"Haan Mai Mujrim Houn" - Marvi Sirmid defends her stance against Nazriya'e Pakistan


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)



Senator (1k+ posts)
I didn't care to read the whole article . I thought it would be a video . I did read the first line ... ye gaali galoch ki baat kar rahi hai ? Ye jab bhi kisi show main bethi hai ... apnay say ikhtalaaf karnay waalay kay sath itni hiqarat say baat ki hai is nay kay agar main us show main betha hota tau iska mu noch leta . there is a thing called " dialogue" ... then there is a thing called " LINE " ... no one and I mean NO ONE , NO COUNTRY would allow her to deny the faith , masses of that country beleive in , she has crossed that line .
On a show last night she said " if two adults are involved in homosexuality , that is no sin " . I mean , obviously she doesn't beleive in Islam .. she denys Qur'an . Why dialogue with her then .
She is more than welcome to start her own religion and preach people in her own facility ... but by bringing her on tv shows and let her tarnish image of a known fact that was freed for Muslim majority with other religious minorities BUT was and still is ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF PAKISTAN.
She refused to accept the 2 nation theory ...fine... obviously if she is working on Indian agenda , she is gonna say that and people tried talking sense into her with dialogue .. but for Allah and the faith we follow , we have to listen to this garbage in the name of democracy ? That's BULL S-H-I-T .
I say let her swim back to India ... and send a note " Thank you for trying out your product but it's too filthy and contains contageous aids like disease for our markets" ;)

. Maha

i m fan of marvi sirmed....she is right..u ppl dont have tolerance..so start to cry.

garry , you are making a mistake . U need to understand for what Pakistan was meant for ..........

let me put this way , its just about mutilating the fact. I don't agree with POLYGAMY . It is immoral. In Quran it is mentioned that marry more than one woman only if you can be just with them. Secondly , If you should , prefer orphans or widows............. But people dont .......

What she says is ,

1-Homosexuality should be allowed .......

2-She says that every one should have total freedom...........

But she doesn't say anything regarding ban on veil in Belgium , France ... WHy???????????????

I wont call her indian agent , I would call her pro american..... Musharaf's girl.

Remember , Americans have special funds for Paki Media to promote enlightenment.....


garry , you are making a mistake . U need to understand for what Pakistan was meant for ..........

let me put this way , its just about mutilating the fact. I don't agree with POLYGAMY . It is immoral. In Quran it is mentioned that marry more than one woman only if you can be just with them. Secondly , If you should , prefer orphans or widows............. But people dont .......

What she says is ,

1-Homosexuality should be allowed .......

2-She says that every one should have total freedom...........

But she doesn't say anything regarding ban on veil in Belgium , France ... WHy???????????????

I wont call her indian agent , I would call her pro american..... Musharaf's girl.

Remember , Americans have special funds for Paki Media to promote enlightenment.....

again the question is of religious tolerance..i dont know too much abt her but just heard her 1-2 times.
1)regarding to homo's..homo's are present from thousand of years not from now..if some body is fully intersted then u cant stop him or her...
2)its good to have total freedom with the acceptance of society...

according to me..the problem with u ppl is that u bring religion every time even songs to listen ,movies to watch...bla bla.......
this gives chance to others to comment..well,u know better!!!

but she wants secular pakistan which u dont accept due to two nation theory...again religion comes here...so here comes clashes.

i dont want to comment more coz mods dont allow me to talk on religion etc..so here was my case,i hope u got it.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
She needs to write hundreds of more such columns in urdu to get her point across our text books-educated young generation. She can be more assertive if she stops using terms 'Secularism' and 'Liberalism' which have been demonized brutally by our so called liberal, secular, corrupt 2% elite class and mullahs. Just describe ur objectives (without such terms)and u will see overwhelming majority of Pakistan wants the same and is with u unequivocally.

Real tragedy of Pakistan is that real Muslims started calling themselves 'Secular and Liberal' and left the title of Muslim on the platter for blood sucking zombies aka fassadi mullahs+their blind supporters. What a grand stupidity by these secular and liberal Muslims! I want to kick the s h i t out of them so badly:smashfreakB::smashfreakB::smashfreakB:.

