Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

You will not like it ... but honestly ... Ghulam Ahmed Pervez point of view is accurate. He does not reject or deny ahadith. He only says that Quran cannot be tested against Hadith (as you do and it is your attitude which has made me think like Pervez sahib). Hadith is to be tested against Quran. If Hadith is in accordance with Quran ... then it is binding part of Shariah and deserves all reverence and taazeem.

But "Hadith" which contradicts Quran is absolutely a false Hadith.

Chain reference in Hadith is Not a "Khokhli baat" if Hadith is not contradictory to Quran. But if Hadith is contradictory to Quran ... then the Chain Reference (how much rich may be) is a khokhli baat. Simple is that...!!!

A Hadith contradicts Quran is not Hadith at all.
is that answer your problem and your thoughts about me??

But if a Hadith explain an Ayat and interpret it

Do i need to believe some GAP interpretations that goes entirely against Hadith??

or let me be more simple
To understand Quran Hadith is the source or someone GAP???
and if GAP goes against hadith and bring a new explanation that did not match with Hadith and even context then???

Imam Shafai,Imam Hanbal , Imam Abu Hanifa all said that if any of their words contradict with Hadith throw it away.

and you believe GAP thoughts that are clearly against hadith.

Simple rule

for me Hadith is the main source to understand Quran not GAP or XYZ

Negate it with solid arguments

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

dera brothers, I do not have any problem answering any question directly but for such as give impression that they have the necessary rest of the background information. However if anyone gives me impression through one's posts that one does not have necessary background information then it is not right for me to give simple answers because that would cause confusion and create wrong impression in such peoples' minds therefore explanation becomes necessary. However if you people tell me background information to each of the questions then I can either agree with your information or disagree.

The videos I posted very clearly show the situation with islam and muslims after the death of the prophet. It leaves us in no doubt that people who took over the rein of power did as they pleased. Thet derailed islamic rule as a first thing. They invented certain concept that were alien to islam and spread them as islam. Not only that but they also invented a lot a texts as ahadith of the prophet. This being the case there is no aalim in the muslim world who accept any book of hadith as 100% reliable.

This being the case criterion become necessary to judge each and every ahadith by. It is because of this confusion shia sunni parties reject each others hadith books. If arabs themselves conspired against islamic rule then why not nonarabs? Moreover if you have been attending any debates between deobandies, brelvaies, salafies, wahabies, ahle hadith etc, you will see a lot of controversy about reliability of ahadith works. This is why explanation is necessary.

So allaama parwez sb did not reject hadith per se but had reasons to reject some ahadith just like any other scholar of islam. Why then such opposition to parwez sb alone? Why not others?

Read parwez sb own writing about his stand on hadith.


Similarly there are good explanations about all your questions. See if you can refute any. It is silly to throw around false accusations against people without really knowing their position.

regards and all the best.

Simple thing
you first answer them with Yes and no then explain your answer


Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

A Hadith contradicts Quran is not Hadith at all.
is that answer your problem and your thoughts about me??

But if a Hadith explain an Ayat and interpret it

Do i need to believe some GAP interpretations that goes entirely against Hadith??

or let me be more simple
To understand Quran Hadith is the source or someone GAP???
and if GAP goes against hadith and bring a new explanation that did not match with Hadith and even context then???

Imam Shafai,Imam Hanbal , Imam Abu Hanifa all said that if any of their words contradict with Hadith throw it away.

and you believe GAP thoughts that are clearly against hadith.

Simple rule

for me Hadith is the main source to understand Quran not GAP or XYZ

Negate it with solid arguments

Hadith has no sound basis ... only a chain reference authentication process which is itself flawed if there is no verification from the core basis which is quran.

If Quran verifies the contents of hadith then hadith becomes authentic. Quran verifies if Hadith is in consistency of Quranic teachings or even if hadith explains Quran in further lenght.

