The world will not accept the next PM if PTI take these steps


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
بھائی دنیا اپنے فائدہ نقصان کو دیکھتی ہے. دنیا کو عمران خان، پاکستان اور پاکستانی عوام میں کوئی دلچسپی نہیں ہے. اس کے لئے جمہوریت انسانی حقوق وغیرہ اپنے مفادات اور اہداف کے تحفظ کے لئے ھتیار ہیں. جنہیں وہ اپنی ضرورت کے لئے استعمال کرتی ہے


Voter (50+ posts)
Which world do you live in? Are you day dreaming? Under no circumstances, the neutrals will let create any scenario where PTI can have any sort of advantage.
2. If independent candidates win a majority
Do you think neutrals aren't thinking of scenarios like these. They are fully aware of permuations and combinations and will go to any extent to make sure to not let PTI getting any upper hands no matter what. Its should be very obvious by now.
Khan will live in the hearts of people but the corrupt system will not let him in the power. Overseas pakistani can do whatever they can but the fact is no foreign leaders/counteries care much.
There is only one step and that's is millions of Pakistanis will have to come on the road Without a doubt, it will cause a blood bath as the culprits in power will do whatever to stay in power. But that's the only thing that can cause a change.
Allah knows the best.
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