Night_Hawk - Blogger
Intense light reduces heart attack risks

(IANS) / 27 April 2012

Intense white light may be the latest way to prevent heart attacks besides other ways like cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), aspirin and clot-busters, according to a study.“The study suggests that strong light, or even just daylight, might ease the risk of having a heart attack or suffering damage from one,” says Tobias Eckle, associate professor of anesthesiology, cardiology, and cell and developmental biology at the University of Colorado School of Medicine.
“For patients, this could mean that daylight exposure inside the hospital could reduce the damage that is caused by a heart attack,” adds Eckle.
What’s the connection between light and a myocardial infarction, commonly known as a heart attack? The answer lies, perhaps surprisingly, in the circadian rhythm, the body’s clock that is linked to light and dark.
The circadian clock is regulated by proteins in the brain. But the proteins are in other organs as well, including the heart, according to a Colorado statement.
Eckle and Holger Eltzschig, Colorado professor of anesthesiology, found that one of those proteins, called Period 2, plays a crucial role in fending off damage from a heart attack.
During a heart attack, little or no oxygen reaches the heart. Without oxygen, the heart has to switch from its usual fuel - fat - to glucose. Without that change in heart metabolism, cells die and the heart is damaged And here’s where the circadian rhythm comes in.
The study showed that the Period 2 protein is vital for that change in fuel, from fat to glucose, and therefore could make heart metabolism more efficient. In fact, Strong daylight activated Period 2 in animals and minimized damage from a heart attack.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
‘Beetroot boosts runners’ speed, stamina’

(IANS) / 28 April 2012

Beetroot seems to boost the speed and stamina of runners because of the presence of high levels of performance-enhancing chemicals called nitrates, says a study at the St. Louis University in the US.
Researchers recruited 11 fit and healthy men and women and got them to twice run 5 km on a treadmill—first, after asking them to consume a portion of baked beetroot just over an hour before the exercise.
Before the second run, they ate an equivalent amount of cranberry relish, chosen because it has a similar calorific content to beetroot but without the same nitrate levels. The result showed that after eating the relish, they averaged 11.9 km per hour, the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics reports.
But after scoffing beetroot, their average speed was up to 12.3 km per hour.
Researchers said runners appear to be able to maintain their speed for longer if they have eaten the vegetable, according to the Daily Mail.
They also reported that “during the last 1.1 miles of the run, speed was five percent faster in the beetroot trial. Consumption of nitrate-rich, whole beetroot improves running performance in healthy adults”.
The findings support earlier research, published in 2009, by British scientists which suggested drinking beetroot juice could have a powerful effect on stamina and endurance, as well as lower blood pressure.


Minister (2k+ posts)
صاحب، اس سب مععلومات کا بہت بہت شکريہ- اگر ميں ان سب کو پرنٹ کر کہ اکاٹھا کو دوں تو يقينا" ایک کتابچہ شا‏‏عیہ کر سکوں گا- جزاک اللہ خير-

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Vitamins E, C no help against vision disorder

(Reuters) / 4 May 2012

Taking vitamins E and C may do nothing to protect aging eyes from macular degeneration—the leading cause of vision loss in older adults, a new clinical trial finds.Researchers had been hoping the vitamins, both antioxidants, could shield against the tissue erosion that occurs in macular degeneration. The condition involves damage to the center of the retina, which makes it hard to see fine details.
Studies have found that people who get more antioxidants in their diet have a lower risk of macular degeneration. But that doesn’t rule out other possible diet or lifestyle explanations behind the link.
And so far, clinical trials using vitamin E have come up empty.
This latest study is the longest-running one to test vitamin E for eyesight in men, and the first to try out vitamin C alone, said lead researcher William G. Christen, of Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School in Boston.
It found no benefits of either vitamin in older men who took supplements for eight years.
No one study can be the final word on the vitamins and macular degeneration, Christen told Reuters Health in an email. On the other hand, the findings also offer no evidence to support taking vitamins E or C to ward off vision problems.
The report, which appears in the journal Ophthalmology, is part of an ongoing study of more than 14,000 U.S. male doctors age 50 and older.
The men were randomly assigned to take either 400 international units (IU) of vitamin E or a placebo pill every other day, along with a daily dose of either 500 milligrams of vitamin C or a placebo.
That meant the men were either taking both vitamins, only one of them, or neither.
After eight years, 193 men had developed macular degeneration that was serious enough to interfere with their vision. But the risk was nearly identical among vitamin and placebo users.
In the U.S., an estimated 7.2 million people have some degree of macular degeneration, and 890,000 of them have advanced disease.
But the rate of new cases may be on the decline.
A study last year estimated that less than seven percent of Americans age 40 and up have macular degeneration. That was down from more than nine percent in research from the early 1990s (see Reuters Health story of January 11, 2011).
The researchers were not sure of the reasons for the decline. But they speculated that a dip in smoking rates could be one factor.
“A large body of evidence supports cigarette smoking as an important cause of age-related macular degeneration,” Christen said.
“So avoiding or quitting cigarette smoking appears to be one way to lower your risk,” he added.
But based on the current results, Christen’s team writes, vitamins E and C are “unlikely to have an important effect on the incidence of early age-related macular degeneration.”
The researchers note, though, that their study group was a generally “well-nourished” bunch. They say it’s possible the results would be different in people who have vitamin-deficient diets.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
A breakthrough in Alzhemier’s or Parkinson’s treatment?