But if Quran says that someone will have no fear or grief and hadith tells that the same someone in any case, will go to hell ... then such a "hadith" is neither consitent with Quran nor it further explains any teaching of Quran.

Ultimate truth criteria of hadith is Quran. Quran is true in itself. There is NO need to test Quran on the basis of any Hadith.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

dera brothers, I do not have any problem answering any question directly but for such as give impression that they have the necessary rest of the background information. However if anyone gives me impression through one's posts that one does not have necessary background information then it is not right for me to give simple answers because that would cause confusion and create wrong impression in such peoples' minds therefore explanation becomes necessary. However if you people tell me background information to each of the questions then I can either agree with your information or disagree.

The videos I posted very clearly show the situation with islam and muslims after the death of the prophet. It leaves us in no doubt that people who took over the rein of power did as they pleased. Thet derailed islamic rule as a first thing. They invented certain concept that were alien to islam and spread them as islam. Not only that but they also invented a lot a texts as ahadith of the prophet. This being the case there is no aalim in the muslim world who accept any book of hadith as 100% reliable.

This being the case criterion become necessary to judge each and every ahadith by. It is because of this confusion shia sunni parties reject each others hadith books. If arabs themselves conspired against islamic rule then why not nonarabs? Moreover if you have been attending any debates between deobandies, brelvaies, salafies, wahabies, ahle hadith etc, you will see a lot of controversy about reliability of ahadith works. This is why explanation is necessary.

So allaama parwez sb did not reject hadith per se but had reasons to reject some ahadith just like any other scholar of islam. Why then such opposition to parwez sb alone? Why not others?

Read parwez sb own writing about his stand on hadith.


Similarly there are good explanations about all your questions. See if you can refute any. It is silly to throw around false accusations against people without really knowing their position.

regards and all the best.

Do you have these beliefs or not? YES or NO.
Please answer YES or NO serial wise so we are clear on what to discuss.
The explanation will come after you agree with these beliefs.

اسکا کہنا ہے کے حدیث عجمی سازش ہے اور اس کی کوئی حیثیت و حقیقت نہیں۔-
آج جو اسلام دنیا میں رائج ہے اسکا قرآنی دین سے کوئی واسطہ نہیں۔-
آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی وفات کے بعد آپکی اطاعت نہیں ہو گی، اطاعت زندوں کی ہوتی ہے۔-
ختم نبوّت کا مطلب ہیکہ اب مسلمانوں کو اپنے معاملات خود ہی حل کرنے ہوں گے۔-
آخرت سے مراد مستقبل ہے۔-
نماز مجوسیوں سے لی ہوئی ہے۔ *قرآن نے نماز پڑھنے کیلئے نہیں کہا۔-
حضرت آدم علیہ سلام کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔-
قرآن کے علاوہ آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کا کوئی اور معجزہ نہیں۔-
جنّت و جھنّم کی کوئی حقیقت نہیں ہے۔-
اللہ سبحان و تعالی کا خارج میں کوئی وجود (نعوذ و باللہ) نہیں ہے بلکہ اللہ سبحان و تعالی ان صفات کا نام ہے جو انسان اپنے اندر تصور کرتا ہے
جنّات کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔ یہ ایک قوم کا نام تھا جو آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کے زمانے میں جنگلوں میں رہتی تھی۔-
حضرت عیسی علیہ سلام کی وفات ہو چکی ہے اور وہ دوبارہ دنیا میں نہیں آئیں گے۔-

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Hadith has no sound basis ... only a chain reference authentication process which is itself flawed if there is no verification from the core basis which is quran.

If Quran verifies the contents of hadith then hadith becomes authentic. Quran verifies if Hadith is in consistency of Quranic teachings or even if hadith explains Quran in further lenght.

But if Quran says that someone will have no fear or grief and hadith tells that the same someone in any case, will go to hell ... then such a "hadith" is neither consitent with Quran nor it further explains any teaching of Quran.

