great to watch one side such a respectable and highly educated person Sir.Attaurrehmen sahab and another side this ANP fool, yaar i am sorry for Pakistani educated people, Atta ur rehman sahab must be very tolerant kind of person, if i am at his place , i would simply refuse to sit beside such a fool
Zahid khan asked this stooge doctor to come out with the proof if you have done any progress in agriculture and non has any answer for that . Its a stupid thread by one stupid DUGA whose sole job is to plunder other provinces for personal gains. Once a provincial autonomy is given thereafter they got no business to control it from Islamabad.Its a provincial matter and let the provinces decide .ANP,s stupid logic against HEC
Zahid khan asked this stooge doctor to come out with the proof if you have done any progress in agriculture and non has any answer for that . Its a stupid thread by one stupid DUGA whose sole job is to plunder other provinces for personal gains. Once a provincial autonomy is given thereafter they got no business to control it from Islamabad.Its a provincial matter and let the provinces decide .
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