Pakistan All problem solution is in abolishi 500, 1000, 5000 currency Notes


Minister (2k+ posts)
۱۰۰۰ ۵۰۰۰ بند کر دیں تو کیا پیسے بورں میں لے کر پھریں؟

چور اس ملک کی حکومت بنے ھوے ھیں اور پیسے سارے فارن کرنسی میں آپ لوگو ں کو تکلیف دینے
والی باتیں کر رھے ھو۔
بکواس تریں ایڈیا ھے انڈیا کی کاپی۔
kiu rakhni boori mein. Online transection and banks. simple. document the economy. need to remove parallel business system.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
All these suggestions are very good and valuable . The biggest question and the biggest hurdle is a outright corrupt judiciary. We have many laws regarding corruption 'tax evasion and all the black deeds done by all the crooks BUT who is going to ensure rule of Law? Bundial or qazi easy paisa after that. ALL laws are useless if there is no enforcement. The first priority of the people should be an agitation for a rule of law. Very paradoxical isn't it. Breaking law for enforcing law. Pakistan is a wonderful country. Law breakers are running the country. Judges are violating the laws.