Ultimate truth criteria of hadith is Quran. Quran is true in itself. There is NO need to test Quran on the basis of any Hadith.

The point you mention "But if Quran says that someone will have no fear or grief"

Have answered by Quran it self

only Islam will be accepted as Deen

you use your self interpration and explantions to justify your thoughts
present Quran and Hadtih.

By the way once again you did not answer my post and divert the discusssion to someother thing
Answer please
for me Hadith is the main source to understand Quran not GAP or XYZ

if I have a Hadith and words of GAP what should i respect and take to interpret Quran?


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Do we need Ijtihaad for established facts?

Dear brother Abdulllah, established facts do not need ijtihaad but they do need to be proven that they are established facts. We cannot claim some idea or thing is an established fact without self evidence or proof. Self evident established facts are solid objects, proven facts are proven either through direct or indirect evidences.

So what is proof that word date has more than one uses and what makes those uses legitimate or valid?

regards and all the best.


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Do you have these beliefs or not? YES or NO.
Please answer YES or NO serial wise so we are clear on what to discuss.
The explanation will come after you agree with these beliefs.

اسکا کہنا ہے کے حدیث عجمی سازش ہے اور اس کی کوئی حیثیت و حقیقت نہیں۔-
آج جو اسلام دنیا میں رائج ہے اسکا قرآنی دین سے کوئی واسطہ نہیں۔-
آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی وفات کے بعد آپکی اطاعت نہیں ہو گی، اطاعت زندوں کی ہوتی ہے۔-
ختم نبوّت کا مطلب ہیکہ اب مسلمانوں کو اپنے معاملات خود ہی حل کرنے ہوں گے۔-
آخرت سے مراد مستقبل ہے۔-
نماز مجوسیوں سے لی ہوئی ہے۔ *قرآن نے نماز پڑھنے کیلئے نہیں کہا۔-
حضرت آدم علیہ سلام کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔-
قرآن کے علاوہ آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کا کوئی اور معجزہ نہیں۔-
جنّت و جھنّم کی کوئی حقیقت نہیں ہے۔-
اللہ سبحان و تعالی کا خارج میں کوئی وجود (نعوذ و باللہ) نہیں ہے بلکہ اللہ سبحان و تعالی ان صفات کا نام ہے جو انسان اپنے اندر تصور کرتا ہے
جنّات کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔ یہ ایک قوم کا نام تھا جو آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کے زمانے میں جنگلوں میں رہتی تھی۔-
حضرت عیسی علیہ سلام کی وفات ہو چکی ہے اور وہ دوبارہ دنیا میں نہیں آئیں گے۔-
میرے بھائی اس جاہل کیساتھ ماتھا کیوں کھپا رہے ہو؟ آپ کے سوال کا جواب یہ نہیں دے سکتا


Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

The point you mention "But if Quran says that someone will have no fear or grief"

Have answered by Quran it self

only Islam will be accepted as Deen

you use your self interpration and explantions to justify your thoughts
present Quran and Hadtih.

By the way once again you did not answer my post and divert the discusssion to someother thing
Answer please
for me Hadith is the main source to understand Quran not GAP or XYZ

if I have a Hadith and words of GAP what should i respect and take to interpret Quran?

if only Islam will be accepted as deen and still christians/Jews can be free of fear and greif then it means only deen is not the criteria for giving relief in fear and grief.

It means that only Islam is not the only Visa for entry to jannat even though only Islam is the accepted deen. This "acceptance" does not relate to giving relief in fear and grief. This "acceptance" may relate to more spiritual maratib or better/superior status in Jannat. This position totally reconciles with 5:69,2:62

This position is STRONG because only relief in fear and grief is promissed (which may be an ordinary state in Jannat) and more positive rewards have not been mentioned (i.e. symbols of raised status in jannat).

