When Hindus dominates......"we wont forget......"


The most coward and insane breed on earth .... Hindus of India.....

we will never forget..... 1984,

neither 2002....




The most coward and insane breed on earth .... Hindus of India.....

yes they are coward and insne no doubt in this,
but INSHALLAH the day is not faraway when we nuke them all and clen them from surface of eath , :evil: :evil: :evil:


Senator (1k+ posts)
The hindu domination always lead to violation and exploitation of minorities.
The history shows that, and the history is the biggest parameter to judge a peoples conduct.
The reason is simple, hindu mindset is a result of theri sub-human culture based on cast, creed and conceptof untouchables. Just imagine the animalistic aproach.
And just imagine what low mindset one would have to declare a humanbeing as a untouchable.

we thank the Almighty we created our own country and have nothing to do with these sub-humans now.
Inshallah the rest of minorities in that land will also soon break out from that un-natural
federation of india.

we ruled them for over thousand years, and hindus have ahuge inferiorityu complex,and that inferiority complex have become a problem know, because after creation of Pakistan and Bangladesh their complex has doubled,and have made even more psychotic.
We Pakistanis assure sikhs that we will always be on there side , in theire fight against hindu samraj.


Senator (1k+ posts)
That low-life narinder modi is such a moron. We should send our jets to bomb down such hindu extremists who are killing innoscent muslims and other minorities in their own country.And get rid of that kind of shit from Asia, so every one can live in peace.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Typhoon said:
The _______ domination always lead to violation and exploitation of minorities.The history shows that, and the history is the biggest parameter to judge a peoples conduct.

You are absolutely right... ;)


Siasat.pk - Blogger
contra said:
Typhoon said:
The _______ domination always lead to violation and exploitation of minorities.The history shows that, and the history is the biggest parameter to judge a peoples conduct.

You are absolutely right... ;)

--Except in Islam :D


Siasat.pk - Blogger
dadarocks said:
Lets us see
1947 Pakistan's hindu population=10%

2009 Pakistan;s hidnu population = near 0 percent

1947 India;s muslim population=7%
2009 India's muslim population 14%

now tell me who is ethnically clenaing whom..

It doesn't hurt to face the facts every once in a while

---If people embrace the truth it's good for them and more should follow rather than holding on to delusional hunch of some community being exterminated :ugeek: You can NOT completely eradicate any community as per your mythical stats :)


Siasat.pk - Blogger
dadarocks said:
ConcernedPakistani said:
Absolutely SHOCKING

Only cowards and people(animals) who have no martial tradition commit these unspeakable acts

Amubushng which mean killign people by decpetion do you know how many times it was done during early islam to non muslim..

and you have audacity to talk about martial tradition..

Deception is part opf islamic warfare have always been.

---Mere delusions aren't required to vent frustrations but facts needed who killed by deception??and who was killed??

--You being certainly a hindu have been fed all these lies/distortions just to defame a thing that never existed :ugeek:

--Get atleast to know your own hinduism first where such inhumane acts are taught to consider another fellow human being as filthy and unequal :shock: your another pandit is trying unsuccessfully to rebuff any such misconception but has poorly failed as evidenced by your own gandhi :oops:

--So you also consider such deranged ways of bonds (marrying frogs,dogs) to be normal :shock:

--Your mental anguish will remain NOT because of us but only because of your distorted/devious ways and then by constantly looking at your own absurd things. :)


dadarocks said:
Typhoon said:
That low-life narinder modi is such a moron. We should send our jets to bomb down such hindu extremists who are killing innoscent muslims and other minorities in their own country.And get rid of that kind of shit from Asia, so every one can live in peace.

WelL i suggest few gets to be swent to army headquaters in pindi.. they too have butchered
(1) 3 million bengalis hindu muslism alike
(2) they are butchering muslims in baluchistan in Swat and Wazirirstan

so I guess you should start that reveng from home..you know as they say chairty begins at home
look what ur hindus dirty MUNAFIQ FACE
@contra and @dadrock@nepali pundit made with fake and non relistk hings
1st= he say 24%was hindu in pakistan and 30%was in bangladesh,
yes they was b4 partetion but they all moved from pakistan and the rest they they get inspire from muslim life and converted muslim many of them and today 1% they r living in peace no one cutting them as in india hindus they do and 1947 as hindus and sikh they killed 5 million muslims no one did in histroy ofman kind just in hindustan ,
2nd= he say they treat very well muslims and christians and other minoriets, you can watch this in end which videos i have post so u get very well answer .
3rd= what ghandi get from KHILAFA threek so this is ur india today what he get if muslim dont start these all THREEKS there was no india ,
bcoz he wa a integent person and he did know power of truth and muslims so thats y he come in musluims side
why not ur gouverment arret imam there this is lie they dont arest who say what they want , and they kill evry one whosay no to them
5th= he say KASHMIR 4 lakkj hindus they r there answer me how many was there in 1947? and how many indian gouverment bring there and how many KASHMERI muslim have killed by indian army why there is 150 000 army in kashmir ? answer is ti killing muslim step by step and bring hindus there , and also u will see about KASHMERIS in my don video,
and last he said MUSLIM presedent , so answer is he was not muslim he is a QAdiyani and QADIYANIES they r not muslim as islamic law and he was a GHDAAR and erson who hate pakistan thats y they make him presedent not bcoz he is muslim just bcoz he is a nonmuslim and MUNAFIQ
2nd primeminster HINDU , so as evry one know imn india most power have prime minister so they must make a hindu , tell me ever u have make any one who is true muslim?????? not a munafiq .
3rd he say a christian DEFENCE minister , so this is also ur MUNAFIQ face to show the world and get benifits from rest of world mostly from westrens and usa to show , and as i have see so many and i think almost evry pakistani who liv in EU r USA r some where out , they know how many hindus they go out and where CROSS around the neck and go in churches just to het benifts from here , so who knows what u r in real when they sit with westren eat almost evrything even lol COW MATA and when they go back r in own people no we rhindu we don t do this that bla bla bla and evrything what i m telling i have 100% see in my life .
and i sow u also video how real christian get treated in india ,
this video is just a lie and bullshit nothing more :lol:
watch ur india not giving visa even hindus , so thats y they convert in islam
ok we start how real chirstian get treated in inia everyday
2ND now u see nice treat with REAL KASMERIES and muslims

#3RD watch treat with REAL MUSLIMS in india
and watch how hindus are big terrorists
