Awam Ki Adalat - 1st July 2012 - Makhdom Javed Hashmi

Awam Ki Adalat

Voter (50+ posts)

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Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
iftikhar doesn have manners. he calling other TUM even they called him AAp. such a an idiot and proudy ancher. he is Chamcha of ppp


Senator (1k+ posts)
نواز شریف سیاسدان سے زیادہ بہتر تاجر ہے۔
عمران خان کرکٹر سےبڑا سیاستدان ہے۔
واہ ہاشمی صاحب کیا کمپیرزن کیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔واہ واہ۔


MPA (400+ posts)
Hashmi is biggest LOTA, after few months will criticise Munafiq Khan --- he is brainless idiot
نواز شریف سیاسدان سے زیادہ بہتر تاجر ہے۔
عمران خان کرکٹر سےبڑا سیاستدان ہے۔
واہ ہاشمی صاحب کیا کمپیرزن کیا ہے۔۔۔۔۔واہ واہ۔


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
saaraaab, sharam tum to magar nahi aati
LOTA = person leaving his/her party to join ruling party ---> Nawaz Sharif (go and check his history of party hopping and collaboration with army to REMAIN IN FU@#$4 POWER)

what definition do you have for LOTA? ... actually don't answer it .. don't put too much pressure on your brain cells (typical noora league voter!!!!)

iss (javaid hashmi) kee shakal to lotay say mill rahi hae[hilar][hilar]


Senator (1k+ posts)
i dont understand what this host is trying to prove by calling JH tum, javed, karta etc, i have seen him interviewing Pervez Mushraf, he was sitting like a coward bili, addressing PM....aap , kartay, sahib etc....
i have to call him *******..


Big lotta in PTI has big position. PTI is crap. jitna bara lotta utni bari position.میرا دوست عمران خان کو اپنا باتھروم کا لوٹا ڈونٹ کرنا چاہتا ہے پی ٹی آئی والے میرے دوست کی مدد کریں. .
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