Is it Haram to read Naji's Articles as he abused some one?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
The Religious Extremist Fanatics on discussion forums are coming with all types of bad words against Naji Sahib now-a-days. E.g.

- They are abusing him with much bad words which Naji Sahib used. (like Khanzir, Bastard, ......)
- He was DRUNK (This is big "TUHMAT" without any Proofs. When Poet of Rasool Hadhrat Hassan bin Thabit made a wrong Tuhmat against Hadhrat Aisha, he was flogged for that sin. These people who are bringing this false "Tuhmat" against him, they will be punished in hereafter)
- They are blaming him for Qadiyani.

Examples of this behaviour of these Religious Extremist Fanatics could be found here: buzdil-media-p15193.html#p15193

The mildest of their accusations (/The Fanatic FATWA) is it that it is Haram to Read his Articles, and whoever reads it or forwards to others, he is also Qadiayani blah blah blah.


Anger is Haram, but what is the Penalty of "Abusing" in Islamic Sharia?

Islam says that Anger is Haram. But Islam is also a Religion of Nature and knows the short-comings of Human Beings and therefore while making Islamic Laws, Islam doesn't leave all the things on Fatwas of Fanatic Jahil Molvies, but Allah (saw) Himself revealed the Islamic Sharia and it's Rules.

So, contrary to these Fatwas of these Religious Fanatics, let us first find out what is the Penalty in Sharia if some one abuses other unjustly.

Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 41, Number 4859:

Narrated AbuHurayrah:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The gravest sin is going to lengths in talking unjustly against a Muslim's honour, and it is a major sin to abuse twice for abusing once.

So, according to Islami Sharia, the maximum penalty of Abusing is to abuse once in answer. And if some one abuse twice, then again he is committing a Major Sin. (Now just look at these people who call themselves religious people and look how badly they are abusing Naji, although he never abused them)

Here one another Hadith of Rasool (saw) from which we could learn a lot.

Book 41, Number 4878:

Narrated Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab:

While the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was sitting with some of his companions, a man reviled AbuBakr and insulted him. But AbuBakr remained silent. He insulted him twice, but AbuBakr controlled himself. He insulted him thrice and AbuBakr took revenge on him. Then the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) got up when AbuBakr took revenge.

AbuBakr said: Were you angry with me, Apostle of Allah?

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down.


Rasool (saw) said to look what is said and not who is saying

4th Rashid Caliph, Ali Ibn Abi Talib reported that RAsool (saw) told him when it comes to doing Justice with any one, then just Look what has been said, and not who is saying. This is a Universal Rule, to which even all Non-Muslims Thinkers also came without Divine Guidance and they introduced these Standards in their Courts and in their Life. But very unfortunate that neither the "Divine" Guidance nor the "AQL" was able to bring these Religious Fanatics to the right path.

Naji Sahib brings very strong Arguments against these Religious Fanatics and their Fitna which spread in Pakistan. These people are totally unable to answer the Arguments of Naji Sahib against them, and their only practice is to start making Personal Attacks on Naji Sahib instead of answering his Arguments against them (i.e. the Religious Fanatics)

Now this AUDIO Recording is the Weapon in hands of these Religious Fanatics in order to stick to their Misguidance and refuse any argumentation. Their lame FATWA is it is Haram to read the articles of Naji Sahib and those who read them are also Qadiyanies blah blah blah.

For sure, anger is a weakness of Human Nature, but this is absolutely Fitna by these so-called Religious People to deny Naji Sahib his Rights, which has been given to him by ALLAH as human being.

Difference between ANGELS and Human Beings (i.e. Human Beings may make Mistake)

Allah (swt) knows that it is Human Nature to become angry. Therefore one should try his best to not to become angry.

1. Prophets of Allah are PROTECTED ones by Allah Himself.
But Hadhrat Musa (as) used to get angry quickly. As he hold the beard of Hadhrat Haroon (as) and slapped the Angel of Death.

2. Sahaba Karam also became some times angry with each other and there were small clashes among them.

We have to learn that Prophets and Sahaba were much much better Human Beings than us or Naji Sahib or any one else normal Person. But lesson is this if such high ranking personalities could also not control over themselves in anger some times, then how could we expect with Normal people like us and Naji Sahib to be "Sinnless" and "Innocent" like ANGELS? And if Naji Sahib has made a mistake in Anger, then is it really a "JUSTICE" from these Religious Fanatics to come up with all these types of FATWAS against him and declare it to be Haram to read his Articles?

