Different account IBAN numbers for prime minister COVID relief fund??


Voter (50+ posts)

I wanted to contribute to the prime ministers relief fund and searched up the account details to which I can transfer the money, but I found different account IBAN numbers on different websites, all official gov.pk websites

Here is the official NBP site, https://www.nbp.com.pk/COVIDFUND/index.aspx but they put the account details in image, I could not copy it =/

so I searched for it and found the additional two websites:

The IBANs are different, which one to use, the NBP ones or the ones mentioned in the above two websites?



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

I wanted to contribute to the prime ministers relief fund and searched up the account details to which I can transfer the money, but I found different account IBAN numbers on different websites, all official gov.pk websites

Here is the official NBP site, https://www.nbp.com.pk/COVIDFUND/index.aspx but they put the account details in image, I could not copy it =/

so I searched for it and found the additional two websites:

The IBANs are different, which one to use, the NBP ones or the ones mentioned in the above two websites?


NBP wala confirmed


Minister (2k+ posts)
what is authenticity of those accounts nobody knows. No audit report yet for Dam fool funds.


I wanted to contribute to the prime ministers relief fund and searched up the account details to which I can transfer the money, but I found different account IBAN numbers on different websites, all official gov.pk websites

Here is the official NBP site, https://www.nbp.com.pk/COVIDFUND/index.aspx but they put the account details in image, I could not copy it =/
What is the transparency of those funds so far. No audit reports of Dam fund? who knows how much management exp and what really be spent. I would recommend to use local NGO working in your area. Your relatives and neighbors are more deserving people then others come after.

so I searched for it and found the additional two websites:

The IBANs are different, which one to use, the NBP ones or the ones mentioned in the above two websites?

