Controversy surrounds Kareena and Saif's newborn

Kashif Rafiq

Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
MUMBAI: Dec. 20 was a happy day for parents Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor, who welcomed their first child on Tuesday. However, two hours after the infant was born, controversy broke out as Indian Twitterati fumed at the name chosen by the celebrity couple for their baby boy.

Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi was the name of the infant which the couple had decided to choose for their baby boy, which was announced by the actors in a joint statement after Kareena gave birth to him. However, the word Taimur did ring a bell with the Indian masses but never struck a chord with them. Taimur, the Mongol emperor who conquered Delhi, is not very popular among Indians, who accuse him of massacring millions in his quest to extend his empire to India. Taimur is also linked to the first Mongol emperor who established his rule in the sub-continent, Babar.

Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor came under fire from various Twitter users after the name of the boy was announced. Here are some of the tweets which fumed at the powerhouse couple's choice of naming their child. Here are a few tweets which were doing the rounds on Twitter:-

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
اس کا ہندو نام رکھ لیں تو بھی کوئی فرق نہیں پڑتا روز حشر کرینہ کپور کے نام سے اٹھایا جائے گا .

Zamaray Khan

Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think we are worse than them. Can a Hindu boy marry a pakstani muslim girl in Pakistan and then have a baby with hindu name? we will simply kill people not even discussing it on twitter.[/QUOT

Verry well said . Religions apart Pakistani society is more back ward and narrow minded than Indian society . If it was the other way around and they were living in Pakistan they would have been killed by now .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think we are worse than them. Can a Hindu boy marry a pakstani muslim girl in Pakistan and then have a baby with hindu name? we will simply kill people not even discussing it on twitter.

جھوٹ مت بولو۔۔ہم تو اُنہیں پی ایم ہاوس میں بٹھاتے ہیں۔۔۔۔

۔۔۔۔میاں نرندر شریف کی ہی مثال لے لو۔۔۔۔



Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
I think we are worse than them. Can a Hindu boy marry a pakstani muslim girl in Pakistan and then have a baby with hindu name? we will simply kill people not even discussing it on twitter.[/QUOT

Verry well said . Religions apart Pakistani society is more back ward and narrow minded than Indian society . If it was the other way around and they were living in Pakistan they would have been killed by now .

sorry to disagree bro...
indians r much much backward thn us....many examples can b found..
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
لگتا ہے کُچھ دوست انڈین میراثیوں کے ٹمکوں سے بے حد مُتاثر ہوکر اُنہیں ہم سے زیادہ آزاد خیال سمجھنے لگے۔۔۔

جاو یار اور دیکھو کہ وہ کیا کرتے ہیں اپنی عورتوں کے ساتھ۔۔۔آج بھی وہ مکہ کے مُشرکین سے کسی طور کم نہیں۔۔۔
کہ وہ زندہ دفن کرتے اور یہ پیدائش سے پہلے ہی اُن کا صفایا کر دیتے ہیں۔۔۔

جاو اور دیکھو کہ وہ اپنی اقلیتوں کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کرتے ہیں۔۔۔
اقلیتیں چھوڑو۔۔۔۔۔اپنے ہی نیچ ذات والے ہندووں کو کس نظر سے دیکھتے

Conservative liberal

Senator (1k+ posts)
This world is crazily changing, if the womann dances naked it is considered to be open mindedness and covering them and giving them respect is becoming backwardness.
لگتا ہے کُچھ دوست انڈین میراثیوں کے ٹمکوں سے بے حد مُتاثر ہوکر اُنہیں ہم سے زیادہ آزاد خیال سمجھنے لگے۔۔۔

جاو یار اور دیکھو کہ وہ کیا کرتے ہیں اپنی عورتوں کے ساتھ۔۔۔آج بھی وہ مکہ کے مُشرکین سے کسی طور کم نہیں۔۔۔
کہ وہ زندہ دفن کرتے اور یہ پیدائش سے پہلے ہی اُن کا صفایا کر دیتے ہیں۔۔۔

جاو اور دیکھو کہ وہ اپنی اقلیتوں کے ساتھ کیا سلوک کرتے ہیں۔۔۔
اقلیتیں چھوڑو۔۔۔۔۔اپنے ہی نیچ ذات والے ہندووں کو کس نظر سے دیکھتے


