Thread to discuss deceptions on OBL Issue


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
First of all request to the Moderators, please do not merge this thread with any other. I want to use this thread to bring different factual
inaccuracies and other deceptions. You have merged my earlier threads and a thread with someone elses post. I didnt only report from BBC24, I wrote the post to discuss important things. Dont let my work mixed with others without any valid reasons.

1- Inconsistency in the accounts by USA

A- Deputy National Adviser John Brennan said in his press conference, OBL used his wife as human shield.

B- Later other administration officers scrambled to cover up the propaganda when it was known that the women killed in the compound was not OBL wife.

C- It was also said it was not possible to capture OBL alive he died in a fire fight.

D- Now it is become apparent from the information, OBL was unarmed he could have been arrested alive.

This is it for time being, I will add more contradictions in the accounts of Americans/Westerner and Pakistani accounts. I also invite others to list and discuss other odd things in this incident.

sarbakaf - Blogger
No weapons found while a chopper was shot down.
where are dead bodies of others who were killed in operation

i think they are hiding many facts to let speculations and conspiracies arise and over shadow the reality just like 911


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Contradictions in USA account of events continuing. Americans are attributing it to fog of combat and that they have tried to pass the information to the media as quickly as possible.

1-Brennan told media on Monday, OBL son Khalid died in the in counter. It is change to Hamza on Tuesday.

2-The news circulating that OBL bodyguard shot him close up to deny Americans capturing him alive, according to the pre-arranged strategy. The story by Americans is he was shot by the Marines who entered the room. They admit that he was unarmed. Then why they didnt capture him alive? Worried they have to show him to the world?

This raises the suspicion of a fake encounter and gives fuel to conspiracy theories. It is easy to make a fake photo of a dead man, then to fake a living one in front of TV cameras from around the world. Makes perfect sense. Therefore, OBL have to be killed. Proves first statement that they tried to capture him alive was a blatant lie.

3- It was said the helicopter was crashed because of technical fault. Now the story is changed by another spokesperson, he said, we didnt say it was technical fault. Who downed the helicopter? Or the pilot crashed it by mistake in landing?

4- Senator Feinstein has given it another angle altogether. She says the temperature inside the compound was hotter than expected and helicopter was too heavy to stay aloft in such conditions.

5- Ok BB whatever, but please tell us, was it piloted or pilot less? According to the reports 70 marines took part in the raid, two were Chinooks helicopters, the troops carrier, more chances are the two Chinooks helicopter had more marines than smaller helicopters. Even if we split the number of 70 by 4, it makes 17 or 18 marines in each helicopter.

BB, What do you make of the statement of President Osama no casualties or injured amongst Americans? Or it would have been embarrassing for the superpower to loose 17 or 18 marines (or whatever number it could be) against unarmed Osama ?

By the way, Administration is still not sure to release the photograph(s) of dead OBL. They fear backlash against the Americans.

Oppps, only the picture would create a backlash, his actual death didnt?

Or is it taking too long for the CIA media facilities to. the image?

Please fill the blank on last sentence.

Brave Heart

Voter (50+ posts)
Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

Dajjal means Liar, deception. Refresh signs of Dajjal as described in ahadees
See seal of America on dais and Obama is telling lie (All know)


Obama's Party Symbol is Donkey (Khota)


Read This from today's Orya Maqbool Jan Column


Brave Heart

Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

This issue of Dajjal is a really serious one and people who know nothing about it should refrain from posting such nonsense threads.

Kyun Der Lagta hay? Jang to kerni perni hai bhai jaan, bhag ke kidhar jana ha?


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

isnt dajjal going to be one-eyed yahoodi born in Israel? (already recently born in Israel)

Brave Heart

Voter (50+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

isnt dajjal going to be one-eyed yahoodi born in Israel? (already recently born in Israel)

do u have its picture when its born? I sensed this after reading Prof Ahmad Rafeeq akhter's conversation with orya maqbool jan as posted above


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

As far as what I have read, I believe that One-Eye depicts the Dajjal and the people who follows him (or Dajjalian System). Dajjal and his followers can only see with one eye i-e physical eye and would only believe on those things which they will be able to see with their naked eyes.
On the other hand, a true Momin sees with two eyes, one is physical eye and the other is spritual eye. Quran also states that Allah has filled our heart with "NUR" and because of that light we are able to see at things spritually and that is also how we see Allah.

On the day of Judgment we will be walked thru a bridge that will lead to Heaven and under that bridge, there will be hell fire. The place will be so dark that if we bring our hands in front of us, we wont be able to see them. So, only people that were able to see with their spritual eye will be able to pass the bridge, and people who could only see with their naked physical eye will fall into the hell fire.
And Allah knows the best.

isnt dajjal going to be one-eyed yahoodi born in Israel? (already recently born in Israel)
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Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

As far as what I have read, I believe that One-Eye depicts the Dajjal and the people who follows him (or Dajjalian System). Dajjal and his followers can only see with one eye i-e physical eye and would only believe on those things which they will be able to see with their naked eyes.
On the other hand, a true Momin sees with two eyes, one is physical eye and the other is spritual eye. Quran also states that Allah has filled our heart with "NUR" and because of that light we are able to see at things spritually and that is also how we see Allah.

On the day of Judgment we will be walked thru a bridge that will lead to Heaven and under that bridge, there will be hell fire. The place will be so dark that if we bring our hands in front of us, we wont be able to see them. So, only people that were able to see with their spritual eye will be able to pass the bridge, and people who could only see with their naked physical eye will fall into the hell fire.
And Allah knows the best.

Thank you very much. Very good explanation. jazakAllah

those who asked about the child dajjal born in Israel recently, it was posted on You might want to do a search.


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: Will Obama be appeared as Dajjal ?

We all know that famous hadith in which Prophet Muhammad said that Dajjal would stay in this world for 40 days. His first day would be like a year, 2nd day would be like a month, 3rd day will be like a week and rest of the 37 days would be like our days.

According to above hadith, is it possible that we have different dimesnions of time?, e.g we all know that Allah's one day could be our 1000 years etc...

So, when it is said that one day like a year, could it be only one year in another dimesnion of time, but it could be 100s of year in our dimension of time?

Dajjal could be a system that would stay in this world for one day like a year, a day like a month and a day like a week, and would emerge in the form of human in the last 37 days.

So it could be true that the day like a year was when the ruling state was Britain controlling the world with iron fist and put the seed of todays economical system on the behest f jews. A day like a month could be when the ruling state is USA since WWII(Time we are living in now) and a day like a week could be when Israel becomes the ruling state (meaning Israel wont rule the world for too long), which could be happening very soon given the situation in Middle East.

Similarly in Surah Kahf, Ashab-e-Kahf stayed in the cave for 300 years (or 309 lunar years), but when they woke up they thought that they were only sleeping for about a day. Could it be possible that they were in different dimension of time where one day is equal to 300 years of our world?

Also, when Jesus comes back, he will be about 32-33 years old, same age when he was supposedly crusified. Does it mean that Jesus is staying the in the dimension of time where few days or weeks are equal to more than 2000 years on earth? Could it be possible that Jesus is in the dimension of time where few seconds could be equal to 2000 years on earth, because when he will be descended, he would still be sweating, as he probably was also sweating when he was bieng supposedly crucified.