But a false "Hadith" which you insists upon .... that 'Hadith' totally ignores and CONTRADICS 5:69/2:62 ... and for which you need to say that 2:62 does not mean what it states...!!!


MPA (400+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims


You are so pathetically confused that only your shamelessness betters it. You are saying here that "He worked on the quran as a rational book..." yet in one of the other threads you were saying the POLAR opposite of this!! You have clearly said that rationality (philosophy) is misguidance!

Listen, man, can you PLEASE grow some shame? Itni bayghairati woh bhi apnay deen kay dalali main achi nahin lagti. Please dont make me search all our old debates and show to you a mirror that even a shameless guy like you will puke over.

Seriously, man, you are so rubbish that I wish somehow we would be spared of having to read your trash.

Dear barca, allaama parwez is the person who was very close to allaama iqbal and jinnah. His understanding of the quran comes from sir syed, farahi and iqbal. He worked on the quran as a rational book because that is what sir syed clarified for the ummah. He worked on the quran to contextualise its text and that idea was originally from farahi. He worked on the quran as a book of deen rather than mazhab because that was the idea iqbal came up with. All this led him to interpretation of the quran that he came up with. Being at this level he supported jinnah against nationalist mullahs with support of iqbal and jinnah.

There is still a great deal of work that needs to be done on the quran before it could actually be used as the proper constitution of pakistan. The day we have that work with us the quran will become the constitution of the state of pakistan. At the moment it is just verbally consitution of paksitan because there is no interpretation of this book as a proper constitution.

To know more watch his darse quran lectures and see this ptv interview fully when you have time.


regards and all the best.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Do you have these beliefs or not? YES or NO.
Please answer YES or NO serial wise so we are clear on what to discuss.
The explanation will come after you agree with these beliefs.

???? ???? ?? ?? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ????? ? ????? ?????-
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???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???-

Dear TruPakistani, I want you to answer your first question in yes and no format. Let see if you can answer it? It is because if you say there was no conspiracy against islam and muslims then you are lying because there is ample evidence against that and if you accept that there was conspiracy then does that automatically mean the whole information on islam is lost? I do not like to get involved in childish arguments so please try and understand the points rather than being unreasonable. I can only explain things the way I understand them, if you think you can do better then why not share your thoughts so that I too may learn from you.

As for jinns, please look at my posts for example, you will see my point of view. I have discussed these things and explained them as I understand them. See if you can do better. Jinns are also people ie humans in my view because that is what I make from the quranic text in its proper context. I have solid arguments and evidences to prove my point of view whereas those who oppose my point of view are clueless. Please watch dr israr sb marhoom's interpretation of surah jinn 72 for example.

dr qadri sb

maulana ishaq sb

ghamdi sb

compare that to understanding of parwez sb marhoom

Last edited:


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

???? ????? ?? ???? ?????? ????? ???? ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ????

Allama sb agar main jahil hun to kam se kam aap to apne ilm ka mozaahira farmaayen.



Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Allama sb agar main jahil hun to kam se kam aap to apne ilm ka mozaahira farmaayen.

Molana pervezi sahab Mazrat k saath, main pichlay 1 saal se fitna garon se khud ko door hi rakkhta hon. Kioun k fitna gar "Enlightened" log hain aur yeh "Enlightenment" shaitani charkha hai aur kuch nahein.

Isiliye mera naqis ilm jo k filhal aap ki
"Enlightenment" k muqablay mein bohot kam hai, ulema-e-karam ki kutub se hi hasil karda hai aap bhi ulema-e-karam ki kutub ka mutalea kar lein ap ko bhi pata chal jaye ga. Pehlay aap apni "Enlightenment" ki roshni mein mere bhai [MENTION=23179]TruPakistani[/MENTION] ka han ya na mein jawab de dein...........

Meray pass ab itna ziada waqt nahein hota k main fitnon ka bharpoor mutalea kar k un ka jawab de sakon.


