Atheist: I do not believe there is a god(s) or no gods(s)
Agnostic: I believe that it can never be known whether a God(s) exist
Theist: I believe that a God(s) exist
Both Agnosticism and Theism are on the same spectrum as they are both claims/belief. Whereas Atheism is a position of disbelief or rejection of belief. Hamza is either misinformed or being dishonest by comparing agnosticism to atheism.
Atheism is not a religion or belief system. Like in an election you have Liberals and Conservatives and then you have the undecidied. So you have Muslims and Christians and then you have Atheists.
Its dumb to put atheist in one category and try to debunk them because its not a group but rather many different people who dont take religion as serious due to many different reasons.