Here One Example of Human Anger among Ummhaat-ul-Momineen.

Sahih Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 47, Number 755
(Online Link: ... h/bukhari/

Narrated 'Urwa from 'Aisha:

The wives of Allah's Apostle were in two groups. One group consisted of 'Aisha, Hafsa, Safiyya and Sauda; and the other group consisted of Um Salama and the other wives of Allah's Apostle. The Muslims knew that Allah's Apostle loved 'Aisha, so if any of them had a gift and wished to give to Allah's Apostle, he would delay it, till Allah's Apostle had come to 'Aisha's home and then he would send his gift to Allah's Apostle in her home. The group of Um Salama discussed the matter together and decided that Um Salama should request Allah's Apostle to tell the people to send their gifts to him in whatever wife's house he was. Um Salama told Allah's Apostle of what they had said, but he did not reply. Then they (those wives) asked Um Salama about it. She said, "He did not say anything to me." They asked her to talk to him again. She talked to him again when she met him on her day, but he gave no reply. When they asked her, she replied that he had given no reply. They said to her, "Talk to him till he gives you a reply." When it was her turn, she talked to him again. He then said to her, "Do not hurt me regarding Aisha, as the Divine Inspirations do not come to me on any of the beds except that of Aisha." On that Um Salama said, "I repent to Allah for hurting you." Then the group of Um Salama called Fatima, the daughter of Allah's Apostle and sent her to Allah's Apostle to say to him, "Your wives request to treat them and the daughter of Abu Bakr on equal terms." Then Fatima conveyed the message to him. The Prophet said, "O my daughter! Don't you love whom I love?" She replied in the affirmative and returned and told them of the situation. They requested her to go to him again but she refused. They then sent Zainab bint Jahsh who went to him and used harsh words saying, "Your wives request you to treat them and the daughter of Ibn Abu Quhafa on equal terms." On that she raised her voice and abused 'Aisha to her face so much so that Allah's Apostle looked at 'Aisha to see whether she would retort. 'Aisha started replying to Zainab till she silenced her. The Prophet then looked at 'Aisha and said, "She is really the daughter of Abu Bakr."

Here we have a lesson that although Umahaatul Momineen are much more higher than us (normal human beings), but still under Human Nature they made the mistake of coming into Anger.
But does it mean we now stop accepting the Words of Hadhrat Aisha while she once used harsh Words?
If this is not the STANDARDS for Hadhrat Aisha, then question is why these Extremist Religious Fanatics are using it upon Naji Sahib today? This shows the MUNAFIQAT and DOUBLE STANDARDS of these Religious Fanatics and their True Ugly Face comes in light behind the curtain of Religious veils.

We demand only Justice.

If Naji Sahib abused some one unjustly, then we condemn it and in reply he could also abuse Naji Sahib Once. But when these Religious Fanatics come up with their Double Standards, and trying to become Allah themselves by making some extra Sharia Laws for Naji Sahib, then they are cursed and their Munafiqat could not be neglected and we could not let them to do injustice to any Soul which is created by Allah. Insha-Allah.


there is no obligation that everyone should not read his articles..but i chose not to read his articles by my own choice and i know many people and there will b many more who think the same. the foul language he used created an environment of mistrust. usually people follow or listen to those people whom they consider better than themselves in that particular field. and after hearing that interview there is no honor left for him. People who r senseless and consider themselves superior to everyone r disgusting. and quite frankly he seemed drunk in those phonecalls (i cant b sure about that).
and moreover he never apologized as though whatever he said or did was perfectly alright. atleast he should appologize openly for his arrogant behaviour bcz its not only between him and the interviewer anymore..every pakistani is aware of this incident and there is a massive sense of hatered developing for him. i say this cz i see, i hear people talking daily about such stuff.


Minister (2k+ posts)
zainabia said:
The Religious Extremist Fanatics on discussion forums are coming with all types of bad words against Naji Sahib now-a-days. E.g.

