Minister (2k+ posts)
I gave this suggestion some time ago through the Contact feature but im not sure if anyone read it.
Anyway, my suggestion is that the number of times you can rate posts should be proportionate to the number of times you post something on the forum. For example, a user should be allowed to rate 5 posts after posting ONCE i.e 1:5. Administrators can think of a ratio they think is suitable.
I am suggesting this because there are some users who hardly ever post anything and only come to rate posts. If they dislike a post they never say why and never give their own opinion. This type of attitude kills the purpose of a forum, the forum is not just for rating posts, its for posting your own opinions.
A few examples of such users' post and rating count (these are actual figures, i did not mention the usernames as its besides the point):
User 1
Total Posts: 141
Rated: 2444
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
User 2
Total Posts: 112
Rated: 2003
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
User 3
Total Posts: 98
Rated: 1709
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
Interestingly all 3 users have a ratio of 1:17.
Anyway, my suggestion is that the number of times you can rate posts should be proportionate to the number of times you post something on the forum. For example, a user should be allowed to rate 5 posts after posting ONCE i.e 1:5. Administrators can think of a ratio they think is suitable.
I am suggesting this because there are some users who hardly ever post anything and only come to rate posts. If they dislike a post they never say why and never give their own opinion. This type of attitude kills the purpose of a forum, the forum is not just for rating posts, its for posting your own opinions.
A few examples of such users' post and rating count (these are actual figures, i did not mention the usernames as its besides the point):
User 1
Total Posts: 141
Rated: 2444
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
User 2
Total Posts: 112
Rated: 2003
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
User 3
Total Posts: 98
Rated: 1709
The post/rating ratio is 1:17
Interestingly all 3 users have a ratio of 1:17.