

New Member
my friends would you like to comment on Kashmir including Pakistan occupied Kashmnir and Indian occupied kashmir.


Kashmir a historical land of worriors. A beautiful place of world. according to Dr Iqbal, a heaven on earth. Kashmir is occupied by different countries. Azad Kashmir from where I belong is under control of Pakistan. we have some reservations but we love to be a part of Pakistan. Indian occupied Kashmir consist of most beautiful places like Jammu valley and Ponch. Very beautiful place. There is no peace in Indian occupied Kashmir. More then 80,000 innocent Kashmiries have been died since 1947 due to brutalities of Indians. About 700,000 army is present in Kashmir to fight against freedom fighters but they are not successful. Many more to come soon regarding Kashmir


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Brother ! I am not sure about other part of KASHMIR ... But i know one thing ... PAKISTAN occupied KASHMIR doesn't exist ... AZAD JAMMU KASHMIR is there, and in AJK KASHMIRI's have their own government ... No one is killing any KASHMIRI in AJK and also no one is RAPING their mothers and sisters ... They are living in peace ... AJK never said anything against PAKISTAN because they are happy with PAKISTAN ... KASHMIRIS never attacked PAKISTANI army which is deployed there for defense ...

The other part of KASHMIR, which is with india, is facing many problems because of indian army ... If india thinks that KASHMIRIS will never leave the side of india then india should withdraw it's army from there ... Even now the analysts of india are also saying that india should leave KASHMIR ... In this part of KASHMIR indian army sometimes kill KASHMIRIS and RAPE their women ... No matter what india, PAKISTAN or world says ... a fight cannot carry on for so long if local people are not supporting it... KASHMIRIS want to fight indian army and they want indian army to leave because one thing is sure that PAKISTANI army or people will never kill their MUSLIM brothers ... This is true that a lot of PAKISTANIS go across the border to fight indians but they only do this because they want KASHMIRIS to be free, not because they want to capture KASHMIR ...

Now the last thing ... Now a days both indian and PAKISTANI governments are using KASHMIR issue to deceive their public ... Now a days neither PAKISTAN nor india is serious about KASHMIR issue ... Both governments want to keep this issue alive so they can govern the country for longer time ...

I don't know about india but most of the PAKISTANI public want KASHMIR to decide their own fate ... If KASHMIRIS are happy, we have no problem ... Most people also say that both countries should leave KASHMIR alone, enough blood shed already ... KASHMIRIS should have their own independent state so that they can live happily ...

I my personal opinion, PAKISTANI government may not like the idea of leaving KASHMIR alone, but still PAKISTANI government can do this for the sake of KASHMIRI people ...
On the other hand, whatever happens india will try it's best to keep KASHMIR with it by force because indian know that if they will leave KASHMIR alone then KASHMIRI people will automatically bend towards PAKISTAN ... May be KASHMIRIS will ask PAKISTANI army to defend them because they have already experienced the behavior of indian army ...




I really appreciate your views. Majority of people from AJ&K are with Pakistan. But we have some reservations. Not more reservations than people of NWFP & Balochistan. I personally want to live with Pakistan. I love Pakistan more than Kashmir but we have a history, we dont have problem with people of Pakistan. We have problems with rulers of Pakistan sometimes.
I never say Azad Kashmir as Pakistan occupied Kashmir but reality is . Kashmir is disputed state and Pakistan accepts it. We as Kashmiri never forget support of Pakistan ever since its creation.
In the case of Freedom of whole Kashmir I will and majority of us would love to a province of Pakistan InshahAllah.

Kashmir zindabad
Pakistan Paendabad