Chill down sister....
Look how you started your post by acusations. If you want to explain something, do it in a good manner rather than painting everyone with whom u have difference as "Religious Extremist Fanatics".
If you use words like these then there is no difference between u and the other party.
Later on in the post you have quoted Hadith which is a very good thing, but a bad start of the post will ruin all ur good efforts. Hope you got that point :idea:
I dont know what do you want to prove by this post. Any way cool down there nothing haram to read his article. But as u mention in your talk that Naji was angry thats why because of nature he abuse so thats the same case here why u burning they all are angry on his attitude and according to you this right Allah also given to them and he is also Gaffor and Raheem for them as he is for Naji. There is no FATAWA given by any Muslim scholar. Yes whatever he write is against the muslims if you like him come with his article and talk about it do not use your energy with these kind of things. I don't know he is Qadyani or Khenzeer but what he write i personally not agree with him, he is a paid employee of some agencies. You mention so many times about FATAWA so please give us the link of what FATAWA you are talking about the link you have given is not a FATAWA its just a discussion of those anger people and they are also not angles they also human and that difference goes to them as well.
Rasool (saw) said to look what is said and not who is saying
4th Rashid Caliph, Ali Ibn Abi Talib reported that RAsool (saw) told him when it comes to doing Justice with any one, then just Look what has been said, and not who is saying.
Although you haven't reference this narration of Hazrat Ali but i hope its right. I really doubt on your sense of humor after reading this because i guess u didnt see or understands this narration is clearly saying "WHEN IT COMES TO DOING JUSTICE" Not all the times it means when it comes in the court of justice not look their religion their tribes their color do not differentiate among people when they come in court of justice do not give relief to Muslims against their crime and do not punish any non-muslim for nothing just because he/she is not Muslims or because of any other difference listen and do according to the law. Islam says before you talk about anything or spread your message look in to your own self do you implement that on your own self. I hope all of us know very well about the event of prophet S.A.W and the child whose mother came and ask Prophet to advise him not eat ?? and prophet ask her to come tmr because he was having it that time. So in Islam it is very important who is saying. So do not juggle the words according to your own purpose because using Quran and hadit for own purpose this is Munafiqat and jahalat. And for your kind Information all the Imams were Extremist and fundamentalist. Your are speaking rubbish just because you are not aware of fundamentals of Islam every muslim who perform all the fundamentals of Islam is a fundamentalist come out from the rubbish thinking of this western media. Then You talked about the penalty of Sharia if someone abuse other muslim

Islam doesn't leave all the things on Fatwas of Fanatic Jahil Molvies, but Allah (saw) Himself revealed the Islamic Sharia and it's Rules.
give your definition for jahil and intelligent mullas first so according to you we can differentiate among them otherwise i am afraid that you will put Imam Abu Hanifa in this list. No doubt that Allah himself revealed the Core Islamic Sharia himself but the Quran Tafseer, hadith, Fiq, Ijma Qiyaas means the whole constitution of Islam has been develop by these mullah's otherwise i dont think so that your Naji is able to describe a single world of Quran these Mullah's has been worked since centuries to give you this peace of cake so today you come and put hadith according to your own desire. Your Nazie Naji and Hasan Nisar and many A$$holes illiterate comes everyday and say "Allah says in Quran La Ikraha Fiddin " "Deen main Zabar dasti nahen." Agree totally agree but all jahil dose not know the contexts of this, this is not applicable on the muslims who already embraced Islam. if you apply this on Muslims then there is no need for any law of Deen main jabr nahen go and do what ever you want to do why then this SHARIA when Deen main jabr nahen. Why Abu Bakar did first Jihad against the muslims after the death of prophet who not paid zakah If Deen main jabr nahen???? So please go and read carefully. I have objection with your statement of haram no absolutely its not Haram and not a single authentic scholar has given fatwa about this issue. Why you gave so much importance to this few people discussion i dont know one side you saying Naji is human he is not angle he can get angry so they are also angry let them express their anger. But do not put Quran and hadit in wrong context. And whatever Naji wrote since last 40 years it didnt effect anyone except every time he exposed himself. "WATU EZZO MANTASHAO, WATU ZILLU MANTASHA."


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
khalid100 said:
zainabia said:
The Religious Extremist Fanatics on discussion forums are coming with all types of bad words against Naji Sahib now-a-days. E.g.

Chill down sister....
Look how you started your post by acusations. If you want to explain something, do it in a good manner rather than painting everyone with whom u have difference as "Religious Extremist Fanatics".
If you use words like these then there is no difference between u and the other party.
Later on in the post you have quoted Hadith which is a very good thing, but a bad start of the post will ruin all ur good efforts. Hope you got that point :idea:

Thanks brother Khalid100 for the polite Advice.

