My pervious post-content on this matter is missing along with the below mentioned video...not only this my comments on same video over You tube also also deleted...Seems Indians have their access not only to you tube but to this forum also..
My comments exposing India does not get appear on you tube site....i wrote..." There was no partition in 1947-India was never a country was a region around Indus river consisted of more than 500 independent state....hen British left, two independent countries came into existence....Pakistan and Bharat (India)...only Punjab and Bangal were partitioned...thereafter India invaded and occupied most of surrounding unarmed independent states e.g Guoa, Nagaland, Jammu and Kashmiri, tribal areas etc...Bharat is a genuine Hindutwa religious racist, extremist , terrorist state and nation....their hindutwa ideology is anti Islam and Christianity, besides low cast per its ideology they have create Akhand Bharat and for that they have to take over Pakistan, Afghanistan and Srilanka also...Modi is the life time member of this ideology of RSS and Indian people elected MODI (an internationally recognized terrorist) twice for this ideology, rewarding hi for his butchery against minority Muslim in Gujrat...India would do any thing to create war in Afghanistan...Peace in AFG does not suit India's strategy of terrorism and instability in the region, that will help it to attain its objective of Akhand Bharat...Pakistan is standing firm against India terrorist and occupation objectives...Indians are extremely hypocrite and cowards...they would go upto any extent for making this region unstable...
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