Scientists have developed an eye drop that can dissolve cataracts (موتیا)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

A whole lot better than surgery.

Researchers in the US have developed a new drug that can be delivered directly into the eye via an eye dropper to shrink down and dissolve cataracts - the leading cause of blindness in humans.

While the effects have yet to be tested on humans, the team from the University of California, San Diego hopes to replicate the findings in clinical trials and offer an alternative to the only treatment that’s currently available to cataract patients - painful and often prohibitively expensive surgery.

Affecting tens of millions of people worldwide, cataracts cause the lens of the eye to become progressively cloudy, and when left untreated, can lead to total blindness. This occurs when the structure of the crystallin proteins that make up the lens in our eyes deteriorates, causing the damaged or disorganised proteins to clump and form a milky blue or brown layer. While cataracts cannot spread from one eye to the other, they can occur independently in both eyes.

Scientists aren’t entirely sure what causes cataracts, but most cases are related to age, with the US National Eye Institute reporting that by the age of 80, more than half of all Americans either have a cataract, or have had cataract surgery. While unpleasant, the surgical procedure to remove a cataract is very simple and safe, but many communities in developing countries and regional areas do not have access to the money or facilities to perform it, which means blindness is inevitable for the vast majority of patients.

According to the Fred Hollows Foundation, an estimated 32.4 million people around the world today are blind, and 90 percent of them live in developing countries. More than half of these cases were caused by cataracts, which means having an eye drop as an alternative to surgery would make an incredible difference.

The new drug is based on a naturally-occurring steroid called lanosterol. The idea to test the effectiveness of lanosterol on cataracts came to the researchers when they became aware of two children in China who had inherited a congenital form of cataract, which had never affected their parents. The researchers discovered that these siblings shared a mutation that stopped the production of lanosterol, which their parents lacked.

So if the parents were producing lanosterol and didn’t get cataracts, but their children weren’t producing lanosterol and did get cataracts, the researchers proposed that the steroid might halt the defective crystallin proteins from clumping together and forming cataracts in the non-congenital form of the disease.

They tested their lanosterol-based eye drops in three types of experiments. They worked with human lens in the lab and saw a decrease in cataract size. They then tested the effects on rabbits, and according to Hanae Armitage at Science Mag, after six days, all but two of their 13 patients had gone from having severe cataracts to mild cataracts or no cataracts at all. Finally, they tested the eye drops on dogs with naturally occurring cataracts. Just like the human lens in the lab and the rabbits, the dogs responded positively to the drug, with severe cataracts shrinking away to nothing, or almost nothing.

The results have been published in Nature.

"This is a really comprehensive and compelling paper - the strongest I’ve seen of its kind in a decade," molecular biologist Jonathan King from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) told Armitage. While not affiliated with this study, King has been involved in cataract research for the past 15 years. "They discovered the phenomena and then followed with all of the experiments that you should do - that’s as biologically relevant as you can get."

The next step is for the researchers to figure out exactly how the lanosterol-based eye drops are eliciting this response from the cataract proteins, and to progress their research to human trials.

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Night_Hawk - Blogger
[h=1]طبی ماہرین نے بغیرآپریشن کے موتیا کا علاج دریافت کرلیا
[/h] ویب ڈیسک جمعـء 24 جولائ 2015

ماہرین کا خیال ہے کہ لینوسٹیرول نامی کیمیکل سے آنکھوں کا موتیا کم ہوسکتا ہے۔ فوٹو: فائل

لندن: ماہرین چشم نے آنکھ میں موتیے کے مرض میں مبتلا افراد کے لیے ایسے آئی ڈراپس تیار کرلیے ہیں جس سے بغیر آپریشن موتیے کا علاج ممکن ہوسکے گا۔

موتیے کا علاج صرف آپریشن کے ذریعے ہے جس میں نشتر کے ذریعے آنکھوں کا موتیا نکالا جاتا ہے اور ہر سال لاکھوں افراد اس علاج سے گزرتے ہیں لیکن اب ایک سائنسی جریدے کے مطابق سائنسدانوں نے لینوسٹیرول نامی ایک ایسے قدرتی مالیکیول کا آئی ڈراپر تیار کیا ہے جسے آنکھ میں ڈالا جائے تو موتیا سکڑتا چلا جاتا ہے۔

اس لینوسٹیرول دوا کو 2 ایسے کتوں پرآزمایا گیا جن میں قدرتی طور پر موتیا کا مرض موجود تھا اور 6 ہفتوں تک استعمال کے بعد ان میں موتیا کم ہوا اور دھندلاہٹ بھی کم ہوتی گئی جس کے بعد ماہرین اس پر مزید تحقیق کے لیے پر امید ہیں،بعض ماہرین کا خیال ہے کہ انسانوں پر لینوسٹیرول کے علاوہ دیگر مالیکیولزبھی آزمانے چاہئیں تاکہ بغیر جراحی موتیا جیسے اہم مرض کا خاتمہ کیا جاسکے۔

واضح رہے کہ موتیا کا مرض پسماندہ ممالک میں عام طور پر پایا جاتا ہے جس کے باعث ان ممالک میں بیشتر افراد نابینا ہوجاتے ہیں۔


Night_Hawk - Blogger
[h=1]New Eyedrops Could Shrink Cataracts Without Surgery[/h]
by Charles Q. Choi, Live Science Contributor | July 22, 2015 01:21pm ET


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[TD] Credit: Barabasa | View full size image
Eyedrops can shrink cataracts in dogs, which may prove a first step toward a drug that can treat or even prevent cataracts in human eyes, researchers say.

Cataracts form when the eye's lens grows cloudy, a condition that affects millions of people and accounts for more than half of all cases of blindness worldwide. Currently, the only treatment for cataracts is surgical removal of the clouded lenses. Aging populations around the world are predicted to require a doubling in the number of cataract surgeries in the next 20 years.

Cataracts often result from clumping of the proteins that make up the lens. To learn more about how eyes normally prevent such clumping and keep lenses transparent, scientists analyzed the genes of two related families that both often suffered cataracts from birth. [7 Ways the Mind and Body Change With Age]

The researchers discovered that these families carried mutations in a gene involved in manufacturing a small molecule known as lanosterol. Normal versions of lanosterol in healthy eyes help prevent the kind of protein clumping that leads to cataracts, while the abnormal version seen in both families did not.
To examine what effects lanosterol might have on cataracts, scientists experimented on dogs with naturally occurring cataracts.

"There are many old dogs with cataracts," said study co-author Kang Zhang, an ophthalmologist at the University of California, San Diego in La Jolla. "Our collaborators in China had them for another project in cataract research, and we then treated these dogs with lanosterol."

After six weeks of treatment with lanosterol eyedrops, lens cloudiness and cataract size decreased in the dogs. Similar results were seen in experiments with human lens cells and rabbit lenses on lab dishes.
"The most important implication is that we can treat cataracts with an eyedrop, not surgery," Zhang told Live Science.

Still, "this is a preliminary study, and it needs further work and more studies, as well as confirmation by other researchers," Zhang cautioned. "We will study the safety of this compound, and plan human trials for treatment of cataracts."

