was a child and there is no way I will open my mind to a different opinion!

And maybe you haven't read much of my previous posts I am against Mullahs, Moulvis, Peers, Babas, Mazars, darbars, firqas and maslaks. And don't consider Hadith to be any sort of creed, religious and sacred text. Hadith is nothing more than a record of the times and life of the prophet, there are no commands or prohibitions in it. It does not add anything to the Quran and it doesn't take away anything from the Quran.

So to adopt a practice as part of deen or to declare anything halal or haram based solely on just hadith, without any support from the Quran in itself is a false practice.


Voter (50+ posts)
Stop making people fool by telling them that "this hadith is zaeef or that hadith is zaeef" without knowing basics of asool-e-hadith. This fraud Muhammad Ali Mirza is a classical example of mindset which our literate people have nowadays. Without even knowing basics of ilm-e-hadith and Arabic language, they try to explain Islam. These people are worst kind of khuwarij as they temper the real meaning and concepts of Islam and Sunna. They cant change Quran and Hadith so they try to interpret it in a way which is never done by Islaf. This is called real Tehreef in Islam.

Anyways, my request to all my muslim brothers is to keep in mind the following about Zaeef Ahadith:

1. Zaeef hadith doesnt mean that it is "moudou" or false/fabricated.
2. Limitation of zaeef hadith is that it cant be used to establish haram, halal, fardiat, Hadood etc.
3. It is acceptable in matters pertaining to "fazeelat" of an act or of a person unless it is akhbar-e-ahad (only 1 hadith on a matter and that too zaeef).
4. It is acceptable in matters pertaining to "Ibahat" (allowed) of an act as long as the act itself is not prohibited by another instruction of islam. Keep it in mind that mubah afaal are not always a discussion of Halal or Haram rather there are other degrees in between like Mubah, Makrooh, Mustahib etc.
5. When a zaeef hadith is narrated through multiple sources, it doesnt remain zaeef rather its zuaf is eliminated.

Allah sab ko hidayat ka rasta dikhaye....


Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
So basically you are adamant that no matter what I will follow the weak hadith because that conforms to my false and twisted beliefs and that is what I have been brainwashed with since I was a child and there is no way I will open my mind to a different opinion!

And maybe you haven't read much of my previous posts I am against Mullahs, Moulvis, Peers, Babas, Mazars, darbars, firqas and maslaks. And don't consider Hadith to be any sort of creed, religious and sacred text. Hadith is nothing more than a record of the times and life of the prophet, there are no commands or prohibitions in it. It does not add anything to the Quran and it doesn't take away anything from the Quran.

So to adopt a practice as part of deen or to declare anything halal or haram based solely on just hadith, without any support from the Quran in itself is a false practice.


You can't Add anything in Holy Quran and can't take out anything from it. Its in Custody of ALLAH. HE is the one Protector of this Book.

I am in Favour of All Mullah, Molvis, Peers, Babas, Mazars, Darbars, All Fiqa Books and Maslaks as long As everybody following Deen and spread Love for our Beloved Prophet SAW and bring positive to Society teaching Islam giving knowledge

Wake Up Pakistan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Stop making people fool by telling them that "this hadith is zaeef or that hadith is zaeef" without knowing basics of asool-e-hadith. This fraud Muhammad Ali Mirza is a classical example of mindset which our literate people have nowadays. Without even knowing basics of ilm-e-hadith and Arabic language, they try to explain Islam. These people are worst kind of khuwarij as they temper the real meaning and concepts of Islam and Sunna. They cant change Quran and Hadith so they try to interpret it in a way which is never done by Islaf. This is called real Tehreef in Islam.

Anyways, my request to all my muslim brothers is to keep in mind the following about Zaeef Ahadith:

1. Zaeef hadith doesnt mean that it is "moudou" or false/fabricated.
2. Limitation of zaeef hadith is that it cant be used to establish haram, halal, fardiat, Hadood etc.
3. It is acceptable in matters pertaining to "fazeelat" of an act or of a person unless it is akhbar-e-ahad (only 1 hadith on a matter and that too zaeef).
4. It is acceptable in matters pertaining to "Ibahat" (allowed) of an act as long as the act itself is not prohibited by another instruction of islam. Keep it in mind that mubah afaal are not always a discussion of Halal or Haram rather there are other degrees in between like Mubah, Makrooh, Mustahib etc.
5. When a zaeef hadith is narrated through multiple sources, it doesnt remain zaeef rather its zuaf is eliminated.

Allah sab ko hidayat ka rasta dikhaye....

Pyaray Bhai Thank You for that information. I am trying to explain that guy in easy language he does not want to listen.

those are the reason Qadiyanis was declared non muslim

I experienced there are many Qadiyanis here in this forum and they start barking straight away against Ahadeees and our Alim-e-Din

They are munafiqs and fill with hatred


Voter (50+ posts)
Pyaray Bhai Thank You for that information. I am trying to explain that guy in easy language he does not want to listen.

those are the reason Qadiyanis was declared non muslim

I experienced there are many Qadiyanis here in this forum and they start barking straight away against Ahadeees and our Alim-e-Din

They are munafiqs and fill with hatred

You are right. Honest people should stop for a while and look back what has happened in last 100 years.

1. First these khuwarij of 20th & 21st century started questioning ahadith and established practices of muslims in the disguise of Zaeef or biddat. The discussion of Zaeef ahadith was always a philosophical discussion between hadith scholars and it was never left to people who knew nothing about asool-e-hadith. Unfortunately now every Tom, Dick and Harry considers it his duty to comment on these complicated subjects.

2. Second, a significant number of these Kharjis have now started to reject sahih ahadith as well while using excuse that even sahih ahadith are many a times contradicting with each other. Stupid muslims without realizing the intentions of these khuwarij, normally get carried away with such arguments/issues. Instead of approaching a hadith scholar to answer, they normally ask from illiterate mullahs who mess up the whole case. Look at what Ghamidi and his followers are doing.

3. Tehreef in the meanings and intentions of Ahadith and Quran is already a favorite activity of these Khuwarij and you will find them always doing this. They will always be selective in picking up ahadith, they will always be selective in referring to some books and will never let you capture the full picture as to how our Salaf/Saliheen understood Quran and Sunna during first 150 years of Hijra.