(IANS) / 8 May 2012

Injecting a protein into the brain could protect its nerve cells from prion disease, a condition which causes the brain to wither away, says a new study.
Because the process by which prion disease affects mice brains is similar to some degenerative brain conditions in humans, scientists are hoping that the findings could be a breakthrough in the treatment of Alzheimer’s or Parkinson’s.

In each case, brain cell death is linked to the build-up of misshapen proteins, forming plaques in the brains of Alzheimer’s sufferers and lewy bodies in the nerve cells of those with Parkinson’s, the journal Nature reports.
In the mice with prion disease, researchers found that when the faulty proteins begin to accumulate, their cells activated a defence mechanism which halted the production of such proteins, according to the Telegraph.
The halt ought to be temporary, but in the diseased mice the production of proteins, crucial to cell survival, did not start up again.
Scientists found that by injecting a different protein which prevents the supply from being “switched off”, they could protect the mice’s brain cells for longer and extend their lives.
Giovanna Mallucci, professor at Leicester University, who led the research, said that it could provide a “way forward in how we treat other disorders.”
Roger Morris, professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences at King’s College London, described the findings as a “major breakthrough” and said there were “good reasons” for thinking it could also apply to Alzheimer’s.
But Eric Karran, of Alzheimer’s Research UK, warned that the research on the prion protein was in its “early stages” and added: “We would need to see the same results confirmed in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s to really strengthen the evidence.”

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Garlic beats antibiotics in quelling food-borne illness

(IANS) / 5 May 2012

Researchers have isolated a compound in garlic that is a 100 times more potent than popular antibiotics in combating Campylobacter bacteria, one of the commonest causes of intestinal illness.Some 2.4 million Americans alone are affected by Campylobacter every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with symptoms including diarrhoea, cramping, abdominal pain and fever.
“This work is very exciting to me because it shows that this compound (diallyl sulphide) has the potential to reduce disease-causing bacteria in the environment and in our food supply,” says Xiaonan Lu, postdoctoral researcher at the Washington State University, who led the study.

Lu and colleagues looked at the ability of the garlic compound, diallyl sulphide, to kill the bacteria when it is protected by a slimy biofilm that makes it 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics, the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reports.
They found the compound can easily penetrate the protective biofilm and kill bacterial cells by combining with a sulphur-containing enzyme, changing the enzyme’s function and effectively shutting down cell metabolism, according to a Washington statement.
The researchers found that diallyl sulphide was as much as 100 times effective than much of the antibiotics erythromycin and ciprofloxacin and would often work in a fraction of the time.
“This is the first step in developing or thinking about new intervention strategies. Campylobacter is simply the most common bacterial cause of food-borne illness in the United States and probably the world,” says Michael Konkel, study co-author who has been researching Campylobacter jejuni for 25 years.
Previously, Lu and colleagues found that diallyl sulphide effectively kills important foodborne pathogens, such as listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Mixing drugs, herb remedies can damage health

