PML-N Gullucracy , damages PTI workers vehicles in PP-100 Gujranwala by polls


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
arey bhai tu mukabala karo. mere khayal se pathano ko bulana parega phr ye punjabi dum dabay ke bhagain ge.

Shakeel A

Councller (250+ posts)


Senator (1k+ posts)
ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

N League attacked PTI members.


تازہ ترین

اطلاعات کے مطابق ن لیگی گلو بٹوں نے تحریک انصاف کے کارکنوں پر پولنگ اسٹیشن انہتر اور پی پی ایک سو پر ڈنڈہ بردار حملہ کیا

تحریک انصاف کا کیمپ اکھاڑ کر پھینک دیا گیا۔ تحریک انصاف کے پولنگ ایجنٹ کو باہر نکال دیا گیا۔

رینجرز نے پولنگ اسٹیشن انہتر کا کنٹرول سنبھال لیا

گلو بٹ اپنے پرانے طریقے کے مطابق گاڑیوں کے شیشے توڑتے رہے

تحریک انصاف کے کئی کارکنوں کے زخمی ہونے کی اطلاعات ہیں
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Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

Zabardast, jp loag social media per jathay bana kar ayen they deserve it in real life, wish I was there to support PMLN by playing like a youth yeah :P

Faisal Chattha

Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

once i was the biggest supporter to not take old politician in party but i am telling you this is the only way to deal with this pmln and company mafia to take them in. this is my constituency and i know that khan has chosen the right person. ahsan virk knows how to deal with pmln gundas and he will. pti is not going to win this seat but they will secure more votes than they had in general election.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

Zabardast, jp loag social media per jathay bana kar ayen they deserve it in real life, wish I was there to support PMLN by playing like a youth yeah :P

It is not youth what PML - N has. They are FAT Gullu batts with no future thinking neither for themselves nor for Pakistan

This is the real PIC of Nawaz league. Just Paindoooooos Party
Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

I hope it certainly is, a strongly needed force to counter gullu paadri and clown niazi

It is not youth what PML - N has. They are FAT Gullu batts with no future thinking neither for themselves nor for Pakistan

This is the real PIC of Nawaz league. Just Paindoooooos Party



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Thing is PP-100 is Garh of PMLN and they would win easily still they do such things shows their nature

Nadir Bashir

Minister (2k+ posts)
عدلیہ کو مبارک ہو- ٢٠١٣ کے الیکشن اسی طرح صاف اور شفاف ہوئے تھے-
آپ اندازہ کر سکتے ہیں-کہ کس طرح الیکشن کمیشن نے ٢٠١٣ کے الیکشن کا انعقاد کیا ہوگا-ایک سیٹ پر الیکشن کی یہ حالت ہے- تو ٢٠١٣ کے جنرل الیکشن کی کیا حالت ہوگی-
عدلیہ کچھ شرم کرو-کچھ حیا کرو-


Minister (2k+ posts)
I think in next election competition will be between pti and ppp. The competition will be based on who will lead opposition.
Pmln will sweep Pakistan again and they truly deserve that.
ppp a corrupt party and pti a incompetent party are dangerous for Pakistan.
pakistan need educated people to lead the party and we need fourth force who shall become number one party.
imran khan is an incompetent person.
we dont need corrupt and incompetent.
If we compare Imran with nawaz and zardari then I must say nawaz is better than all.
congratulations pmln for winning this seat again.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

I hope it certainly is, a strongly needed force to counter gullu paadri and clown niazi

PML-N has lost all moral. They are just a group of junkies, who support each others crime to take mutual profit our of it. This is the best definition for PMl-n
Re: ن لیگیوں کا تحریک انصاف کارکنوں پر حملہ

hahahahahahaha I am just loving it loser, keep me entertained with your funeral procession

PML-N has lost all moral. They are just a group of junkies, who support each others crime to take mutual profit our of it. This is the best definition for PMl-n

Ali Farooq

Senator (1k+ posts)
پا کستان کی سیاست میں جو جتنا بڑا بد معاش ہے وہ اتنا ہی کامیاب ہے