After experiences, I came to this conclusion that Respect belongs only to "REAL" Ulama. While showing any kind of Respect, or not unveiling the today's so called Religious Seeing Extremists is the biggest Crime against Islam, Real Ulama and against Humanity.

These Extremists have to be identified as Extremist FAnatics and deserve Absolutely no mercy while it is suicidal to let them play under the veil of Islam, otherwise it would be Islam which will get the most damage itself.

And remember, these are the people (i.e. the Taliban Supporters) who started blaming any one who opposed their Fanatic Ideas and Ideology as "LIBERAL Fascists". They are the ZALIMEEN and it is very necessary to deal them as Zalimeen and not with respect and not to let them sit on the chair which is reserved only for the TRUE Ulama and Fuqaha of Islam.

Was Salam.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
HussainTalha said:
I dont know what do you want to prove by this post. Any way cool down there nothing haram to read his article

Talha, open your eyes. You know very well that I have proved the MUNAFIQAT and DOUBLE STANDARDS and LIES and TUHMATAIN of the so called Extremist Fanatics against Nazir Naji.

You have yourself mentioned and accepted in the same sentence the thing which I proved i.e. ".... Any way cool down there nothing haram to read his article". How come that you still asking the same Question while you already knew it and mentioned it here what I proved?

My question to you:

- Your brothers in Fanaticism and extremism constantly used "DOUBLE STANDARDS" and "WRONG TUHMAT" of drinking etc., but you not even a single time stopped them? And now when I am showing them the Truth, then you still dare to ask what I want to prove?

HussainTalha said:
give your definition for jahil and intelligent mullas first so according to you we can differentiate among them otherwise i am afraid that you will put Imam Abu Hanifa in this list

Give me a break please. You know very well Taliban and Religious Extremists have nothing to do with Respectable Ulama and Faqaha of Islam and the Cruel and Satanic Jahil Version of Taliban has to do nothing either with pious Ulama and Fuqaha or Islam itself. The Jahil Talibani Mullahs are those who slaughter the heads of People in name of Islam and then cut their bodies into pieces. The Jahil Mullah are those who are brain washing innocents for Suicide bombings. There is a long long list and no body could ever err in this Jahil Mullah and Real Islam given his heart has not turned blind.

And in our Case these are the Jahil Extremist Religious Fanatics who are coming up with different types of TUHMATS against Naji without any proof like his Drinking, his being Qadiyani, and with claims it is Haram to read his articles and any one who read them is also a Qadiyani himself and Qadiyani supporter blah blah blah. You are not a child to not to understand these simple things which I wrote above, but you want to indulge in useless BEHAS.

HussainTalha said:
Although you haven't reference this narration of Hazrat Ali but i hope its right.
I read it several times in Articles written by many people, and I am sure you would have also read it before. Many sayings of Rasool (saw) and other good Quotations are given without complete References, but they are not rejected.
Even if there exist no Reference, still we could not Reject this good Advice as "Hikmah is the Gumshuda ????? Miraas of Momin, and wherever One finds it, one should take it". Be it China or be it West.

Only religious "ILM" is not enough, but "ILM" with "AQL and Justice" will get the Salvation, otherwise SATAN was also very knowledgeable, but he was devoid of doing the Justice and thus indulge in TAKKABBUR. The "ILM" of these Jahil Taliban Extremist Fanatics is no useful to them while their FITNA is AZEEM.

Nazir Naji is a Senior Journalist for the last 50 years and a Specialist in affairs of Pakistan. He may be wrong in one thing or another, but such things should be confronted with Logic and Argument, and not with Abusive Language (which he is accused of) and false TUHMATS of drinking and it's being Haram to read his Articles and he is Qadiyani himself and Qadiyani Supporter blah blah blah.
So, if you disagree with him in "La Ikraho fi Din" then prove him wrong with arguments in this POINT, but when he is writing the TRUTH about Taliban and their barbarism and killings and suicide bombings and their Fitna, then you have no right to deny the Truth he wrote solely on bases that he was wrong on one another Issue.