(IANS) / 3 May 2012


Herbal, dietary, energy or nutritional supplements may be good for one’s well being, but if combined with common drugs they can damage health.“’Natural’ does not equal ‘safe,’” and the effects and interactions of herbal or dietary supplements and functional foods such as energy drinks or nutritional bars can be difficult to predict, says Catherine Ulbricht, senior attending pharmacist at Massachusetts General Hospital.
“If something has a therapeutic action in a human body, this substance can also cause a reaction or an interaction,” added Ulbricht, the journal Alternative and Complementary Therapies reports.
The risk for interactions is greatest in younger and older people and in individuals with multiple health conditions or who take multiple medications, explains Ulbricht.
Common examples include an increased risk of significant bleeding tied with garlic, ginkgo, ginger and saw palmetto supplements; decreased blood sugar as a result of chromium, cinnamon, whey protein, and others; hormonal effects of dong quai, black cohosh, kudzu, and saw palmetto; and elevated blood pressure caused by bloodroot, green tea, hawthorn, and mate.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Compound in apple, onion can beat blood clots

(IANS) / 10 May 2012

Rutin, a chemical present in apple, orange, onion and green and black tea, not only keeps blood clots at bay but can also be part of the treatment against heart attacks and strokes, a study says.

Harvard researchers found that the compound helped block a potentially dangerous enzyme involved in the formation of blood clots. Called protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), the enzyme is released very quickly when blood clots form in the arteries and veins.

Robert Flaumenhaft, professor at the Harvard Medical School, US, who led the study, said: “Rutin proved to be the most potently anti-thrombotic (clotting) compound that we ever tested in this model.
“Clots occur in both arteries and in veins. Clots in arteries are platelet-rich, while those in veins are fibrin-rich. This discovery suggests that a single agent can treat and prevent both types of clots,” added Flaumenhaft, the Journal of Clinical Investigation reports.
Researchers tested the ability of 500 different chemicals - including rutin - to block PDI using scientific models on computers. They found that rutin to be the most effective, which protected from blood clots that occur in arteries and veins, according to the Daily Mail.
In future researchers hope to use rutin in treatments that could be used in patients at the risk of heart attacks and strokes.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
The importance of vitamin B12


Daily Value:
6 mcg
Safe Upper Limit: 3,000 mcg
Good Food Sources: Clams, ham, herring, king crab, oysters (cooked), salmon, tuna

Healing Powers
Also called cobalamin, B12 is vital to the production of myelin, the fatty sheath that insulates nerve fibers, keeping electrical impulses moving through the body as they should. Because of this important function, a whole host of problems can arise when B12 is in short supply: memory loss, confusion, delusion, fatigue, loss of balance, decreased reflexes, impaired touch or pain perception, numbness and tingling in the arms and legs, tinnitus, and noise-induced hearing loss. Deficiencies of B12 have also been linked to multiple sclerosis-like symptoms and dementia. "In a severe deficiency, there is actually a degeneration of the myelin sheath," says John Pinto, PhD, director of the nutrition research laboratory at American Health Foundation in Valhalla, NY.

But that's only the beginning of vitamin B12's importance. Researchers have discovered that a deficiency raises blood levels of a substance known as homocysteine. In addition to being toxic to brain cells in high doses--raising serious questions about its possible role in Alzheimer's disease--homocysteine may be one of the primary causes of heart disease. "It has been shown to activate a clotting system that makes blood cells become a little more adhesive, a little more sticky, making them cling to arterial walls," says Pinto. There's evidence that in some people, the accumulation of homocysteine may be caused by a genetic defect, but in others it's simply the result of a vitamin B12 deficiency (although shortages of folate and vitamin B6 can do the same).

Because vitamin B12 is also important for the production of red blood cells, a severe deficiency can lead to a condition called pernicious anemia, which can lower energy levels. "When you take B12, you will almost immediately see a burst of activity in the bone marrow--more cells--and that will mean more oxygen-carrying capacity to tissues," says Pinto.

Unfortunately, however, 10 to 30% of people over age 50 can't get enough B12 from their normal diet because their stomach doesn't secrete enough gastric acid to break down food so that B12 can be stored in the liver and muscles until it's needed. (If you have absorption problems, doctors recommend using sublingual B12 tablets--taken by placing them under the tongue--or a B12 nasal gel, both available in health food stores.)