. Maha

again the question is of religious tolerance..i dont know too much abt her but just heard her 1-2 times.
1)regarding to homo's..homo's are present from thousand of years not from now..if some body is fully intersted then u cant stop him or her...
2)its good to have total freedom with the acceptance of society...

according to me..the problem with u ppl is that u bring religion every time even songs to listen ,movies to watch...bla bla.......
this gives chance to others to comment..well,u know better!!!

but she wants secular pakistan which u dont accept due to two nation theory...again religion comes here...so here comes clashes.

i dont want to comment more coz mods dont allow me to talk on religion etc..so here was my case,i hope u got it.

My brother told me of remarks of an indian regarding him . Even that indian , I don't know his exact name , gave the best exact core definition of 2nation theory.


My point is , I can make u understand i your own terms , do u remember how church strictly used to control the people and their lives in Europe?

THe hold a brahman pandit has over whole village in far distant village in India????

Its not the religion , its the people ,

When Caliph Umar r.a entered Jerulsealum , not a single man was killed .
[h=1]Godfrey of Bouillon entered the city in 1009 I think , so much Muslim blood was shed that streets were full of blood , even reins of horses drenched in human blood. When Saladin again gained the city , no man was slaughtered with in city walls........................................[/h]my bro says , it not the religion , it is the people...................................


My brother told me of remarks of an indian regarding him . Even that indian , I don't know his exact name , gave the best exact core definition of 2nation theory.


My point is , I can make u understand i your own terms , do u remember how church strictly used to control the people and their lives in Europe?

THe hold a brahman pandit has over whole village in far distant village in India????

Its not the religion , its the people ,

When Caliph Umar r.a entered Jerulsealum , not a single man was killed .
Godfrey of Bouillon entered the city in 1009 I think , so much Muslim blood was shed that streets were full of blood , even reins of horses drenched in human blood. When Saladin again gained the city , no man was slaughtered with in city walls........................................

my bro says , it not the religion , it is the people...................................

of course people who mis interpret religion and explain fabricated lies to followers....i agree with u...i forgot to mention this point.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Marvi is right.She should continue her efforts to teach the illiterate people of this so called Islamic country,
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Senator (1k+ posts)
by Abdul Qadar Hassan
یہ وہ لوگ ہیں جو 1971 تک لال قلعے پر جھنڈا گاڑنے کیلئے بے تاب رہتے تھے۔گلے پھاڑ پھاڑ کر چلاتے تھے "چلو چلو دلّی چلو"۔پھر کرنا خدا کا یوں ہوا کہ جھنڈا کہیں اور گڑگیا اور دلّی خود یہاں پر آگئی۔مگر مجال ہے جو یہ اندھے بہرے لوگ ذرا شرمندہ ہوئے ہوں۔رسی جل گئی مگر بل نہیں گئے۔
اوریا،صفدر،ہارون رشید یا یہ صاحب ان سب کا تعلق قبیلہ "قصہ گو"سے ہے۔یہ لوگ حکایات و روایات کے سہارے ہی روٹیاں سیدھی کر رہے ہیں۔دماغ تو کام کرتا نہیں ۔جناح صاحب میں خلفأ راشدین کا عکس دیکھتے ہیں محترمین۔

کوئی بتلاؤ کہ ہم بتلایئں کیا۔


Minister (2k+ posts)
marvi is right.she should continue her efforts to teach the illiterate people of this so called islamic country,
so what did you learned from her.
Are you really made of stone, garry really likes your comments.:p


Voter (50+ posts)
I can`t imagine why would anyone want to deny two nation theory after so many years???? Pakistan`s fate is to be a theocratic state like Iran or maybe Afghanistan under the Taliban. To fellow Indian posters--- Why do u need to secularize pakis???? A true Muslim can never be secular. Islam and secularism are mutually exclusive concepts. Its in India`s best interest that pakistan turns into such a state, would be easier to deal with them and the whole world including US and China shall stand by us. We should rather concentrate on our own Muslim problem, envisage a final solution for them and work towards a Hindu Republic of India.
My two proposals--- exchange Kashmir with Pakistan in return of all muslims(every single one of them) migrating to Pakistan.
Give up our North East to Bangladesh, in return for muslim migration, maybe we can create a new country for them in the north east.
Both these areas are troublesome areas for us neways. Losing 160 million people and insurgency hit areas would free up so many resources for us, and the can be used to assist the weaker sections of the Hindu society, thus ending this maoist mess as well.


