
  1. J

    Anyone have seen audio or video message of Altaf Hussein after rumor of his escaping?

    Does any one have a recent audio or video message of Altaf hussain after rumour of his escaping and capturing by British authority...If no AUDIO OR VIDEO THEN why??????????????
  2. crankthskunk

    The Source of the rumor about Altaf's arrest

    Everyone is reporting from the London post site, which has broken the news with a question mark. I dont think it is correct news. So, please dont spread rumours and wait for the confirmation. I have checked British media I cannot find anything on this important news. Remember they all covered...
  3. Keepinformed

    Martial law declared! Kayani takes over! Zardari and gilani house arrested [ONLY A RUMOR]

    I got two messages from people that live in Islamabad. Is this true? I turned on the TV but no news yet. They say Army has entered Islamabad.. Please confirm!!!