HussainTalha said:
The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The gravest sin is going to lengths in talking unjustly against a Muslim's honour, and it is a major sin to abuse twice for abusing once.
I guess you really not know what Sharia is. This narration is talking about the greatest sin not the penalty of this sin. Sharia is a rule of Islam which Muslim will apply in their lives such as if you will have illegal relationship, if you will kill someone the punishment of your crime and solutions of other worldly matters is called Sharia. And in this narration i cant see the penalty it is just warning you that if someone use harsh words for you do not reply him harshly too otherwise you will do the bigger sin but this is not saying about the penalty of the sin.

I don't want to start on new topic.

But you are so wrong on this Issue and TWISTED the Hadith according to your own wishes.

So, bring your PROOF and tell us WHAT IS THE SHARI PENALTY THEN, if you are really truthful. I am waiting for the Proofs from Quran and Sunnah.

And here once again the Other Riwayat which I quoted above, which HussainTalha all together neglected while he wanted to twist the first Hadith of Rasool.

Book 41, Number 4878:

Narrated Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab:

While the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was sitting with some of his companions, a man reviled AbuBakr and insulted him. But AbuBakr remained silent. He insulted him twice, but AbuBakr controlled himself. He insulted him thrice and AbuBakr took revenge on him. Then the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) got up when AbuBakr took revenge.

AbuBakr said: Were you angry with me, Apostle of Allah?

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down.

These 2 Ahadith should be enough who want to know the Truth and I need not to comment further as this is out of our Present Topic.
I dont know whats your problem is i guess you have a phobia of Nazir Naji that s all. He not write something we don't know and might be you don't know but u seriously need some doctor for medication. I have not pointed about this man Naji or i have written anything about Taliban i dont know why have you putted about them i have said nothing about their behavior or i said that they are Aalim or Mullah. Actually do you know whats your problem. Your serious problem is that you are a product of this stupid media where president, PM, CM, Host and every one knows few words and keep repeat it thats all and same i could find in your whole topic "Fanatics Mullah " try something else some where. I pointed out only few questions regarding your quotations and talk about Mullah. Listen madam at one side you stupid call Talibans Muslim Extremist and at other side you call they are not muslim actually you all are just confused and nothing. When someone is not muslim then how can he become muslim extremist , you have not given a single answer of my questions you just written rubbish again things which i have not talked you replied me all that. Listen miss I myself do not consider that Taliban are Muslims they are just a agent of America and India and Israel. I am just talking about the Aalims of my Deen Islam m not talking about any columnist because i have hundreds of Muslims scholars who speak about all the things which your naji nvr speak about. He say that this is unfair to recognize Qadiyani as non-muslims they are just an other of school of Muslims means that qadiyani is an other "FIRQA" of Muslims thats why many people consider him as Qadiyani. I have not twist any quot it is you who twist and when i asked you just start shouting just things which i even didnt touch. I already said in the beginning that there is no problem to read him and then i focus on the real things which i doubt. Give me your Definition of Extremist first. According to Oxford Dictionary
"a person who holds extreme political or religious views" and they have putted religious late on if you go to these different links you will see only politics.
According to Answer.Com
"One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics."
According to free dictionary
" One who advocates or resorts to measures beyond the norm, especially in politics.".
According to Dictionary.Com
"1. a person who goes to extremes, esp. in political matters.
2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.
According to yourDictionary.Com
"the quality or state of going to extremes, esp. the extreme right or extreme left in politics"
According to
"1. a person who goes to extremes, esp. in political matters.
2. a supporter or advocate of extreme doctrines or practices.

Here is all the referenced links.

I dont think so that this word now even suits for this context you people are using it. This word dose not use for the religious matters. Please for God sake stop this blind Pursuance of this west.

And i asked you about the twist that you have played in your writing.

Rasool (saw) said to look what is said and not who is saying
4th Rashid Caliph, Ali Ibn Abi Talib reported that RAsool (saw) told him when it comes to doing Justice with any one, then just Look what has been said, and not who is saying.

