Off The Record 14th May 2009


Kashif Abbasi in fresh episode of Off The Record.



Voter (50+ posts)
Kashif is a nice anchor, he is brave that he went at the right place, but he was scared when they were firing the big guns. this is a shame for the pak army though. They are never going to learn the lesson of 1971. They did the exact same things in the east pakistan, and ultimately they had to surrender with all the shame. This time they are shooting again their own countrymen , brothern. They do not have balls to stop the drones. If USA had order General Kayani to change his name, he would have changed it to Richard Kayani, with his masters voice Asif Michael. Shame on these munafiq people.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Dhamaka honay pey Kashif Abbasi neechay kyun beth gia tha??? or uskay baad us nay kaha " yaar yeh dhamaka tou bhot zor ka hota hai "


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
it was quite funny to see kashif's reaction. but i do have to say it was very brave of him. and oh, there was nothing 'Big' about those guns in the end. like the major point out, these are 'medium' artillery. small artillery is 60mm recoiless rifles mounted on jeeps, this medium artillery is the 85mm with a blast radius of 30meters. while the 'heavy' artillery that is not being used here is 125 and 135 mm 'Howitzers'. Now when u hear them, they not only everything with 70 meters of impact but also scare the shit out of everyone in a square mile area.
Also, if i may point out, when met with heavy resistance, the guns fire in simultaneous salvos for combined effect. latitudinally deployed targets are dealt with spreading the angle of attack and flight path, while for lonitudinal targets are hit by calculating the Time On Target and varying the Azimuth of the guns.
If things do not come in control, then a FAC "Forward Air Controller' can call in airstrikes by Cobra Gunships and hit it after designating the target by a laser or a flare. This usually involves first firing the 20mm cannon to soften the resistance, if it still doesn't help, then a rocket volley is fired, if things still dont get controlled, then an anti tank missile is launched. Finally if all else fails, then Strike Aircrafts are called in for assistance.
OF COURSE, none of this military is being used often in this conflict. aFter all, the 'infantry' units are pressing ahead.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
thanks sagaciousscorpio, there is an old saying "Doers are the best Knowers"
you'd be quite surprised at what else i know, but unfortunately, a few days back when i said that i have sensitive knowledge of mr Nawaz Sharif's involvement in bill clinton's war against afghanistan, yesterday, i was served a gag order by my higher ups that effectively prohibits me to disclose his filthy past and how close he really is to america.
either way, i will continue to try and provide comments on how our army is fighting the taliban.
hmm, lets disect this:
0:55-- That the footage taken from pakistani drones (jasoos), usually high flying and providing 'situational awareness" to ground commanders.
1:08-- Again, surveillange footage from drone. if u notice the smoke trailing out of the chopper, that is the 20mm cannon being fired, its called a strafing run, and is used to soften entrenched targets.The gun is accurate enough to target individual truck tires with least collateral damage to the passengers, ofcourse, if Armor piercing rounds or Armor Piercing Incendiary (API) then a concentrated 8 round burst is sufficient for a tank.
1:47--Thats unguided fragmentation rockets being fired.
1:54--Thats the star of the footage, what u see here is the locally made "Baktar Shikan" anti-tank missile being fired. these babies are laser guided that is, the weapon systems officer points the laser at the target and fires the missile, the missile then follows the Aim Point (the point where the laser is hitting). As you can see, it is so accurate that it went through a window and then blast that ripped out the roof is a tell-tale sign of presence of explosives or booby traps in the house. If you notice, the white hut on the side remained un-damaged.
2:32--The guy with the helmet is probably the squad leader, he's carrying an ak-74 with a modified Laser sight and illuminator, that thing sticking out of his helmet is a night vision reciever.

btw,my zodiac is scorpio too.


MPA (400+ posts)
Nice to know that sniper...

I hope this operation accomplishes its aims asap with the least collateral damage... Unfortunately Pakistan has too many enemies with a very impotent, selfish and non-sincere qiadat....which simply doesnt have the capability to deal with any situation what so ever...

I hope my country wiggles out of these troubled times...

some how...

And I really want the Army to come out with the evidence of Indian and "other" foreign involvement in these areas....

It is important that the nation should know who the hell is behind these barbarians who chop humans in the name of Islam...


MPA (400+ posts)
So sniper is saying that artillery major doesnt even know what weapon he is firing .. lol .. how funny.. mr sniper knows a lot .. im scared now .. either way its all rubbish, not gonna work ! the person who knows everything is sitting on internet banging poor public and the person who is at the front .. doesnt know what he is doing .. fate is very clear here .. isnt it ?

the sad thing is .. their bread n butter come from public moneys... and public is not important ..nobody listen to them .. nobody bother what the public mood is ..

all we have is a bunch of bog shites !


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
where the hell did i ever that the major commanding the artillery battery didnt know anything????? just quote me saying that.
when i said that there is nothing big about those guns i was replying to jezebadil's post:
...but he was scared when they were firing the big guns....

more than anything else, just cuz i am on the internet, doesnt mean i have never been on the field!!
u know its assholes like you that end up ruining a discussion.


MPA (400+ posts)
u sound like very well trained " with abusing " isnt it typical of u people .. who just follow the order to kill and cant tolerate anybody who dare raise his voice ..

keep abusing .. this tells me about ur brought up and nothing else

and there was no discussion u r just a bog shite.. nothing less nothing more ..

good luck with u and stay in ur own hell

u rightfully deserve it


MPA (400+ posts)
c'mon guys.. stay calm... lets talk about the situation objectively... its no use abusing each other...

Well... I just saw a video yesterday night...

which scared me to death.......

it was a real one... showed people cutting the throats of hand cuffed suspects of "mukhbari"...and showing those cut heads after separating them from the bodies with pride...... about ten people had been sacrifised....

after seeing those videos... i sincerely believe that these animals need to be cleared out....with what ever means possible.....

but still... care should be taken not to harm civilians...