Are we really your enemies?


MPA (400+ posts)
ok , here i am an indian..trying to talk to you to know your heart.
from the moment i born i heard india and pakistan are enimies.. but i dont know what is the reason .. do you know?..
in this 21 centure we are trying to kill each other .. think, we are same blood .. we look same, we we are with same IQ , but we are, both of us, are too fool that we just spending our life to fight each other. and we are not knowing the other countires are growing without us .. they enjopying their life.. with more good things..

from my opnion, we have to be united ,,, the limitation of religion should not be a problem for us,... we have to stand together and have to grow togther ...give respect to each other ... if we are ready to unite then there is no problem in kashmir.. there is no problm about river... it is just ours all ours....,. common people support me or tell me a reson to do not rejoin.

by allah we would love to unite, and the united country shall be called


Seems like the chand is frustrated. May be she is looking for a better hubby over her eon

can someone get a Pakistani Hindu man please and 're-unite' them lmao

I know a Supaira . . . . He can take good care of Snakes of which this Lady from the Moon belongs . . . . He he he he . . . .


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Even twins look the same and share the same blood and have the same IQ but their destinies are not the same. We have come too far ahead now to look back. The only thing which makes sense is to drop hostilities and work towards economic betterment of everybody. But that is an agenda that the two government's are working on. Here on this forum you won't find any takers for your idea. Most Pakistanis here hate India and Hindus to be more precise. So no India pakistan Aman ki Asha here.:)

First u need to change ur attitude towards Pakistanis and then expect a friendship hand... U accept it or not but it is a bitter reality that India did not accept Pakistan from heart... But i dont blame Indian people for this as this was all planned up by the elite class Politicians who when realize their power is reducing, do something by their selves and put a tag of Videshi Haath in it and that Videshi Haath is then tagged to Pakistan... Our politicians are either coward or very generous that, beside solid proofs of indian involvement in Pakistani tribal areas never accused India for it, while in India if someone fires a cracker is blamed without any proof on Pakistan (leave about east Pakistan and RAW)... I did reply to one of ur country fellow and i also suggested him not to close ur eyes and know ur enemy... and this thread starter is very much right by saying all this as look at other countries they are developing day by day... but we are spending majority of our budget on defense rather we should spend it on betterment of people and economy...But india has to change their attitude first... U should not expect a flower from someone u slap...Seeemple....:)


by allah we would love to unite, and the united country shall be called

Dear Either I will live in that Greater Pakistan or that Lady from the Moon (Chandbibi) . . . .


MPA (400+ posts)
gazoo uncle pakistani hindus tou itnay buray nahe hain phir bhi ap..............(serious)

Seems like the chand is frustrated. May be she is looking for a better hubby over her eon

can someone get a Pakistani Hindu man please and 're-unite' them lmao


First u need to change ur attitude towards Pakistanis and then expect a friendship hand... U accept it or not but it is a bitter reality that India did not accept Pakistan from heart... But i dont blame Indian people for this as this was all planned up by the elite class Politicians who when realize their power is reducing, do something by their selves and put a tag of Videshi Haath in it and that Videshi Haath is then tagged to Pakistan... Our politicians are either coward or very generous that, beside solid proofs of indian involvement in Pakistani tribal areas never accused India for it, while in India if someone fires a cracker is blamed without any proof on Pakistan (leave about east Pakistan and RAW)... I did reply to one of ur country fellow and i also suggested him not to close ur eyes and know ur enemy... and this thread starter is very much right by saying all this as look at other countries they are developing day by day... but we are spending majority of our budget on defense rather we should spend it on betterment of people and economy...But india has to change their attitude first... U should not expect a flower from someone u slap...Seeemple....:)

1.Indian budget is 2% of indian economy and 10% of indian national budget,while pakistan spends 30% on defense !!
2.pakistan is under shock waves of terror emanating from its own house.india should not even have talks with pakistan!!

India doesnt need pakistan!!You can only say about indian involvement while we can give 1000 proofs who are living in pakistan;are being involved in terror operations for last 20 years..since all the drama of pakistan is exposed to world,pak is left with no friend.
India should mind its business and leave pakistan to mercy of t aliban,america and china!!

India and paksitan are two different country and india doesn't need to talk to pakistan!!India is spending its money on everything ,be it social sectors,defense or health in justified ratio!!in years to come,india would just need to keep its security up and keep off all relations with pakistan!!

