Cross Talk: US Pak-Up


Minister (2k+ posts)
Now the big question arises again that why President Obama did't release the video or pictures of "OSAMA" which are source of very big suspicion in every one's mind .There are rumours that they killed a "cloned " osama and wants to blame pakistan for safeguarding osama.The house which in abtabad may have only osama's family and protecting them some low level officials.This time US trick the world again like they did for 9/11 which was an " inside job " and put it on alqaeda. Osama's death have been revealed as 2006 ,acording to many otherwise US must have shown the whole thing which took place.Another topi drama for Obama's re-election.some rumours that osama's third wife "AMAL" was the US informer .But US did't say that pakistan is the one who gave them the important information which led them to that house.Even in US,someone have gone to the court to get the video and pictures of Osama from this cheater govt of US which they are refusing to the meida,why? something is wrong somewhere?
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