A reply to nooras regarding madam zahra shahid's award issue


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

پرانی عادتوں میں خرابی یہ ہوتی ھے کہ ان سے جان چھڑانا مشکل نہیں اکثر نا ممکن ہی ہوتا ھے
اور اگر نیتوں میں فتور ھو پھر یہ کوشش جان لیوا بھی ہو سکتی ہے

دربار عالیہ نورا شریف کے ملنگوں اور گڑھی خدا بخش کے مجاوروں کے ساتھ ہمیشہ یہ معاملہ رہا کہ جب بھی ان کی کرپشن ، اقربا پروری یا فراڈ کی نشاندھی کی جاۓ یہ بجاۓ اپنی صفائی دینے کے جھٹ سے جوابی الزام لگا دیتے ہیں ..ایک لحاظ سے یہ ان کے جرم کا اقرار بھی ہوتا ہے کہ جی ہم نے تو لوٹا سو لوٹا ، آپ بھی تو اسی حمام میں موجود تھے
آسان الفاظ میں اسے نورا کشتی کہتے ہیں جو ہم گزشتہ کئی دھائیوں سے دیکھتے اور محظوظ ہوتے چلے آ رہے ہیں
یہ ملنگ اور مجاور اگر آپس میں یہ کھیل کھیلتے رہتے تو ہمیں کوئی اعتراض نہیں تھا لیکن ہمیں اس سے باہر ہی رکھا جاۓ تو بہتر ہے

اس سال دیئے جانے والے ہلال امتیاز میں جب بھاڑے کے ٹٹووں یعنی قاسمی اور عرفان صدیقی کو ہلال امتیاز دینے پر اعتراض کیا گیا تو نوروں نے حسب سابق اس کا جواب دینے کی بجاۓ زہرا شاہد مرحومہ کو ملنے والے ایوارڈ کا ذکر چھیڑ دیا کہ اگر انہیں ایوارڈ مل سکتا ہے تو راۓ ونڈ کے نمک خوار قلم فروشوں کو کیوں نہیں

مختصرا عرض یہ ھے کہ محترمہ زہرا شاہد مرحومہ کو تمغہ شجاعت تحریک انصاف سے وابستگی یا ایک سیاسی کارکن کی حیثیت سے نہیں بلکہ سماجی خدمات اور تعلیم کے شعبے میں ان کی گراں قدر خدمات کی بناء پر ملا ہے . .ساٹھ کی دہائی میں لندن سکول آف اکنامکس سے ماسٹرز کرنے کے بعد وہ پندرہ بیس برس تک کراچی یونیورسٹی اور دوسرے کئی تعلیمی اداروں میں تدریس کے شعبے سے وابستہ رہیں
بعد ازاں سندھ اور بالخصوص بلوچستان کے دیہات میں طویل عرصہ تک تعلیمی اور سماجی سرگرمیوں میں مصروف کار رہیں .. تمام زندگی انہوں نے ایک سوشل ورکر کی حیثیت سے غریب اور پسے ھوے طبقات میں تعلیمی شعور لانے کے لئے وقف کی جس کا اعتراف قومی اور بین الاقوامی ادارے مختلف مواقع پر کر چکے ہیں ..ان کی انہی خدمات کے سلسلے میں انہیں بعد از مرگ یہ ایوارڈ دیا جا رہا ھے

اس ایوارڈ کی سفارش بھی خصوصی کمیٹی نے کی ھے ورنہ وڈے نورے میں اتنی جرات کہاں کہ وہ اپنے تازہ ترین سیاسی رفیق الطاف بھائی کے براہ راست احکامات پر قتل ہونے والی اس سیاسی اور سماجی کارکن کو کوئی ایوارڈ دینے کے بارے میں سوچ بھی سکے کجا کہ وہ صدر کو ان کا نام بھیجے



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
استاد جی دکان کھولو آپ کے لیے ایوارڈ تیار ہے

آج سارے آن لائن ہیں

استاد جے کیتھے او



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
PTI wale are definitely the most dumb entity of this world.

I think this is the Independence Day Special Humor post from PTI; any ways thanks for that, Khasusi committee powerful than the CM wala was a great treat.

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.
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President (40k+ posts)
PTI wale are definitely the most dumb entity of this world.

I think this is the Independence Day Special Humor post from PTI; any ways thanks for that, Khasusi committee powerful than the CM wala was a great treat.

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.

The most dumb entity is our new SELECTED PM.....

Just imagine the followers!!!!



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

The most dumb entity is our new SELECTED PM.....

Just imagine the followers!!!!

abhi aap St IK kae seher main mubtila hain, thodae arsae main seher toot jae ga phir aap ko pata chalae ga kae how dumb all PTIANs were :)



President (40k+ posts)
abhi aap St IK kae seher main mubtila hain, thodae arsae main seher toot jae ga phir aap ko pata chalae ga kae how dumb all PTIANs were :)

If PTI fails, then
will try new leadership......

Will not keep trying well tested, and FAILED politicians.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)

If PTI fails, then
will try new leadership......

Will not keep trying well tested, and FAILED politicians.

نوروں کو اس جواب کے بعد ڈوب کے مر جانا چاہیے اگر ذرا سا بھی غیرت ہو ان میں تو



Minister (2k+ posts)
PTI wale are definitely the most dumb entity of this world.

