Gullu Qadri can not even think to say so for MQM. MQM is part of Pasha London conspiracy. It was MQM who played through Governor Sindh and ensured Gullu Qadri Firqa to reach in front of Parliament. Whereas as jamat I islami was dedicated to bring Pasha Party smoothly in front of Parliament. MQM has to make aggressive entry as per plan, soon NS displayed little coward approach by seeing this threat. Once NS preferred to get himself murdered from these Jewish/RAW sponsored agitators, all plans were failed.
MQM and Gullu Qadri Firqa are funded from same source. MQM is exposed today, Inshallah others will exposed soon. Gullu Qadri earned Rs 7 Billion to get out of Pakistan, with clear indication from Military Establishment that they know Model Town Drama was directed by Shuja Pasha/Zaheer ul Islam through Wajahat Force characters in Police uniform and police weapons to ignite London Plan.
It is impossible Gullu Qadri to go against MQM. 3.jpgpakistan is waiting for you as most idiots are still following noora and ppp thugs on this forum
and that's what the brave sharif family does....shoots the women
No mercy for any Kharji, whether Lal Masjid or TMQ, both same and Masjid Zarar of Century. Zarb I Azb against all Kharji.
and that's what the brave sharif family does....shoots the women
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