فرعونیت کی اگلی لہر اور اس کا انجام - نذیر نا&


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: فرعونیت کی اگلی لہر اور اس کا انجام - نذیر ن&#15

NAZIR NAJI BIKAO journalist hae!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: فرعونیت کی اگلی لہر اور اس کا انجام - نذیر ن&#15

About a couple of years ago, i watched the movie named "Rendition" on the same topic (which was based on a true story) ie 3rd degree torture on suspected terrorists in middle eastern countries.It was a heart wrenching tale of cruelty and inhumane torture. So, i m in sync with Naji here!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: فرعونیت کی اگلی لہر اور اس کا انجام - نذیر ن&#15

What he is writing ..... The system will not going to be changed in Egypt......are the people in Egypt are all fool or what..... is he sure of what he is writing .... I DOUBT !!!!!!!!