امریکیوں کی ن لیگ سے ملاقاتوں کی ٹائمنگ مجھے کھٹک رہی ہے۔ ارشاد بھٹی


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
American can go upto any extent to destabilise Pakistan to distrupt CEPEC
This terrorist country can and will do any thing to teach China and
,,,,Absolutely Not ,,,
Now We may be able to see few sold out and traitor Generals ( if any ) to teach a lesson to Govt. and Imran Khan for not entairtainig American interest and for historical words
,,,Absolutely Not ,,
wait and see
According to west Pakistanis can sell their Mothers for money
We may be able to find some mother Sellers
To let them send those bloody traitors to hell
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Shan ALi AK 27

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
پنٹ اتروانے والا کنجر آج ناڑا باندھ کے بیٹھا تھا ??
ویسے ان بی اے فیل دس لکھ والے صحافیوں کو
کو انٹرنیشنل ڈپلوسی کی الف ب کا نہیں پتا جاہل کی اولادو
یہ کوئی امریکی حکومتی میٹنگ تھی ہی نہیں-
ویسے بھی جب تک خان موجود ہے ان کو صرف لتر ہی پڑیں گے
??جس سے ملنا ہے یہ دل کھول کے ملیں


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
We must not forget, that America is not at all a friend, nor ever it was. And this is not just Pakistan, it's with any and every country in this world. America gets in alliance till they feel they are achieving benefit, once they see that the ally is getting self-sufficient, America becomes the biggest opposition of the same ally, and it will go any depth to destabilize that same country. Basically in the name of equality America doesn't like to see anyone getting equal.
This is a precedent set by America and can be cited in any America vs Ally case.
I have great friends in America, and a huge majority of Americans are the walking examples of democracy with beautiful hearts for humanity, but when it comes to American government this seems to be their style or surviving strategy....call it whatever you feel like.