Hiring of Pakistani fighters for Bahrain angers Iran


Senator (1k+ posts)
LAHORE: Tehran has conveyed its resentment to Islamabad over continuing recruitment of the retired Pakistani military officials to bolster the strength of the security forces of Bahrain, which have been cracking down on pro-democracy Shia protesters in the Gulf state with the help of the neighbouring Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The Fauji Security Services (Pvt) Limited, which is run by the Fauji Foundation, a subsidiary of the Pakistan Army, is currently recruiting on war footing basis thousands of retired military personnel from the Pakistan Army, Navy and the Air Force who will be getting jobs in the Gulf region, especially in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia. But sources in the Fauji Foundation say over 90 per cent of the fresh recruitments, which started in the backdrop of the recent political upheaval in the Arab world, are being sent to Bahrain to perform services in the Bahrain National Guard (BNG), and that too at exorbitant salaries. Thousands of ex-servicemen of the Pakistani origin are already serving in Bahrain and the fresh recruitments are aimed at boosting up the strength of the BNG to deal with the country’s majority Shia population, which is calling for replacement of the Sunni monarchy. Bahrain’s ruling elite is Sunni, although about 70% of the population is Shia.

While taking serious notice of the ongoing recruitment process for Bahrain, the Iranian foreign minister has reportedly warned Pakistan that if the recruitment was not stopped by Islamabad, it would have serious ramifications for diplomatic ties between Pakistan and Iran. According to well-informed diplomatic circles in Islamabad, Pakistan’s charge d’affairs in Tehran Dr Aman Rashid was recently summoned to Iran’s foreign ministry by deputy foreign minister Behrouz Kamalvandi to convey his country’s serious reservations over the recruitment of thousands of Pakistanis for Bahrain’s armed forces and police. However, it seems that the decision makers in Islamabad have ignored the Iranian warning as the recruitment process continues. Approached for comments, a senior official of the Fauji Foundation said while requesting anonymity that the foundation has been making such recruitments for almost 50 years and nothing unusual has happened now.

The recruits are being promised around 100,000 Pakistani rupees a month, besides other perks and privileges including free medical facilities and accommodation. According to available figures, over 1,000 Pakistanis have so far been recruited in March 2011 alone while 1,500 more would be hired in next few weeks. Advertisements appearing in several Pakistani newspapers stated that the Bahrain National Guard immediately requires experienced people with required qualifications as anti-riot instructors and security guards. In fact, Bahrain has long been a happy hunting ground for ex-Pakistani army personnel — an estimated 10,000 Pakistanis are already serving in various security services of Bahrain.

But what is being clearly seen as Sunni and Shia rivalries, Iran is annoyed with the recruitment of mainly Sunni Muslims for the Bahraini security forces because it blames them for crushing a mainly Shia uprising against the rule of King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. Tehran believes that all these recruitments were being made at the behest of Saudi Arabia. For long, Riyadh has been one of the two foreign hands — the other being the US — rocking the cradle of Pakistani politics, brokering truce among warring leaders, providing asylum to those being exiled and generously lavishing funds on a state strapped for cash. But the explosion of democratic upsurge is gradually bringing about a role reversal — it is Pakistan’s assistance the Arab royal families have now sought to quell rebellion in West Asia, rekindling memories of 1969 when the personnel of the Pakistani Air Force flew the Saudi fighter planes to ward off an invasion from South Yemen.

In the backdrop of the current political uprisings in the Middle East and the Arab world which has led to the ouster of several autocratic rulers of the Muslim world, it seems that Pakistan has decided to play a key role in the region by supporting Saudi Arabia to pre-empt a possible revolt against the Saudi Kingdom, with whom Pakistan has had a longstanding cozy relationship for almost half a century now. According to diplomatic circles in Islamabad, Pakistan seems eager to become the bulwark of the royal families against the popular Arab rage. They further say Islamabad has kept at standby two divisions of the Pakistan Army for deployment in Saudi Arabia should the simmering discontent there bubble over.

Pakistan in fact turned its gaze towards West Asia following the visits of, first, Saudi prince Bandar bin Sultan bin Abdul Aziz and then, Bahrain’s foreign minister, Khalid bin Ahmed al Khalifa, in March. Though pro-democracy sentiments haven’t gathered a critical mass in Saudi Arabia, Riyadh is worried that the popular upsurge in Bahrain, a mainly Shia country over which Sunni kings rule, could well, with time, permeate across the border. The Americans seem to have endorsed Riyadh’s decision to seek Islamabad’s assistance. In return, the Saudi prince has offered support to resuscitate the Pakistan economy and meets its energy demands. But the khaki circles in Rawalpindi believe that Pakistan won’t commit its regular forces to a country other than Saudi Arabia.

