British media gives wide coverage to Zardaris interview with French daily


LONDON, Aug 4 (APP)- The mainstream British media has given extensive coverage to President Asif Ali Zardaris interview to French newspaper Le Monde in which he stated that NATO is losing war in Afghanistan. Leading dailies such as The Daily Telegraph, The Guardian and The Independent carried the Presidents warning in a banner headlines in their international news section. The President of Pakistan has claimed that coalition forces in Afghanistan were losing the war against Taliban. Asif Ali Zardari suggested the Nato-led mission had underestimated the power of the insurgency which was strengthening its grip.
His comments are likely to be read as tit-for-tat jibe directed at David Cameron following the Prime Ministers highly controversial comments last week about Pakistan exporting terror, said Daily Telegraph.
The paper further said ,Mr Cameron remained unrepentant but the row seems certain to overshadow his private dinner with Mr.Zardari at Chequers on Thursday night and their formal meeting on Friday which could be crucial in maintaining Pakistans intelligence-sharing agreement with Britain.
Mr. Zardari told the French newspaper that coalition forces had underestimated the situation on the ground in Afghanistan. The international community to which Pakistan belongs is losing the war against the Taliban. This is above all because we have lost the battle to win the hearts and minds. The President said Taliban had no chance of regaining power but their grip is strengthening.
The Guardians headline ran: US-led war against Taliban is being lost, says Zardari. In the main story it quoted President Zardari as warning that US-led NATO coalition was losing the war in Afghanistan and should replace its mistaken approach with a long term strategy to win over the Afghan people.
The chief failures of the coalition are having underestimated the situation on the ground and not having realised the sheer size of the problem, Military reinforcements are just a small part of the answer, Mr.Zardari said.
In order to win the support of the Afghan people, we have to bring them economic development and prove to them that we not only change their lives but above improve them. The action of the international community should be focussed on the long-term. Success for the insurgents comes from knowing how to wait. Time is on their side. The whole approach seems to me to be mistaken. The people do not associate the coalitions intervention with future wellbeing.
The Independent headline was: War against the Taliban is being lost, says Zardari.
The story said: The President of Pakistan increased pressure on David Cameron as he arrived in Britain last night, claiming that the war in Afghanistan was being lost and warning against Mr.Cameron repeating his criticism of Pakistans intelligence services.
The paper also said that President also appeared to criticize Mr. Camerons warning to his country over its export of terror saying: It is unfortunate that certain individuals continue to express doubts and fears about our determination to fight militants to the end. Such fears will only weaken the international effort to fight militants and extremists.
In a second article, paper devoted a page to Bilawal Zardari Bhuttos future role as the party leader accompanied by his 1993 photograph with his late mother Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto alongside his photo with French President Nicholas Sarkozy shaking hand with President Asif Zardari.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Hey, Why wouldn't they. He is going against the whole nation aur unn ke talve bhi tu chaat raha hai


MPA (400+ posts)
they are doing this coverage becuse zaedari is so popular in international media but it is just to humiliate the pakistan


Minister (2k+ posts)
I'm not a fan of Zardari but this time I like his statement about Nato losing the war.
I think it is tit for tat answer to D.Cameron's criticism of Pakistan’s intelligence services.

sarbakaf - Blogger
I'm not a fan of Zardari but this time I like his statement about Nato losing the war.
I think it is tit for tat answer to D.Cameron's criticism of Pakistan’s intelligence services.

well zardari just made a statement never defended it never repeated it
means somone else told him to say this to atleast show some sort of resistence to british accusations

waisay bee zardari jis kay talway chaat raha hai us ko kaisay bur keh sakta hai