I think this is the Independence Day Special Humor post from PTI; any ways thanks for that, Khasusi committee powerful than the CM wala was a great treat.

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.

ask amir ali what is ur name ? he would reply===> its sunday today
Ask him when were u born ? he would reply===>yes Pk has 4 provinces

Ask amirali who founded pakistan?
he would reply===> i got it well founded when i came to my senses.
Ask amir ali how many days in a week?
he would reply ===> sunday,araamday,chuttyday,farighday,pk day,independence day,Eid day
Ask amir ali what day is it today?
he would reply ====> i count weeks cause day passes so quickly

the list is very long but u might have understand by his answers to these questions that he is Noora full name Bonga Noora almaaroof aqal gitthoan many wali sarkar
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MPA (400+ posts)
Solution for all Problems.....Don`t do any thing but participate in JANAZAs.......TIND te Patwari mil k aik "Janaza shirkat force " prepare kerain....PMLN has no capability to solve the problems......should we, the still living people, be satisfied that somebody wil participate in our Janaza?


IF? Firstly PTI HAS FAILED - after all its promises and the blunder of D I Khan jail break, secondly Imran Khan is not WELL TESTED and FAILED, he did not fail when he was supporting Musharaf, he did not fail when he was supporting Nawaz in 2007 and abusing the same Nawaz in election campaign, he did not even fail when he was supporting judiciary as long as it was only opening asghar khan and anti ppp cases

and btw Khattak Pariwar Khana, i.e. Teeli Pehlwan is not a well tested and failed politician, is he?

btw bull dozing the walls of CM and governor houses in KPK has been a great success story....

If PTI fails, then
will try new leadership......

Will not keep trying well tested, and FAILED politicians.


Your intellectual response enforces the image of brainless zombies a lot, keep it up :)

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.

ask amir ali what is ur name ? he would reply===> its sunday today
Ask him when were u born ? he would reply===>yes Pk has 4 provinces

Ask amirali who founded pakistan?
he would reply===> i got it well founded when i came to my senses.
Ask amir ali how many days in a week?
he would reply ===> sunday,araamday,chuttyday,farighday,pk day,independence day,Eid day
Ask amir ali what day is it today?
he would reply ====> i count weeks cause day passes so quickly

the list is very long but u might have understand by his answers to these questions that he is Noora full name Bonga Noora almaaroof aqal gitthoan many wali sarkar


Senator (1k+ posts)
chalo hum tau naye sehr mai mubtla hain. pata lag jaiga k yeh asal hay ya jhoot.

tum bad naseebon ko tau 30 saalon mai bhee akal na ayee..us ka kya karna hay mere bhai !


abhi aap St IK kae seher main mubtila hain, thodae arsae main seher toot jae ga phir aap ko pata chalae ga kae how dumb all PTIANs were :)


The most dumb entity is our new SELECTED PM.....

Just imagine the followers!!!!

This is a Jaw breaking reply. Hope it brings some sense in dumbos...

نوروں کو اس جواب کے بعد ڈوب کے مر جانا چاہیے اگر ذرا سا بھی غیرت ہو ان میں تو

Zahara Shahid was Killed, how many top PTI leaders attended the Janaza, Two MPA were slained in KPK where was the top leadership, 14 Aug Flag hoisting ceremony, where was the PTI's CM.

ask amir ali what is ur name ? he would reply===> its sunday today
Ask him when were u born ? he would reply===>yes Pk has 4 provinces

Ask amirali who founded pakistan?
he would reply===> i got it well founded when i came to my senses.
Ask amir ali how many days in a week?
he would reply ===> sunday,araamday,chuttyday,farighday,pk day,independence day,Eid day
Ask amir ali what day is it today?
he would reply ====> i count weeks cause day passes so quickly

the list is very long but u might have understand by his answers to these questions that he is Noora full name Bonga Noora almaaroof aqal gitthoan many wali sarkar

in beg@ritoon ko is baat ki samjah nhi aye gee.............

Solution for all Problems.....Don`t do any thing but participate in JANAZAs.......TIND te Patwari mil k aik "Janaza shirkat force " prepare kerain....PMLN has no capability to solve the problems......should we, the still living people, be satisfied that somebody wil participate in our Janaza?

ANP or MQM k Guon gana wala PML-N k patwarrion k liye Gift.......

ANP is celebrating independence day on 15th August in KPK



Minister (2k+ posts)
Since when did attending janazas become mandatory to govern?

It seems that PML N supporters prefer their leaders only going to janazas. Yaar kuch to akal karo.
Janazah mein jakar koi government chalata hai

PML N actions and governance will only increase the number of janaazas in the country


Minister (2k+ posts)
Your intellectual response enforces the image of brainless zombies a lot, keep it up :)

its shows the utter brainlessness of Nooras like u

The thread was not about who attended the funeral of zara shahid and who went to offer condolences. noooras always put the cart before the horse u r no exception.Just taking upon urself to come to the rescue of another noora is what u guys do all the time (clap) you suffer from Nooraism. the only cure is think whats best 4 your country and not what is best for your personal twisted Ego and u r Cured. jump off when your bottom gets too hot if it has not occurred to your dumb mind till now