Senator (1k+ posts)
I can`t imagine why would anyone want to deny two nation theory after so many years???? Pakistan`s fate is to be a theocratic state like Iran or maybe Afghanistan under the Taliban. To fellow Indian posters--- Why do u need to secularize pakis???? A true Muslim can never be secular. Islam and secularism are mutually exclusive concepts. Its in India`s best interest that pakistan turns into such a state, would be easier to deal with them and the whole world including US and China shall stand by us. We should rather concentrate on our own Muslim problem, envisage a final solution for them and work towards a Hindu Republic of India.
My two proposals--- exchange Kashmir with Pakistan in return of all muslims(every single one of them) migrating to Pakistan.
Give up our North East to Bangladesh, in return for muslim migration, maybe we can create a new country for them in the north east.
Both these areas are troublesome areas for us neways. Losing 160 million people and insurgency hit areas would free up so many resources for us, and the can be used to assist the weaker sections of the Hindu society, thus ending this maoist mess as well.

Don't waste your energy.First learn the meanings of "secular".


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Real definitions of some important terms and their Pakistani meanings

Real definition:
Separation of religion and state. So that followers of majority religion or sect dont oppress and subjugate minorities. State should make it possible that every citizen has complete freedom of religion and enjoys equal rights. State cant discriminate among its citizens on the basis of religion. Forget about non muslim minorities, just look at Iran and KSA where rights of minority muslim sects are violated.

Pakistani definition:
Godlessness! Atheism and Satan-worshiping will be promoted by government. Practicing Muslims will be mocked and persecuted by a secular govt. No Muslim will be allowed to follow his/her religion. Mosques will be closed down etc etc.

Real definition:
Personal freedom, Equal rights to all citizens, Supremacy of Law and Constitution, True Democracy, Free and fair Elections, Human Rights, Capitalism and Free Trade, Freedom of Religion.

Pakistani definition:
Nudity, Promotion of prostitution, Obscenity, Public sex, Alcohol consumption, Homosexuality and corruption will be encouraged. Burqa, Hijab, Beards, Prayers, Fasting, Hajj and other religious symbols and signs will be banned. State will not sit still until all the heterosexual population is converted into homosexuals. Mujras and dance parties will be held at every corner of pakistan and women will be fined who will refuse to dance. Public orgies will be a norm.

Two Nation Theory
Real definition:
There were two nations in Pre-1947 India and founders of pakistan thought that due to religious intolerance and animosity among muslims and Hindus, rights of minority Muslims will not be protected. Therefore it is prudent to ask for a separate country for muslims to better protect their rights. After formation of Pakistan and employing democracy as state system, it automatically loses its importance and necessity. Now we are a democracy where every citizen is equal before the state and has equal rights.

Pakistani definition:
Nobody knows what it is or what for it is, however every one believes that...
Ditching 2 nation theory means, Pakistan is incorporated back into India, we lose our sovereignty, overnight we lose our religion and become a Godless nation.

Now i have one question to ask from Marvi and her ilk: Why the hell do u have to use these terms??? I mean why u insist on using and discussing these terms when majority even does not know the real meanings of these terms? I wish majority of Pakistanis had enjoyed the same costly schooling as u have enjoyed, instead of messed up govt schooling, its hypocrite curriculum and zombie factories. Why Marvi, Why??????
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Voter (50+ posts)
Mr Baig, learn the meaning of being Muslim and Islam first, a true muslim who believes in shariah can never be secular, nor can a true islamic state be secular. Islam and shariah governs any system of governance in an islamic state, so how would separation of religion and the state happen in the first place. U cant have it both ways in Islam.
