An insight into the Sectarianism in Pakistan.


Prime Minister (20k+ posts)
Please do read the complete article.

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Senator (1k+ posts)
yes u r right but the thing is water and fire can never be friend ,, shia , , ahmadi ,,, non muslims and thas it

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
Sectarian conflict in Pakistan is the direct result of state policies of induction of religion in politics and marginalization of secular progressive forces. Covert support and patronage of religious parties by successive military governments have drove Pakistan to a point where religious extremism threatens to destroy the foundations of the state and society. Religious sectarianism is the principal source of terrorist activity in Pakistan. Shia and Sunni zealots have killed more than thousands civilians in the last twenty years. Unless we make a conscious effort to de-radicalize the society this menace will continue to grow.

Saladin A

Minister (2k+ posts)
In the western countries the mirazis and their leadership is supported by the Western governments and their intelligence services. Shias are also secretly supported by the Zionist Jews and the CIA, MI5 and Mossad. In Iraq, Mehdi Army was trained, armed and financed by the CIA and Mossad and it was responsible for the murders, killing, abduction, kidnapping and expulsion of hundreds of thousands of innocent men and women because they had names of Umar, Abu Bakr, Usman and Ayesha on their ID cards.

This sectarian division amongst Muslims has always harmed Islam and Islamic civilization more than anything. The Zionist State of Israel and Christian West has always exploited this differences and animosity to their advantage because there is demarcation line between a minority sect and the majority Muslims that can not be crossed unless there is a theological and idealogical compromise.

The ulemas of the Sunnis and Shias groups got to sit together and reach an agreement for the good of Islam so that our enemies do not take advantage from the centuries old differences, divisions, suspicions and hatred amongst our sects.

Shias and Sunnis must get married with each other and Shias should name their children, Abu Bakr, Umar, Usman and Ayesha to remove the prejudices that hinder peace and harmony amongst us.

Ammar isb

Councller (250+ posts)
@ Saladin, I am sorry but I will have to burst your bubble the sectarian violence in Pakistan is not due the involvement of U.S of U.K but for the last two decades Pakistan has been the ideological ground for Iran and Saudi Arab who are fighting a proxy war in Pakistan. Both the nations support Madarsha’s who attack rival fractions. Militant groups such Sipah-e-Shahba and Jaish-e-Muhammad are an extension of Saudi radical Wahbiism. Kindly get your facts straight before you embark up bizarre conspiracy theories.