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Molana pervezi sahab Mazrat k saath, main pichlay 1 saal se fitna garon se khud ko door hi rakkhta hon. Kioun k fitna gar "Enlightened" log hain aur yeh "Enlightenment" shaitani charkha hai aur kuch nahein.

Isiliye mera naqis ilm jo k filhal aap ki
"Enlightenment" k muqablay mein bohot kam hai, ulema-e-karam ki kutub se hi hasil karda hai aap bhi ulema-e-karam ki kutub ka mutalea kar lein ap ko bhi pata chal jaye ga. Pehlay aap apni "Enlightenment" ki roshni mein mere bhai @TruPakistani ka han ya na mein jawab de dein...........

Meray pass ab itna ziada waqt nahein hota k main fitnon ka bharpoor mutalea kar k un ka jawab de sakon.

SaadKnight sb, ajeeb baat hai aap deene islam ke dawaedar hen aur mujhe alqaab se nawaaz rehe hen. Zahir hai har aadmi ke khayalaat doosre insaanu se kuchh na kuchh had tak milte hen aur afaal bhi to kia ham un ko label karna shuru kar den? haan agar koi khud kisi label ko apne liye pasand kare to aur baat hai. khud aap ke aqaaid kisi na kisi had tak har mazhab ke logoon se milte hen to kia main aap ko apni taraf se label de dun? is liye braaye mehrbaani ilmi behs main ilmi baatun se madad len to is main aap ki izzat bhi reh jaaye gi aur meri bhi.

rahe aap ke bhai ke sawaalaat to un ka to na sar hai na per. aap khud hi bataayen aakhrat abhi aane waali hai yaa aa kar jaa bhi chukki hai? ab main is ka kia jawaab dun? khudaa ke peghambar eaasa ki main wafaat saabit kar chuka hun aur saath yeh bhi bataa chuka hun baaz awqaat mumaasalat sirf lafzi hoti hai. yani eesa ko maseeha kehta hen murdun ko zinda karne ki waja se. unhune apni murda qaom ko zinda kiya. isi tarah kuchh log ummat main peda hote rahen ge jo is ko mukammal tod par tabaho badbaad hone se bachaate rahen ge. un ko aap mujjaddad kahen, maseeha kahen yaa mahdi is se kia faraq padta hai? koi aisa maseeha har giz nahin aaye ga jo aap ke munh main niwaala daale ga. ham ko apne deen ka nizaam khud hi jaanana ho ga aur is ko duniya se mutaaraf karaana ho ga.

jin koi ghair maadi shai nahi hen isi kaainaat ka hissa hen. noor aur naar ka maadah aik hi hai. aur aag bhi maadah hi hai aur noor bhi. matter is energy in frozen form if you like. aap aag se banen yaa matti se baat behar haal yahee hai keh aap maadi cheez hen. khud light travels as packets of photons.

doosra aap agar mere jinnu par post paden ge to aap ko meri baat tasleem kiye baghair koi chaara hi nahin hai. aap khud ghor karo keh jinn agar koi aisi mukhlooq hote jaise mullah bataate hen to kia duniya aisi ho sakti thi jaisi ke hai? aaj aap ko masla dar pesh hai ke north aur south poles main agar aadmi jaaye to namaaz roze ka kia ho ga? kia us dor main musalmaan jinnu ko yeh maloom nahin ho saka keh poles main namaaz roze ka problem ho ga? aaj ham saensdanu ki discoveries ko badi ehmiyat dete hen magar agar jin pehle hi space ke halaat se waaqif the to ham ko itna intizaar kyun karna pada duniya haqeeqat maloom karne ke liye?

agar jinn kisi ke saath raabte main hun to us ko spying ke liye aaj ke aalaat ki kia zaroorat hai? jo log khud ko jinnun ke master bataate hen aur jaadugari ke daawe karte hen kia baat hai wo gali main khel tamaashe kar ke aik aik paisa kamaate hen? kyun woh bankun ke bank khaali nahin kar laite?