And this is what I said

Although you haven't reference this narration of Hazrat Ali but i hope its right. I really doubt on your sense of humor after reading this because i guess u didnt see or understands this narration is clearly saying "WHEN IT COMES TO DOING JUSTICE" Not all the times it means when it comes in the court of justice not look their religion their tribes their color do not differentiate among people when they come in court of justice do not give relief to Muslims against their crime and do not punish any non-muslim for nothing just because he/she is not Muslims or because of any other difference listen and do according to the law. Islam says before you talk about anything or spread your message look in to your own self do you implement that on your own self. I hope all of us know very well about the event of prophet S.A.W and the child whose mother came and ask Prophet to advise him not eat ?? and prophet ask her to come tmr because he was having it that time. So in Islam it is very important who is saying. So do not juggle the words according to your own purpose because using Quran and hadit for own purpose this is Munafiqat and jahalat. And for your kind Information all the Imams were Extremist and fundamentalist. Your are speaking rubbish just because you are not aware of fundamentals of Islam every muslim who perform all the fundamentals of Islam is a fundamentalist come out from the rubbish thinking of this western media. Then You talked about the penalty of Sharia if someone abuse other muslim

I accept my mistake for this narration:

The Prophet (peace_be_upon_him) said: The gravest sin is going to lengths in talking unjustly against a Muslim's honour, and it is a major sin to abuse twice for abusing once.

I accept that i looked it in a different context which is not your context. i talked about the sharia rules which apply in this world and this will apply in AKHIRAH. But i am sorry that i realize i shouldn't put this here so i am removing and i apologize for that.

Regarding this
so i just want to tell you that i have nothing find in it to point out and i am agree with this so why should i reply anything about this i have not neglected anything.

Book 41, Number 4878:

Narrated Sa'id ibn al-Musayyab:

While the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) was sitting with some of his companions, a man reviled AbuBakr and insulted him. But AbuBakr remained silent. He insulted him twice, but AbuBakr controlled himself. He insulted him thrice and AbuBakr took revenge on him. Then the Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) got up when AbuBakr took revenge.

AbuBakr said: Were you angry with me, Apostle of Allah?

The Apostle of Allah (peace_be_upon_him) replied: An angel came down from Heaven and he was rejecting what he had said to you. When you took revenge, a devil came down. I was not going to sit when the devil came down.

I asked you about the FATAWA actually about which you are talking here but you haven not provided any FATAWA. So please first give us that document about which you have posted all this.
I have no problem with this Naji but i dont know why he dont write truth about India, Why he not write truth about the America, I have not seen any writing of him against the Israel during the invasion of GHAZA, Why not sometimes he show the dirty face of America what he has done in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and why not he write about the involvement of America in Pakistan why not he write about taliban that they are using NATO weapons the supply comes from Afghanistan. When he will only one side of picture, when he will only speaks the words of Pakistan's enemies of course we will doubt about his character. Your have given nothing to prove his hidden character.
Where you tried many things i will only like to tell one thing that there were many MUNAFIQS who perform salat behind the prophet under his leadership but in real they hide their idols under their arms and then one day Allah shows their face to the world.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First of all we have to once again understand that this thread is only about the Issue of One Incident of Naji Sahib and all the FALSE Accusations which have been made by his Opponents.

So, if you agree with me that this one incident doesn't mean that he is Evil from Head to foot and on bases of this not such false Accusations be made that he was DRUNK or Qadiyani or Qadiyani Supporter blah blah blah, then the matter is solved.

Regarding other Issues like he didn't write against US or others, then please open up new thread. [by the way his focus is mainly Internal Problems and there is no SIN if he has not written about other things and he could not be accused of these things. Just look at your own self first, HAVE you condemned the Relgious Fanatics here who were accusing Naji for being DRUNKED and other things?]

And I wonder why you are asking me for Fatwa. You have to ask these Religious Fanatics from where do they come up with stuff like fatwas of Suicide Bombing is Halal, making mosques upon usurped land is Halal, accusing others for being drunk is Halal, declaring reading of articles of others is Haram and others being Qadiyani etc. I already gave you the link where these Religious Fanatics have made these accusations. Now please go and ask them.

And by the way if you are not an Religious Fanatic and belong to Real that Islam which is True and Human Loving, then off course you are not included in the List of Fanatic Extremists. It is same we are not America Supporters but known as Liberal Fascists by people like Hamid Mir and Ansar Abbasi and other Right Wing Media thugs while we only Oppose the Talibani Fitna and want it to be destroyed before it cause more damage.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
By the way, much of your Objections, which were based only one WRONG Conjecture from your side, have been answered in the following Article of Naji Sahib (like his being sell out to US and never writing against it etc.)

I am sorry to post it here. If you want then we could open a new thread and discuss it in details.
