Suggestion about Post Rating


Minister (2k+ posts)
I gave this suggestion some time ago through the Contact feature but im not sure if anyone read it.

Anyway, my suggestion is that the number of times you can rate posts should be proportionate to the number of times you post something on the forum. For example, a user should be allowed to rate 5 posts after posting ONCE i.e 1:5. Administrators can think of a ratio they think is suitable.

I am suggesting this because there are some users who hardly ever post anything and only come to rate posts. If they dislike a post they never say why and never give their own opinion. This type of attitude kills the purpose of a forum, the forum is not just for rating posts, its for posting your own opinions.

A few examples of such users' post and rating count (these are actual figures, i did not mention the usernames as its besides the point):

User 1
Total Posts: 141
Rated: 2444
The post/rating ratio is 1:17

User 2
Total Posts: 112
Rated: 2003
The post/rating ratio is 1:17

User 3
Total Posts: 98
Rated: 1709
The post/rating ratio is 1:17

Interestingly all 3 users have a ratio of 1:17.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts) should sell us credits, 5 -10 cents for each rating, good or bad
Lets put our money where our mouth is.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Nice sugession...if v can add a reasons column to would be much better


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think it they should model something along the lines of

Upvoted articles should be at the top. Similarly a persons post or comment ratings should be reflected in their info box.


Minister (2k+ posts)
I think it they should model something along the lines of

Upvoted articles should be at the top. Similarly a persons post or comment ratings should be reflected in their info box.
Changing the order of the posts will make a real mess and it will be very difficult to find new posts from old ones.


(50k+ posts) بابائے فورم
But anyway , it will start kind of discrimination here. and artificiality here just for make this ratio better.

This will be same kind of competition , as in Pakistan , the Marriage standard competition.

Leave it open , any one or new one could talk about a good point , and people could like it ....

Otherwise people like , the old fellow will dominate, without any reason.

I think ,leave it like that for new brains.


We are in a process of getting new rating system. Will try to have it implemented in a week or so.

Simpler is better. I am flagging this thread to look at it later and see if i can implement any of your suggestion, once the new rating system is in place.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Bhai, why you want to take away a right of liking or disliking if I don't post enough. It doesn't necessarily mean that I don't read enough. :)

If you believe in democracy then a jahil like me should have an equal amount of votes as most learned people on the forum. This is the beauty of democracy that if you cannot convince people to agree with you then you lose. You may argue that not every voter is educated enough to make a decision but I could equally argue that maybe you didn't work hard to get your message across.

Above all if you believe in yourself then do you really care how you are ranked by others.