Buyer's Guide
Unless you're vegan and avoid all animal products, it's easy to get adequate amounts of vitamin B12 from food sources because you need so little of it. There's probably no need to take a supplement, therefore, unless you've been instructed by your doctor. Vegans should look for B12-fortified products or take a supplement.

Safety Check
Vitamin B12 supplements are considered extremely safe, even in larger doses. People suffering from any of the following conditions, however, should check first with their doctor before supplementing with this vitamin: folate deficiency, iron deficiency, any kind of infection, Leber's disease, polycythemia vera (a condition marked by an abnormal increase of red blood cells), or uremia (a toxic accumulation in the blood of substances in the urine).
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Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
Sex and Vitamins: How to Have a Better Sex Life Through Nutrition

Most people know that a good sex life has endless physical and psychological health benefits, including a stronger immune system, better breathing and circulation and healthier skin. A good sex life can also relieve chronic pain and reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. But did you know that better nutrition can help you have that good sex life? Read on for an overview about some vitamins that can help you lead a better sex life as well as increase your overall health. Keep in mind that as much as possible, your vitamin supply should come from the food and drink you consume, rather than vitamin supplements. Sex and Vitamin A: Vitamin A is essential for normal reproduction, and a deficiency of Vitamin A has been shown to cause atrophy of the testicles and ovaries in male and female rats, leading to sterlization. A deficiency in vitamin A is also thought to result in a decreased production of sex hormones as well as dry, scaly skin (it is needed for soft and beautiful skin). Some good sources of vitamin A are fish, eggs, cheese, yogurt, green leafy vegetables and yellow fruit.
Sex and Vitamin B-1: Vitamin B-1 is essential to energy production and the metobolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, so a deficiency of vitamin B-1 can lead to decreased energy and reduced sex drive. More symptoms of deficiency include fatigue, decreased alertness, constipation and heart symptoms (like rapid heartbeat). Some good sources of vitamin B-1 are nuts, asparagus, beans, pineapple, whole wheat, brown rice and other whole grains.
Sex and Vitamin B-3: Deficiency of vitamin B-3, also called niacin, can lead to skin eruptions, bowel problems and even mental problems. Sex life is impacted by the presence of vitamin B-3 because it increases blood flow to the extremities, including the brain. Problems with the nerve and digestive systems caused by vitamin B-3 deficiency can negatively affect your sex life. Some good sources of vitamin B-3 are lean meat, chicken, fish, broccoli and yogurt.
Sex and Vitamin C: Vitamin C influences a good sex life with its role in the absorption of iron, the formation of blood cells and the metabolism of the adrenal gland, all processes that affect your sex life. Iron helps oxygenation of the tissues for energy production, while blood carries oxygen, hormones and nutrients to the organs, glands and tissues. The adrenal gland produces lots of hormones that influence your sex life, including a hormone that helps to stimulate orgasm. In addition, vitamin C also strengthens your immune system, protects against stress and helps keep your joints limber and active. Can you see all the potential benefits from vitamin C? Good sources of vitamin C include strawberries, tomatoes and other citrus fruits, like oranges.
Several other vitamins, including vitamin D, vitamin E and folic acid, have direct and indirect effects on a good sex life and good health in general. The next step is to plan meals accordingly so that you naturally consume enough of these vitamins to reap the benefits they have to offer. Keep in mind that consumption of these vitamins for a better sex life and better health should be a lifelong priority, rather than a short-term nutrition or weight loss goal.