India should even close its embassy in pakistan and break all diplomatic relations!!


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
1.Indian budget is 2% of indian economy and 10% of indian national budget,while pakistan spends 30% on defense !!
2.pakistan is under shock waves of terror emanating from its own house.india should not even have talks with pakistan!!

India doesnt need pakistan!!You can only say about indian involvement while we can give 1000 proofs who are living in pakistan;are being involved in terror operations for last 20 years..since all the drama of pakistan is exposed to world,pak is left with no friend.
India should mind its business and leave pakistan to mercy of t aliban,america and china!!

India and paksitan are two different country and india doesn't need to talk to pakistan!!India is spending its money on everything ,be it social sectors,defense or health in justified ratio!!in years to come,india would just need to keep its security up and keep off all relations with pakistan!!

India should even close its embassy in pakistan and break all diplomatic relations!!

Bla bla bla.... Have u forgotten about 1971... we know all ur hoax dramas so dont rant here... and by the way we Pakistanis also dont need useless india... and whatever they spend good for u people... This reply should have been to the thread starter who is really looking for answers go teach him... yah india should close all embassies and be kicked out once and for all...India is the only country in asia who has problems with all its neighbors...india is a bigger super market for foreign investments thats why world is interested in whatever india rants but it does not mean they r right....I always wondered why our Pakistani members on this forum are so harsh to u people... but i was wrong... people like u deserve it to keep ur mind on track...


Bla bla bla.... Have u forgotten about 1971... we know all ur hoax dramas so dont rant here... and by the way we Pakistanis also dont need useless india... and whatever they spend good for u people... This reply should have been to the thread starter who is really looking for answers go teach him... yah india should close all embassies and be kicked out once and for all...India is the only country in asia who has problems with all its neighbors...india is a bigger super market for foreign investments thats why world is interested in whatever india rants but it does not mean they r right....I always wondered why our Pakistani members on this forum are so harsh to u people... but i was wrong... people like u deserve it to keep ur mind on track...

china has bad relations with all neighbors...They dont even spare sea territorial rights..Pakistan has problems with all neigbors...
india has warm relations with bhutan,myanmar;good relation with nepal,bangladesh and sri lanka;bad relation with china,pakistan!!

Truth is :Pakistan is epicenter of all terror related attacks !!while india is on receiving attack in oslo added another feather to ongoing jihad !!


Minister (2k+ posts)
Riverblue we dont want reunion, but we can live without hating each other i think. Indians also are not in favor of reunion. Forget all that BS RSS talk. All that is history. Young Indians are quite happy with the current geography. Just for the sake of jingoism, we can't change realities. But we must move ahead from this point onwards. We owe it to the future generations.

I think Paskistan and India can live peacefully, however to achieve this our politicians and people incharge of our state and governamental affairs will have to show some maturity.

In my opinion India has done more harm to Pakistan and muslims, than Pakistan has done to Indai and hindus. If we really want peace in this neighbouhood, we will have to bury the hatchet, and start cleaning up the mess that has been created in our countries over last 60+ years.

First of all India will have to do the following:
1. Treat muslims in India fairly, give them equal opportunity to flourish economically, socially and religiously. Specially in Kashmir.
2. Get rid of people like Bal Thakrey and Narinder Modi.
3. Investigate who killed Karkare
4. Investigate col. Prohit and dismantle his organisation.
5. Make sure incidents like samjhota express and Gujrat don't happen again.
6. Do an honest investigation of Mumbai attacks, and find out who was really behind the attacks. Do a joint investigation with Pakistan.
7. Make sure in incidents like Male Gaon, Pakistan is not maligned.
8. Do not steal Pakistan's water.
9. Do not support and fund terrorists in Pakistan.

Pakistan has to do the following:
1. If LeT is involved in Mumbai attacks, give death sentence to anyone involved.
2. Morally support the indiginous movement in Kashmir but don't get involved.
3. Make sure no Pakistani based group is involved in acts of terrorism in India.

I think if both the countries are serious about establishing good relations with each other then we must show some good gestures to assure the other country that we are serious and we mean business. If we start with these confidence building measures then I think we can achieve peaceful relations.


Politcal Worker (100+ posts)
not all hindus hate pakistan and muslims and many hindus are generally good people; however, what is more important that the hindus who control india are responsible for the genocide and rape of kashmir.

conversation over