Already, the presence of Pakistanis in Bahrain’s security forces prompted pro-democracy forces to target the expatriate community. The Pakistani Embassy in Bahrain recently reported that two Pakistani-born policemen and three other Pakistanis were killed and another 40 injured in the clashes between the security forces and protesters, some of whom told the media that they were set upon by uniformed men speaking Urdu. Analysts, therefore, feel that Pakistan could get embroiled in the Sunni-Shia rivalry for supremacy in West Asia. Iranian media has already predicted a prominent role for Pakistan in West Asia, accusing Islamabad of “collaborating with the Sunni rulers of Bahrain to crush a pro-democracy movement”. As Tehran is supporting the Shia protesters and Saudi Arabia is siding with Bahrain’s king, the recruitments from Pakistan give an impression as if Pakistan is on the anti-Iran side.

In other words, as things stand, Islamabad, wittingly or unwittingly, has become the frontline state for protecting the supremacy of Sunni Islam which would not be taken lightly by Iran that has the ability to create problems in Balochistan province, neighbouring Iran. Although protests against Islamabad’s growing role in the Gulf region have been largely non-existent in Pakistan, dozens of activists belonging to small groups who protested outside the Islamabad Press Club recently, decried hiring of mercenaries from Pakistan to curb pro-democracy forces in Bahrain. With the uprising in Bahrain decidedly having a popular base, some feel it would turn the people of Bahrain against Pakistan, which is perceived as the stooge of its imperialist masters.


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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

oh the iranian shias now wants to have another shia state in gulf.. Pakistan should send army personals to bahrain for helping bahrainian brothers and should slap the iranian invasion in bahrain who is helping bahraini shias by any means.. iran should remain in its own clothes better not to spoil relationship with a nuclear state ( though we have economic problems but dont forget we have something tht iran doesnt have)


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Bahrain should offer Citizenship to Pakistanis living over 15 years
Iran can not complain then and it will be a long term solution for Bahrain.

Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Iran constructing fence on Pakistan border

Iran constructing fence on Pakistan border
Published: April 16, 2011

Iran's Defence Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said his country is rapidly constructing a fence on its border with Pakistan.

Iran is constructing a long fence along its borders with Pakistan as part of a broader strategy to block entry of drug-traffickers and terrorists into the country, Fars News Agency (FNA) reported.
Irans Defence Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said his country is rapidly constructing a fence on its border with Pakistan.
Barrier and road construction along the border [with Pakistan] is being carried out in impenetrable mountainous terrain [in southeastern Iran] with precision and quality, said the defence minister.
Strategies include digging canals, building barriers and installing barbed wire to seal borders of Iran.
Iran is on a crossroad of international drug transit route linking Afghanistan to Gulf and European countries.


Muhammad Tauseef A. Bajwa

Senator (1k+ posts)
Iran hands over 3,500 Pakistanis to FIA

Iran hands over 3,500 Pakistanis to FIA
Published: January 16, 2011

Iranian forces had arrested Pakistani illegal immigrants in Iran last year, during an operation against Jundullah. PHOTO: Reuters

Iranian forces have handed over 3,500 Pakistanis to the provinces Federal Investigation Agency (FIA).

Balochistan FIAs Assistant Director Sultan Mohammad Afridi has told Express 24/7 that Iranian forces had arrested the illegal immigrants in Iran last year, during an operation against Jundullah. The immigrants, who hailed from Balochistan were handed over to the FIA in Taftan.

Afridi said that last year 8,500 Pakistanis were also arrested by Iran and handed over to the government. The assistant director said such incidents damage the image of Pakistan and FIA Balochistan is taking measures to curb such illegal immigration.


Siasat.pk - Blogger
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Well why to worry about anger of iran when iranians have made angry every arab nation by supporting this sect based revolution in bahrain ?

iran is playing dirty games....for two reasons...first to increase sect based states in the region and second to get rid of american bases in bahrain.

but if their interests conflict ours...we should give priority to our interests.

Baba jee

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

How you guys (Pakistanis) will act if Pak government will not hire you for any government/non-government job? Instead of you, the government hire Indians, Bengali, Arab for those jobs. I believe you will go on the streets and start taking action against the government! Bahraini people are fighting against these 15% ruling class to get what the 85% public deserves. . Pak army say India tu control hota nahee, chala hay arabs ko control kernay. Beyghani Shadi mian abdullah diwana ;)


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

If Bahrain's rulers really want peace in their country they need to give citizenship to the expatriates from countries like Egypt, PAkistan, etc. to counterbalance this new wave which is not only meant to overthrow the rulers but to dismantle the system there. Bahrain is hiring personnel from many countries like Jordan, UAE,etc, as their police and army are also made up of expatriates.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Pakistan has enough problems inside its own borders to be meddling around in other peoples affairs.

