The world is going to be a scary place in the future

Citizen X

(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
Thats what people said when the printing press was invented and books could be mass produced.
Thats what people said when the steam engine was invented
Thats what people said when radio was invented
Thats what people said when TV was invented
Thats what people said when the internet came into being
Thats what people said when social media became popular

It's all how you use technology. You can use the internet to watch porn all day long or you can use it to educated yourself and learn new skills.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Is it less scary now? All the wars, fires, warming of the planet, floods eartquakes and a pandemic that is raging mercilessly and has disrupted the heath services of the developed and affluent countries. The richest country has had the most cases of covid-19. It looks like the culprit of introducing it is US and are blaming China. From their past performance of lying blatatantly like their lies in Iraqi WMD case and lying about OBL involvment in 9/11and Abbotabad operation it cannot be ruled out that they are responsible for the covid-19 disaster


MPA (400+ posts)
Thats what people said when the printing press was invented and books could be mass produced.
Thats what people said when the steam engine was invented
Thats what people said when radio was invented
Thats what people said when TV was invented
Thats what people said when the internet came into being
Thats what people said when social media became popular

It's all how you use technology. You can use the internet to watch porn all day long or you can use it to educated yourself and learn new skills.
Where is Spartacus of when you need him?!