
  1. zindabad.Pakistan

    ایک مہینہ حضرت محمد صل اللہ علیہ وسلم کے نا

  2. thechosenone

    (^!^) Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray (^!^)

    Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray Pray As You Have Seen Me Pray is a documentary style educational film that teaches you the basics of prayer. It contains the following: The Night Journey (Isra' wal-Mi'raj) The story of the Miraculous Night Journey in which the prayer was revealed to the Prophet...
  3. MileStone

    The Praises and the Mystery of the Bodily Posture in Salat - Subhan'Allah - Please Read
  4. famamdani

    Salat - show this videos to ur childrens

  5. karachiwala

    Masnoon Recitations in Salat

    The source for the following is Talimul Islam by Mufti-e-Azam Hadhrat Maulana Kifayatullah (Rahmatullah Alayhi). Its about which recitations of the Holy Quran are Masnoon in the daily five obligatory prayers, the two Rakat Sunnah before Fajr prayers and the three Rakaat Wajib Witr after Isha...
  6. Wadaich

    الله کے دروازے آپ کے لیے کھلے ہیں کہ بند؟

    امام حسن بصری فرماتے ہیں خود کو اچھی طرح ٹٹول لو . تین مواقع پر اپنے ذہن کی کیفیت دیکھ لیا کرو. ١. نماز پڑھنے کے دوران ٢. قرآن پڑھتے وقت ٣. اور الله کا ذکر کرتے وقت ان تین مواقع پر اگر تم لطف و کیف محسوس کرو تو ٹھیک ورنہ جان لو کہ 'دروازہ' بند ہے . .
  7. QaiserMirza

    No excuse for missing salah

    NO EXCUSE FOR MISSING SALAH Look at this kid ...... he is not a normal kid and he is thanking Allah for everything he has ..... look at us who are perfectly normal and we have forgotten Allah .... SHAME ON US !!! MAY ALLAH ACCEPT ALL OF US IN HIS WAY and live according to what he wants...
