
  1. crankthskunk

    MQM attacked the Police Bus: DAWN NEWS

    MQM and Altaf Hussain dramas are never ending. He announced strike today, but failed to mention it is his goons who attacked and killed the Policemen in the Bus. Now Dawn News is breaking the NEWS, which was available from yesterday, but apart from "Jisarat" and " Ummat no other newspaper...
  2. hans

    2011 Health Conditions for Travel to Mecca (Hajj) Pilgrimage Published

    Saudi Ministry of Health issues the entry visa requirements and recommendations for the Hajj and Umra season in 2011 Elsevier, the world's leading provider of scientific, technical and medical information products and...
  3. PkRevolution

    Oslo (christian fundamentalist) published 1500 Pages Manifest titled "2038" prior to his attack. Rea

    Manifest of Oslo killer:
  4. hans

    The Indian Musalmans by W. W. Hunter, published by Trubner and Co., London, 1872

    Strange be the Fact, but what we face today .. seems an on going saga of British Raj. Players have changed, but the same game is been played day and night. If you want to read the original book go to some highlights...
  5. E

    Imran Khan surpasses ALL as the most popular leader in today's published PEW research.

    Excerpts below: Opposition leader Nawaz Sharif fares better: 63% express a positive opinion of the Pakistan Muslim League (PML-N) leader, down from a year ago when 71% held this view. The most popular leader tested is former cricket star Imran Khan. Nearly seven-in-ten (68%) have a favorable...
  6. Z

    Survey of IRI indicating Imran Khan is the most popular politician in Pakistan not published

    DETAILED METHODOLOGY: SURVEY OF PAKISTAN PUBLIC OPINION, JANUARY 28-FEBRUARY 18, 2011 April 27, 2011 The results of this poll were not released by IRI. However, IRI is making available the methodology and the demographics to demonstrate that the poll complies with professional standards in...