Night_Hawk - Blogger
Scientists pinpoint schizophrenia genes

(AFP) / 15 May 2012

Scientists claimed Tuesday to have pinpointed the genes most responsible for schizophrenia in a breakthrough they say will allow better diagnosis and treatment of the debilitating mental illness.In a study involving genetic information from thousands of schizophrenia patients as well as healthy controls, the researchers said they identified hundreds of genes that can show who is most at risk.
“We broke the genetic code for schizophrenia, identifying many of the genes involved and how they work together to produce the illness,” study author Alexander Niculescu of the Indiana University School of Medicine in Indianapolis told AFP.
“By better understanding the genetic and biological basis of the illness, we can develop better tests for it as well as better treatments.”
Such tests could be used to determine whether children in families with schizophrenia were at risk of developing the illness, said Niculescu.
“If they are determined to be at higher risk, then they would be followed more closely by doctors, told the avoid stress, alcohol and drugs, treated with counselling, nutritional supplements (like Omega-3 fish oil capsules) and even anti-psychotic medications early on to prevent the development of full-blown illness.”
The findings are published in the Nature journal Molecular Psychiatry.
Schizophrenia patients typically hear voices that are not real, tend toward paranoia and suffer from disorganised speech and thinking. The condition is thought to affect about one in every hundred people.
Niculescu said that after pinpointing the genes involved in schizophrenia, the research team tested their findings in other patients outside the study group “to show that the results were reproducible and have predictive ability”.
Genetic studies in psychiatry often tended to produce initial excitement, he said, “but are then not reproduced in independent populations, which is the most important proof that a finding is solid and real.”
The team also used brain data from mice put on drugs to mimic schizophrenia.
“Some of the genes and biological mechanisms we identified can be used for new drug development,” said Niculescu.
It could also be used to redirect drugs currently used to treat other disorders.
Niculescu stressed that “genes are not destiny”.
“The environment plays a role as well. The genes we identified play a role in brain connectivity, so can lead to more creativity in certain individuals or clinical illness in others, depending if you have too many of these genetic mutations, in the wrong combination and in a stressful environment.”

اجل کنول

MPA (400+ posts)
لہسن کے فوائد پر آرٹکل پوسٹ کرنے کا شکریہ۔ لیکن میں نے سنا ہے کہ پکے ہوئے لہسن کی تاثیر ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔ کیا اس کے بارے میںآپ کو کوئی علم ہے؟

Garlic beats antibiotics in quelling food-borne illness

(IANS) / 5 May 2012

Researchers have isolated a compound in garlic that is a 100 times more potent than popular antibiotics in combating Campylobacter bacteria, one of the commonest causes of intestinal illness.Some 2.4 million Americans alone are affected by Campylobacter every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with symptoms including diarrhoea, cramping, abdominal pain and fever.
This work is very exciting to me because it shows that this compound (diallyl sulphide) has the potential to reduce disease-causing bacteria in the environment and in our food supply, says Xiaonan Lu, postdoctoral researcher at the Washington State University, who led the study.

Lu and colleagues looked at the ability of the garlic compound, diallyl sulphide, to kill the bacteria when it is protected by a slimy biofilm that makes it 1,000 times more resistant to antibiotics, the Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy reports.
They found the compound can easily penetrate the protective biofilm and kill bacterial cells by combining with a sulphur-containing enzyme, changing the enzymes function and effectively shutting down cell metabolism, according to a Washington statement.
The researchers found that diallyl sulphide was as much as 100 times effective than much of the antibiotics erythromycin and ciprofloxacin and would often work in a fraction of the time.
This is the first step in developing or thinking about new intervention strategies. Campylobacter is simply the most common bacterial cause of food-borne illness in the United States and probably the world, says Michael Konkel, study co-author who has been researching Campylobacter jejuni for 25 years.
Previously, Lu and colleagues found that diallyl sulphide effectively kills important foodborne pathogens, such as listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli O157:H7.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
لہسن کے فوائد پر آرٹکل پوسٹ کرنے کا شکریہ۔ لیکن میں نے سنا ہے کہ پکے ہوئے لہسن کی تاثیر ختم ہو جاتی ہے۔ کیا اس کے بارے میںآپ کو کوئی علم ہے؟

I will do some research on it and let you know.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Hijama (Arabic: ?????? lit. "sucking") is the name in Arab traditional medicine for wet cupping, where blood is drawn by vacuum from a small skin incision for therapeutic purposes.

Hijama is generally performed by Muslims as it is a form of medicine specifically mentioned and encouraged by the Islamic prophet Muhammad

Among other hadith, it is mentioned in that recorded by Muhammad al-Bukhari (5263) and Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (2952), saying "The Hijama is the best of your remedies" (??? ?? ??????? ?? ???????).

What is cupping (hijama)?

Cupping (hijama) is the best remedy recommended and used by the Messenger r. The Messenger r said, "Indeed the best of remedies you have is cupping (hijama)…" [Saheeh al-Bukhaaree (5371)]. He r also said that on the night of Israa (his ascension to the heavens) he r did not pass by an angel except that it said to him, "Oh Muhammad, order your Ummah (nation) with cupping (hijama)." [Saheeh Sunan Tirmidhee (3479)]. This shows the importance and greatness of this Sunnah.