We are unable to control the insurgencies within our own borders and we are out taking 'pangas' elsewhere. This whole ************************************************** of supporting 'birather Islami' countries is only going to land us in a pile of shit.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

How you guys (Pakistanis) will act if Pak government will not hire you for any government/non-government job? Instead of you, the government hire Indians, Bengali, Arab for those jobs. I believe you will go on the streets and start taking action against the government! Bahraini people are fighting against these 15% ruling class to get what the 85% public deserves. . Pak army say India tu control hota nahee, chala hay arabs ko control kernay. Beyghani Shadi mian abdullah diwana ;)

Behind Shia / Sunni facade , I think its more about control & long term influence in the gulf region. For instance, similar convergence of interest is evident in Iran's relationship with India. Iranians don't want Gawadar to flourish, hence they made Chahbahar and with Indian help, hooked it up with C.A.Rs. Insurgency in Pakistani Balochistan is also linked with Iran at some levels. Iranian support to Bahraini shia population should be viewed as a strategy to gain stronger foothold in the region and Pakistani countermeasures must also be viewed with the same spectacles. We have our own interests as a very large Pakistani expatriate community works there, sends remittances to Pakistan thus supporting our economy. Being a Pakistani, your support to Iran is incomprehensible or should we also give credit to Iranians for switching favours of Pakistani Shias to their side. I want you to read "Profiles of Intelligence" by Brig Tirmazi.

Note: However --- admittedly, Iranians are backing the popular side while we are backing the wrong horse.
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Star Gazer

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

oh the iranian shias now wants to have another shia state in gulf.. Pakistan should send army personals to bahrain for helping bahrainian brothers and should slap the iranian invasion in bahrain who is helping bahraini shias by any means.. iran should remain in its own clothes better not to spoil relationship with a nuclear state ( though we have economic problems but dont forget we have something tht iran doesnt have)

Iran has to ermember the role it played in Baluchistan and how it always stay quiet on the issue of Kashmir for the fear ofoffending india as opposed to siding with Pakistan.
What Bahrains government does for it's security Iran should not interfere, just as it does not like other countries to interfere in it's affairs.


Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Bahrain has a Shia majority, then why cant they chose there own leader.

Under Pakistani constitution, majority rules. So what so wrong about this whole issue?
Why are we painting this affair as Pakistani acting as a front line state for Sunni.. when Pakistani President him self a Shia?

Baba jee

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Bahrain should offer Citizenship to Pakistanis living over 15 years
Iran can not complain then and it will be a long term solution for Bahrain.

Just like the Pakistani government awarded citizenship to Afghans!

Baba jee

Councller (250+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Behind Shia / Sunni facade , Being a Pakistani, your support to Iran is incomprehensible or should we also give credit to Iranians for switching favours of Pakistani Shias to their side.

How about if i say: Being a Pakistani, your support to Saudi Arabia is incomprehensible or should we give credit to ale saud for switching favours of Pakistani to their side!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Just like the Pakistani government awarded citizenship to Afghans!

Bahrain is a kingdom and Pakistan an Islamic Democracy
Most of Western Democracy offer citizenship to residents, residing over 5 years legally, 10 years illegally for families and 14 years illegally for single persons, I proposed 15 years, what is wrong with it, King has powers to award citizenship to even non residents.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Bahrain has a Shia majority, then why cant they chose there own leader.

Under Pakistani constitution, majority rules. So what so wrong about this whole issue?
Why are we painting this affair as Pakistani acting as a front line state for Sunni.. when Pakistani President him self a Shia?
Should bahrain style revolution (according to your point) be applied in pakistan on sect basis just on your assumptions as majority are sunni & president is shia (so called)...


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

How about if i say: Being a Pakistani, your support to Saudi Arabia is incomprehensible or should we give credit to ale saud for switching favours of Pakistani to their side!

No ! You are wrong --- I have never supported Saudi Arabia and majority of Saudi haters in this forum are Sunnis --- And I am strong proponent of the concept that sectarian tilt must never trespass the domain of national interest. But your question per se, speaks a lot about you.
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Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Is Baluchistan issue & Iran interference & blind eye of pakistani govt.. What you think of it..
Point is that common Shia or Sunni doesnot have these hatred feelings, it is the politicians & leaders who use thier emotions & anger..
ALL DIRTY POLITICS. No importance of common man rights. I can write a lot about sunni rights in Iran, but again its not about common shia or sunni. Its politics...
Wait for NWO & Dajjali system.. All indications, re mapping.. Same try in Pakistan..


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: Hiring of Pak fighters for Bahrain angers Iran

Should bahrain style revolution (according to your point) be applied in pakistan on sect basis just on your assumptions as majority are sunni & president is shia (so called)...

Brother Bio, who told u that this zardari is shia????
