Dalit Delegation Visits Pakistan Asks for Justice Against India - A lesson for Muslims of India


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
India is a loosely held union of states, surviving on the basis of extreme poverty, illiteracy, and oppression. Satanic and Evil forces' nexus is making teeth sweating efforts to dismember Pakistan, and still they have not achieved their evil goal. Only 1/100 part of such efforts shall obliterate India as a treacherous state from the face of the earth. So don't get surprised Bro. We should support the oppressed Dalits, Shooders, and other downtrodden ones in India.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Indian culture is based on racial and religious discrimination. Their own hindu fellows are discriminated by their own. After fall of apartheid Indian is the only state left with such sub-human values. But it wouldnt be easy to remove this cancer from the face of the planet since this discrimination, sub-human and dark values are anchored in their religion as well as many other sub-human activities such as killing of baby girls, borthers marry one women, drink cow urine, pray to shivas "lingam" etc.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Hindu's by and large are not bad people but Brahmins consider themselves as the Godhead of the faith who can discriminate against the lower caste!

The caste system is to Hindu's what terrorism has become to Muslim people but Islam totally condemns the killing of innocents! On the other hand many general Hindu practises like the kumbh mela are weird to say the least.