'Hijama' in arabic is derived from 'hajm' which means 'sucking'. Cupping (hijama) is the process of applying cups to various points on the body by removing the air inside the cups to form a vacuum.

Cupping (hijama) is of three types:

Dry cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum on different areas of the body in order to gather the blood in that area without incisions (small, light scratches using a sterile surgical blade or).

Dry massage cupping (hijama) – This is similar to dry cupping (hijama) but olive oil is applied to the skin (before applying the cups) in order to allow easy movement of the cups.
70% of diseases, pains and ailments are due to the blood being unable to reach certain parts of the body. Dry cupping (hijama) and dry massaging cupping (hijama) allow the blood to reach these places.

Dry and massage cupping (hijama) may be self-administered in the comfort and privacy of your own home. Each cupping (hijama) box is accompanied by an instruction booklet. We have also provided further instructions on our 'How To Cup' page.

Dry and massage cupping (hijama) may be administered any time of the day, any day of the week or month. There are no restrictions.

Although dry and massage cupping (hijama) are very beneficial, they are not from the Sunnah. However, they fall under the general hadeeth:

The Messenger pbuh said, "For every disease there is a cure so if the medicine comes upon the disease it cures it by the will of Allah, the Most High." [Saheeh Muslim (2204)].

Wet cupping (hijama) - This is the process of using a vacuum at different points on the body but with small incisions in order to remove 'harmful' blood which lies just beneath the surface of the skin. (It is recommended that wet cupping (hijama) is only administered by a cupping therapist).


Night_Hawk - Blogger

اجل کنول

[h=1]Is Raw Garlic Really Better Than Cooked?[/h][h=2]Does Cooking Garlic Destroy Its Potential Health Benefits?[/h]

Ask any herbalist and he or she will tell you that, when it comes to herbs, "Raw is always better." Ever wonder if that's really true? Are raw herbs always more potent than cooked herbs? Does cooking really destroy an herb's potential healing properties? Well, when it comes to garlic, raw really is better than cooked. Every major healing modality in the world recognizes the potential health benefits of garlic. Ayurveda, the traditional folk medicine of India, regards garlic as a powerful rejuvenating and detoxifying medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine sees garlic as a liver and lung tonic capable of expelling parasites, easing coughs and even relieving genital itching. And, of course, here in North America, garlic is growing in popularity as a potent immune supporter.
Scientifically, garlic has been studied for a wide variety of medical conditions. While the research hasn't always produced positive results, garlic has shown at least some promise in the fight against high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Garlic may also slow or stop the growth of some types of cancers. Garlic was even the focus of a 2007 study on hair loss in men.
If you're eating garlic for its potential health benefits, you should be aware that a 2007 study published in the March issue of Journal of Medicinal Food found that cooking garlic even for brief periods of time dramatically lessened garlic's antimicrobial actions. In this study researchers looked at garlic's antimicrobial effects on some of the most common human infections, including E. coli, the germs that cause strep and staph infections and the fungus that causes most yeast infections.
Raw Garlic Really Is Better
To study the effects of garlic on common infections, researchers extracted juice from fresh garlic then heated the juice to various temperatures for various lengths of time. In doing so, they found that garlic juice heated to the boiling point and held for as little as 30 minutes lost virtually all of its antimicrobial potential. Even boiling the garlic juice for as little as 5 or 10 minutes dramatically reduced its ability to destroy pathogens.
Getting The Most Of The Garlic You Eat
While this study on garlic's antimicrobial effects didn't produce any real surprises, it did confirm what herbalists have been saying for years. Raw is better. The study's authors advise people interested in using garlic for its potential health benefits to use fresh garlic and avoid boiling it for more than 5 minutes.
If you have any questions about garlic's possible role in your diet ask your doctor to refer you to a dietitian or nutritionist who can help you design a dietary plan that's perfect for you.
Al-Waili, N., et al (2007). Effects of heating, storage, and ultraviolet exposure on antimicrobial activity of garlic juice.
Hajheydari, Z., et al (2007). Combination of topical garlic gel and betamethasone valerate cream in the treatment of localized alopecia areata: a double-blind randomized controlled study.