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
BJP twitteratis Unhappy with Saif & Kareena's name choice of "Taimur", signifies mongols : Ache din :)

Kareena Kapoor's Son Taimur Already Twitter Star For Controversial Name: Foreign Media


Kareena Kapoor Baby: Kareena and Saif welcomed their first baby on Tuesday (courtesy: kareenabebo) TAIMUR ALI KHAN:


Many Indians on Tuesday weighed in when one of Bollywood's most stylish couples announced they had given birth to a new baby boy. The baby's name is Taimur Ali Khan Pataudi . "Taimur" is a name many Indians may recognize from their school history textbooks.

Taimur the Lame, often known as Timur or Tamerlane, was a brutal Mongol invader who conquered many parts of Persia and central Asia. He called himself the "sword of Islam" and used religious symbols for his conquests. Taimur slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Indians on his way to capture Delhi in the 14th century. In Indian history, his name is synonymous with massacres. So when Saif Ali Khan and Kareena Kapoor Khan - who are fondly called "Saifeena" by the gushing Indian media, imitating the term "Brangelina" - announced their son's name, it opened a Pandora's box.

News outlets immediately began dishing out short history lessons about the medieval tyrant, and some on social media attacked the choice. The couple's defenders pointed out that Taimur means "like iron" in Turkic languages, trying to counter the volley of criticism on Twitter. Much like celebrity kids such as Beyonce's daughter, Blue Ivy, in the United States, Taimur is already a star on Twitter. "While their fans wait to get the first glimpse of the prince, one thing is clear - he has already been put in the spotlight, courtesy his unique name," reported.
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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: BJP twitteratis Unhappy with Saif & Kareena's name choice of "Taimur", signifies mongols : Ache din :)

arey to history kesay chupao gay ?? is a fact hindustan was ruled by Muslims for more than a 1000 years and even now the newer generation is named TAIMUR will full vigour and fervour. The ch@ddis are a passing race. No one knew them yesterday and even today their are identified with a CH@ddi :lol:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: BJP twitteratis Unhappy with Saif & Kareena's name choice of "Taimur", signifies mongols : Ache din :)

indians are just extremely ignorant and hateful nation.

they are just so full of hate that sometimes i am shocked.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: BJP twitteratis Unhappy with Saif & Kareena's name choice of "Taimur", signifies mongols : Ache din :)

Although not a 100 % accurate but this statement seals the fate :

"Taimur slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Indians on his way to capture Delhi in the 14th century. In Indian history, his name is synonymous with massacres."

Many massacres have been committed by Indians maharaja's themselves ...and Raja Sangha a Hindu, himself went to Central Asia to Invite Emperor Babur to fight against Ibrahim Lodhi of Delhi :biggthumpup:....Now what happened after is that Babur kept Delhi and he got rid of sangha too
:lol:.So Taimur was no exception !

Fact about Mughal Emperors from Professor Ram Punyani an IIT qualified Professor :

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: BJP twitteratis Unhappy with Saif & Kareena's name choice of "Taimur", signifies mongols : Ache din :)

Although not a 100 % accurate but this statement seals the fate :

"Taimur slaughtered hundreds of thousands of Indians on his way to capture Delhi in the 14th century. In Indian history, his name is synonymous with massacres."

Many massacres have been committed by Indians maharaja's themselves ...and Raja Sangha a Hindu, himself went to Central Asia to Invite Emperor Babur to fight against Ibrahim Lodhi of Delhi :biggthumpup:....Now what happened after is that Babur kept Delhi and he got rid of sangha too
:lol:.So Taimur was no exception !

Fact about Mughal Emperors from Professor Ram Punyani an IIT qualified Professor :

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Truth must be expanded and told in a pointed way to those nincompoops who keep trying to change the history by only reading bad about Muslims, they never talk about what english rulers did to when Hindus came as aryans to India, they totally subjugated locals and made them the lowest of the low as humans, most racist were the Aryans, and they have the galls to talk about Muslims.

not only that it was Hindu Raja of Punjab who attacked the father of sultan Mehmood gaznvithe subtgeen nto Afghanistan there by making ghaznavi to attack India in return to teach him a lesson.
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