Why India Hates China (video)


This is not true Chinese people get along fine with both Indians and Pakistanis here is the proof.

Chinese students of Indian performing arts performing in Bangalore


Zionist Hindu

Senator (1k+ posts)
I enjoyed the video. i don't think Indians hate china. We admire china for its history, philosophy, culture (much of which was destroyed by commies), Chinese food and cheap Chinese made electronics because of which lots of poor people are able to watch TV and dvd players in rural India. China and India both share many common things and have both gained by each others culture. I accept china is ahead of India in terms of economy sports etc but we are closing the gap. Our economy is bit different and we wish China all the success in becoming worlds super power just like few hundreds years ago. When china becomes democratic we will have very close political relationship. I know Chinese also admire our culture....