Night_Hawk - Blogger
Does Cooking Fresh Garlic Destroy Its Health Benefits?

Is Cooked Garlic as Healthy as Raw?

Kristie Leong M.D., Yahoo! Contributor Network
Feb 9, 2010
Garlic is one of the most commonly used spices in cooking. Not only does it add an enticing flavor to food, but it has some impressive health benefits. It's long been known for its heart healthy properties which may be related to its anti-inflammatory properties and its ability to reduce platelet clumping; but it also helps to fight off infection because of its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Fresh garlic cloves may also reduce the risk of some types of cancer - particularly stomach cancer. Unfortunately, when most people add it to their diet it's usually in the form of cooked garlic which may not have the same health properties as raw garlic cloves. Does cooking fresh garlic destroy its health benefits? Most of the health benefits of garlic come from the sulfur containing compounds it contains. The most notable is allicin. Allicin is responsible for the anti-bacterial, anti-viral, and anti-fungal properties of garlic and also helps to stomp out cancer cells and reduce their growth. In addition, it helps to prevent formation of cancer causing chemicals in the body. It's these strong sulfur compounds that linger on the breath after a meal - giving rise to "garlic breath".
Even though the sulfur compounds may do little for your breath, they're certainly good for your body. When a garlic clove is crushed, the sulfur compound allicin is released. Once exposed to the air, it starts to lose some of its potency, and when you cook garlic some of the sulfur compounds - particularly allicin - are slowly degraded. If you cook garlic in a microwave, you completely destroy the healthful sulfur components. Crushing the garlic clove releases allicin and makes its active ingredients more available, but cooking fresh garlic causes them to be partially destroyed. On the other hand, garlic is still a good source of flavonoids, selenium, and other sulfur compounds which aren't destroyed by the cooking process.
Obviously, cooking fresh garlic reduces some of its health benefits - but all is not lost. During the cooking process other intermediate sulfur containing compounds are formed that still have health benefits. It's primarily the anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties found in allicin that are lost when garlic is cooked. The anti-cancer and heart healthy properties are preserved even after cooking garlic since these benefits come from sulfur compounds other than allicin.
The bottom line? You'll still get some of the health benefits of garlic even if you only eat cooked garlic - as long as it's not cooked in a microwave. The anti-cancer benefits and the positive benefits for the heart remain intact, although you lose some of the anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties because of the breakdown of allicin. For the most benefits, eat cooked garlic and a little raw garlic too.

Night_Hawk - Blogger

[h=1]Knowing the Benefits of Garlic Other Than Being a Spice to Food[/h][h=2]Goodness Garlic Gracious![/h]Heide Lynne Canlas, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Nov 13, 2008

Garlic is godsend, not because folklore hails garlic as the ultimate ingredient in banishing evil spirits, but more especially because it boasts of a range of medicinal purposes. Taking in garlic has been said to boost the immune system, fight infection, lowers the risk of cancer and heart ailments, and does wonders for our blood circulation among many others. Garlic is a known bactericidal, anti-fungal, and anti-viral plant. This is why traditional herbal medical practitioners would advice rubbing garlic poultice over wounds. This procedure is also a recognized first-aid remedy over insect stings, dog bites, snake bites, and even allergic reactions of skin to certain plants.
Ringworm and athlete's foot, as well as other known fungal skin infection, can also be addressed by garlic poultice. Thrush, a fungal infection common among children and characterized by white patches and ulcers in the mouth and throat, can also be treated with garlic.
And as taking in garlic boosts the body's immune system, this helps our body combat viral infections such as colds and flu, resulting to a speedy recovery.
Moreover, garlic can help lower cholesterol levels in the blood by as much as 10 to 14 percent. Taking in garlic can also help balance blood sugar levels and lower blood pressure as it helps increase blood flow.
In addition to all of these, studies made by the National Cancer Institute have shown that garlic can lessen the incidence of stomach cancers. This is because garlic, like leeks and onions which belong to the allium family, contains a chemical called allicin which has recently been proven to address various diseases of the gastro-intestinal tract.
Eating garlic fresh is best for those who seek, not just its strong flavor, but its potent medicinal uses. Cooking decreases its value as heat allows its juices as well as its nutrients to evaporate. And while processed garlic, as in those found in herbal garlic food supplements, may not give you the pungent odor known to this amazing antidote, these definitely do not work as well for your health as fresh garlic does.
So when you're looking for and buying a garlic, choose one that's fresh so you can take advantage of the many benefits of this godsend ingredient!
"Garlic: The Wonder Food", Healing Daily

