Please do read before passing any comments.. Please note that ASIF SHERAZ was BRASSTACKS admin & used to reply on facebooks & emails directed to Mr Zaid..
Recently he posted the videos calling Yousuf as Kazzab & defended Zaid Hamid stance. After few days those videos were made offline.. Just to get the whole picture i am pasting links for review..
#1) ... uf-kazzab/" onclick=";return false;
After making videos offline with a message...
#2) ... rasstacks/" onclick=";return false;
Clarification by Asif Shiraz Regarding His Comments About Yusuf Kazab and Zaid Hamid
Posted by Fidaiye Rasool SAAW on March 30, 2010
Editors Note: Asif Shiraz has left a detailed comment on our article Is Asif Shiraz really an ex-member Brasstacks ?. The comment was posted on Zaid Hamid Exposition facebook fanpage and can be viewed here. The clarification is being published in verbatim here.
Asif Shiraz Salam Guys
The nature and workings of ZHE group have become more appropriate and befitting for someone who loves to hate zaid hamid. instead of someone who loves Rasool Allah (sm)
First of all, I would like to thank everyone for making me so popular. I never knew taking my video off the internet would make me even more popular than putting it on :) lol
Let me tell you some hard facts, which some of you will probably dislike a lot.. (because again muawiya ki nafrat ali ke muhabbat se barh gayee hai).
Let me at first start by proposing a solution to this whole thing, before saying anything further. The solution is verse 3:61. Challenge zaid hamid according to this verse.. doodh ka doodh aur paani ka paani hoe jai ga.
Now, about me and my *Video* :)
When zaid started brasstacks, I joined him whole heartedly because to me, it was an attempt to genuinely serve pakistan. I knew he had done tauba for yousaf issue back around 2000 even while yusuf was alive, so I was satisfied he is not trying to bring out yousaf ideology or anything. Besides, the *real* followers of yousaf kazzab are still running loose and just because they dont come on TV, and just because challenging them isnt a high profile thing to do, so our fidayeen-e-rasool of this group probably felt more excited trying to focus on zaid. Anyway.. coming back to point so when I joined brasstacks, Zaid took up this stance that even though lying is haram, hiding the facts is permissible when intentions are good, e.g. Hz. Abu Bakr Siddique (rz) hid the fact of the Prophet(sm) accompanying him when a guard asked him that who is with him.
So as I saw it from within brasstacks, zaid never really lied to anyone directly. He never said im not zaid zaman. he just used the name Zaid Hamid. He never said that the audio is not his: He only said that please bring real owner or recorder of that audio so we can comment on it. Similarly, there is no one who can say that zaid lied, in any of his emails. yes, he is guilty of hiding things, guilty of giving broad statements which circumvented some pointed questions, but that is not lying, technically speaking. I was aware of the circumvention and let it happen, indeed participated in it at times, because I genuinely believed that Zaid had done tauba, and the only reason we are circumventing this issue because it will create needless hindrances in an otherwise well-intentioned good work that we are doing.
Zaid is good at words in this sense. Even in his 58 minute released video, at one point he said I came to rawalpindi in 1992 and never knew what was happening in karachi. Some people undertook this statement to mean that he is saying he never met yousaf after 1992, but technically, that is not what he said. All he said was, I didnt know everything that happened in karachi.
Im not a fan myself of this kind of double talk, nor am I defending why he does this. All I am saying is, he never directly lied. Now, why did he do this?
Like I said, my impression was that he wants to do something good, and is afraid that his past will catch up with him, and no one will believe he has done tauba. That is why I continued silence over such deception, while privately exhorting him to come out clearly in the open.
However, I also am personally a witness to the fact that zaid hamid left kazzab yousaf even while yousaf was alive. We prayed in the same mosque in chaklala and I knew what was happening in his life. This is a hard and bitter pill for those to swallow who are extremely keen on presenting zaid has yousafs minion, but the fact is, zaid is himself on BITTER terms with the actual followers of yousaf kazzab. Zaid hamix exposition guys know this. But they will never tell you this. They know that zaid does not even talk to yousafs followers. But they neither go against yousafs real followers, nor do they highlight this fact, because they want to sell this impression that zaid is trying to bring back and revive yousafs ideology.
The truth is, it always remains a possibility that zaid is simply being egotistical of his personal sincerity even while being misguided by yousauf, and inspite of having realized it privately, does not want to say it in public. The other possibility, that the whole brasstacks is a farce and zaid has realy been working on a covert agenda to re-establish yousaf as a nabi, is based on one single, solitary fact: Zaid not callimg him a kazzab. other than that, there is still absolutely no concrete evidence that can establish how zaid is involved in trying to promote yousafs ideology.
Zaid hamid exposition site is doing a wonderful job exposing yousaf kazzab. But a very poor job in trying to go to all lengths and all extremes to paint zaid negatively, as much as possible. So much so that they didnt even leave me. :-)
I ask them just one question. Kazzab toe kazzab theher gaya. Now where is the fatwa which says that kazzab yousaf koe kazzab na kehna wala bhi kazzab hai?
And lastly, Im sure something that you will apply on me, kazzab yousaf koe kazzab na kehnay walay koe bhi kazzab na kehlay wala bhi kazzab hai :) (Iss last pool mein yeh loag mujhe daalain ge :)
Editors Note: If I would have to summarize the clarification in one sentence, I would say that Asif Shiraz is trying to explain that telling a lie is a bad thing, but hiding truth is permissible in Islam. So Zaid Hamid and I myself never told a lie, all we were doing was hiding the truth in veiled and beautiful words.