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  • If you have an issue with moderator's action, you should be directly contacting him and he is supposed to respond to you with an explanation. If he doesn't send an email to [email protected] and we'll look into this. Always ask for an explanation if you don't agree with something.
    If you are enjoying what you do, i dont call it hard work. No matter how many countless hour you are spending on it. The word 'hard work' is over used.
    Its funny how all of us internet nerds are college/uni drop outs :P
    How risky is it? Do you get to sleep properly at night?
    MashAllah, that is great brother.

    Forex always intrigued me but never had any guts to do it. I guess you have to know a lot of economics? is that what you studied?
    sounds interesting.

    How long have you been doing this? and are you successful at it? making a lot of dough? :P
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