Night_Hawk - Blogger
[h=1]Anti-Inflammatory Herbs That Work[/h][h=2]My Personal Success with These Anti-Inflammatory Herbs[/h]Lyn Vaccaro, Yahoo! Contributor Network
Mar 25, 2012

Being a middle aged runner who has been running for over 30 years, I've found myself having to rely on a lot of anti-inflammatory medicines available, both alternative, as well as natural. As I've aged, I began to find that the natural ones were easier on my digestive system, and in the case of a spice called turmeric, actually soothed the indigestion I get from food allergies. So there began my love affair with herbs. I've taken a number of classes on herbs given through my employer from a number of herbalists at Outpost Natural Foods in Milwaukee, my hometown. I also am a big fan of Dr. Andrew Weil, a nutritionally minded M.D. Here are a few of these herbs that helped me with inflammation specifically and gave me the motivation to seek out anti-inflammatory herbs.
By far this is my favorite anti-inflammatory spice/herbs because of the effectiveness I experience with it. A constituent referred to as curcumin is the effective active ingredient that promotes the anti-inflammation in this herb. Supplemental formulas that isolate this constituent are popular, however, I take the more economical version of the plain gold colored powder that I find in the bulk section of my health food store.
After taking this powder for a 2 month duration, I felt noticeably better, especially in both of my hips where most of my pain occurred when running. Without taking this spice, I find I have to cut way back on my running and have more pain generally. Dr. Weil suggests a dosage of 400-600 mgs of either capsules or tablets, and the equivalent of that in powder form would be approximately a teaspoon.
Ginger Root
Dr. Weil and myself both feel good about the decrease in inflammation that comes with taking ginger. I make a point of taking this herb along with the turmeric either in freshly juiced vegetables or fruits. Adding these substances to your freshly made juice is a very effective and quick way to get full benefits from these anti-inflammatory herbs and is something I do almost daily. Fresh juice is absorbed within 15 minutes so you can get the anti-inflammatory benefit quickly. I find that without the use of ginger combined with the turmeric my pain doesn't seem to be as well managed. I tried to go with just one or the other, but the difference is quite noticeable. Dr. Weil recommends a dosage of 500-1,000 milligrams.
Using this herb in an extract is the best way to obtain the best results from the anti-inflammatory qualities of it. I've had clients from my retail health food store that had experienced a lot of fibromyalgia symptoms and swore by the effectiveness of this herb in decreasing the pain and inflammation from that condition. Dr. Weil, suggests two of these in capsule form twice daily.
All of these can be found in combinations at health food retail stores that work very well and are known for good results.

Night_Hawk - Blogger

Nuts to Diabetes & Heart Disease
In This Week's Issue

If you don't go overboard, munching on nuts daily can help lower your risks of developing metabolic syndrome, type 2 diabetes and heart disease. The latest on the health benefits of eating these traditional snack foods comes from a comparison of people who ate nuts versus those who didn't. Researchers from the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center looked at data from 13,292 adults who took part in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys between 1999 and 2004 to learn how many ate at least a quarter of an ounce of tree nuts per day (including walnuts, almonds, cashews, macadamia nuts and pistachios). They found that 18.6 percent of adults between ages 19 and 50 ate nuts daily as did 21 percent of those age 51 or older. Compared with study participants who didn't report eating nuts, those who did had fewer risk factors for metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease - they weighed less, had less hypertension, higher HDL (good) cholesterol levels, lower C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation), less abdominal obesity and a lower prevalence of metabolic syndrome.
My take? This is just one of the many studies suggesting the health benefits of including nuts in your diet. While high in fat, most nuts contain monounsaturated fat, the type that is good for the heart. Results from an ongoing study, which is monitoring the health of 86,000 nurses, noted several years ago that those who ate more than five ounces of nuts per week (about the amount you get by eating a single airline packet daily) had one third fewer heart attacks than those who rarely or never ate nuts. I usually enjoy a handful a day - my favorites are cashews, almonds and walnuts.