MPA (400+ posts)
Arfa Karim,11
.Net developer
Baber Iqbal ,12.He is....
Microsoft Certified Professional
Web Professional Associate
Wireless Network Administrator
MS Certified Technology Specialist
Mohammand Waqar Qurashi ,20.He invented...
1... Non-touch interface system / alternate of Mouse
2....Head tracking system/Video goggles
3....Developed a software that can switch off and on all electrical appliance.
.Net developer
Baber Iqbal ,12.He is....
Microsoft Certified Professional
Web Professional Associate
Wireless Network Administrator
MS Certified Technology Specialist
Mohammand Waqar Qurashi ,20.He invented...
1... Non-touch interface system / alternate of Mouse
2....Head tracking system/Video goggles
3....Developed a software that can switch off and on all electrical appliance.