387749274709740 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=387749274709740
Geek Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #1 https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=387749274709740 Featured Thumbs https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/p526x296/10453458_351605874998597_3732323396751600870_n.png?oh=659daf3120c1a4d1f598897e1a7c97a4&oe=5496217A&__gda__=1418785948_6a03b39d41d16c2aa451ee54d4b23ba0
A arafay Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #2 that's what i have been saying all along. the rain was there but volume is not that high. the 2010 floods were indeed super floods.
that's what i have been saying all along. the rain was there but volume is not that high. the 2010 floods were indeed super floods.
Shah Shatranj Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #3 شریفوں کو اور زیادہ داد ملنی چاہئیے پاکستان کو تباہ کرنے کی یہ تو ان کا جمہوری فرض ہے : ایک پٹواری کی ترقی کی سوچ .
شریفوں کو اور زیادہ داد ملنی چاہئیے پاکستان کو تباہ کرنے کی یہ تو ان کا جمہوری فرض ہے : ایک پٹواری کی ترقی کی سوچ .
F Farah Qureshi Councller (250+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #4 I thought Modi released water without warning.....
N najeebahmad MPA (400+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #5 Why should not the Government be taken to court on this in competence. I hope someone or some Insaf lawyer forum lawyer will do that.
Why should not the Government be taken to court on this in competence. I hope someone or some Insaf lawyer forum lawyer will do that.
zaheer2003 Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #6 http://www.wapda.gov.pk/iescobill/netbill/gbill.asp?qstr1=11141112434000
M MHAMZA Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #7 Save democracy - people of Pakistan are unimportant and powerless - People of Pakistan Democracy is the best revenge!!!
Save democracy - people of Pakistan are unimportant and powerless - People of Pakistan Democracy is the best revenge!!!
Wake Up Pakistan Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #8 Farah Qureshi said: I thought Modi released water without warning..... Click to expand... Kikikikikiki U r innocent like Noora
Farah Qureshi said: I thought Modi released water without warning..... Click to expand... Kikikikikiki U r innocent like Noora
pkpatriot Chief Minister (5k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #9 Only debate-able thing is that whether it is deliberate negligence/ignorance/conspiracy OR it is incompetent governance In both cases govt and concerned officials should be hanged
Only debate-able thing is that whether it is deliberate negligence/ignorance/conspiracy OR it is incompetent governance In both cases govt and concerned officials should be hanged
Zarb-e-Azb Minister (2k+ posts) Sep 20, 2014 #10 Amir Mateen @AmirMateen2 18h Flood was avoidable if Mangla water was released before Sep 6 after Met warning(aug 14) to be mixed with Chenab flood
Amir Mateen @AmirMateen2 18h Flood was avoidable if Mangla water was released before Sep 6 after Met warning(aug 14) to be mixed with Chenab flood