Indians and


Senator (1k+ posts)
LOL. The person who wrote this post is really worried. Well Pakistan has caused enough trouble in India for us to be worried about pakistani mentality. Let me tell you, we are not looking for any unification, because we are very well aware that our thought processes do not match and will never match. But that does not mean we must always be at loggerheads and take the hatred to an extent of becoming delusional and psychologically disturbed. That is an interesting study for some of us. Attacking Hindus as a community, statements of Baniya, dhoti, piss drinkers, cowards etc is fine. But it reflects a very strange mentality that tends to vilify another person in order to prove its own superiority. Even some of the pakistanis who have replied to this post , express the same thought process. We come here to so you can look at both sides of the coin. This mentality has not proved successful for Pakistan as a nation. If you just keep vilifying and throwing dirt on others, how does it help your cause? We are not agents, and we are definitely not interested in harming pakistan or any human being for that matter.We do not harbor any hatred towards you. We would be happy if your country is at peace with the world and with itself. We are here so you get a chance to throw some more muck on us.:) Have fun:)

So chandbibi you seem to be of the sadistic moron type who get fun out of torture. As far as slandering comments are concerned here is my take on that. In every culture and nation there are bunch of people who are emotionally stirred up all the times and time and again they will vilify specially since many of you also put salt and pepper on our bleeding wounds. This mentality cannot be proven successfull for any nation.

The problem with all of us we always talk about peace but at our own terms. If I try to tell you in how many ways India has caused troubles for Pakistan you will put another account against it. Personally the only thing that I do not like about Indians is their hypocracy about Kashmir issue and turning a blind eye to the problems of their own people and blaming everything on Pakistan without any evidence. The very existence of this forum proves on more thing that Pakistanie are much more open minded than indians. Pakistani media is more open minded in acessing the issue before drawing conclusions but India media has a total bias and that is their driving force.

The fact of the matter is whether it is the case of Pakistan or India or anyother country, we are just part of a very big game. In this game our governements are at higher level and the people are at the bottom most level and there is somebody else at the highest level even above the governments that is reaping all the benefits and we are paying all the toll. I have many Indian friends. Some agree with what I believe and some do not. Actually I have been in cases where one hindu belonging to a certain zaat has asked me to stay away from a hindu of another zaat during my university life. So if you think that Pakistanies are the only problem that you will ever have in the world than you are wrong. It is one barrier after the other. Only people who are willing to accept logic, ready to give rights before asking for previlages, and want to prosper based on good give and take relationship can make this world better but through your media you promote hatred, violence and becuase of your bias you do not want to give rights to the rightful.

I have been helped by Hindus in my life and in return I have helped them in their career, in their studies etc. Living abroad I have seen something very remarkable that I would like to share. I have found Indian muslims very very loyal to India and in some cases whenever I ever visit I feel like I am going to a battle ground. They donot miss an opportunity to taunt me and in return I have to respond. If you really feel you are sensible, compromising, phscologically sane etc etc talk about the rights of the people of Kashmir untill than everything is mere hypocracy.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
I come here to see lot of Indian advertisements. Just joking I don't want to make Gazoo angry again with moderators.

Initially I joined this forum to find out why so much hatred against us? Then over a period of time watching the daily shows etc. it became fun. Since I am charged a monthly rate for internet, it doesn't cost me anything to have free entertainment. I didn't know much about Pakistan before two years. Through this forum I have understood many facets of Pakistan. Good as well as Bad.