Factually you couldn't be any wrong, no one in Pakistan hates the Army. The impression you are getting is from the chatter classes, the ones who are part of the problem. It is this less than 1% of the class that are in one way or another benefiting from this rotten system and hence vouch for this system they call democracy, desi style. We won't even go into the cliches of where these so called Democrats or their touts in the media come from but if you really want to bust this myth that a sham democracy is better than Army rule, at least historically in Pakistan case, just compare the major economic indicators, the devolution of power, strategic long-term national projects and the overall law and order situation of both eras. Moreover, I dare these so called democrats to put Army's name next time on the ballot along with theirs and let the majority decide for themselves who they want in the next election and you will get an idea of how much people hate or love army. A country where more than 70% people are below poverty line; more than 90% can't read and write in the real sense and up to 60% don't even go to school you expect them to be concerned about democracy? Trust me they don't give a damn if their steady employment, relative peace and security and their kids education comes from the barrel of a gun or a ballot and rightly so because it's basic human nature to prioritise basis needs first. Expect them to participate and be concerned about democracy once they are self-sufficient with these basics. And who the hell are we or those psuedo-intellectuals or these jerk democrats to choose for the vast majority stuck in the grinding day to day subsistence living that they are for Democracy and against Army rule, this itself is the most brutal dishonestly of this day and age. You want to know their opinion at least be honest and give them a choice at least between a sham democracy and an army rule and we all would know for sure what the masses want. Just because saying something because it's politically correct doesn't make it a fact. And technically the sham system we have is nothing more than the tyranny of the minority.