to mere pyaare bhaiyo zara to aqal se kaam lo aur quran ki taraf un baatun ki nisbat na karo jin se log samjhen ge keh quran main yahee oot pataang baaten likhi hui hen. aakhir is ka wabaal kis ke sar ho ga?

shaitaan bhi jin hai aur aap logoon ki samajh ke mutaabiq jab se hai tab se hai to phir kia waja hai duniya ko insaanu tareekh maloom nahin aur zameen par garne waale hawaadis ka kuchh pata nahin?

is liye meri aap se guzaarish hai aap tohamaat parasti se niklen. quran insaanu ko jahaalat ki tareeqi se nikaal kar ilm ki roshni main laana chahta hai is liye khud quran ko hi apni jahaalat ki andheri kothadi main na gaseeten.

khudaa ham sab ko hidayat aata farmaaye.


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Dear TruPakistani, I want you to answer your first question in yes and no format. Let see if you can answer it? It is because if you say there was no conspiracy against islam and muslims then you are lying because there is ample evidence against that and if you accept that there was conspiracy then does that automatically mean the whole information on islam is lost? I do not like to get involved in childish arguments so please try and understand the points rather than being unreasonable. I can only explain things the way I understand them, if you think you can do better then why not share your thoughts so that I too may learn from you.

As for jinns, please look at my posts for example, you will see my point of view. I have discussed these things and explained them as I understand them. See if you can do better. Jinns are also people ie humans in my view because that is what I make from the quranic text in its proper context. I have solid arguments and evidences to prove my point of view whereas those who oppose my point of view are clueless. Please watch dr israr sb marhoom's interpretation of surah jinn 72 for example.

Do you have these beliefs or not? YES or NO.
Please answer YES or NO serial wise so we are clear on what to discuss.

اسکا کہنا ہے کے حدیث عجمی سازش ہے اور اس کی کوئی حیثیت و حقیقت نہیں۔-
آج جو اسلام دنیا میں رائج ہے اسکا قرآنی دین سے کوئی واسطہ نہیں۔-
آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کی وفات کے بعد آپکی اطاعت نہیں ہو گی، اطاعت زندوں کی ہوتی ہے۔-
ختم نبوّت کا مطلب ہیکہ اب مسلمانوں کو اپنے معاملات خود ہی حل کرنے ہوں گے۔-
آخرت سے مراد مستقبل ہے۔-
نماز مجوسیوں سے لی ہوئی ہے۔ *قرآن نے نماز پڑھنے کیلئے نہیں کہا۔-
حضرت آدم علیہ سلام کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔-
قرآن کے علاوہ آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کا کوئی اور معجزہ نہیں۔-
جنّت و جھنّم کی کوئی حقیقت نہیں ہے۔-
اللہ سبحان و تعالی کا خارج میں کوئی وجود (نعوذ و باللہ) نہیں ہے بلکہ اللہ سبحان و تعالی ان صفات کا نام ہے جو انسان اپنے اندر تصور کرتا ہے
جنّات کا کوئی وجود نہیں۔ یہ ایک قوم کا نام تھا جو آپ صلّی اللہ علیہ وسلّم کے زمانے میں جنگلوں میں رہتی تھی۔-
حضرت عیسی علیہ سلام کی وفات ہو چکی ہے اور وہ دوبارہ دنیا میں نہیں آئیں گے


Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

میرے بھائی اس جاہل کیساتھ ماتھا کیوں کھپا رہے ہو؟ آپ کے سوال کا جواب یہ نہیں دے سکتا
بھائی مجھے پتا ہے یہ کبھی جواب نہیں دے گا، کیونکہ یہ جواب اس کے ڈرامے کی موت ہوں گے۔


Senator (1k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

SaadKnight sb, ajeeb baat hai aap deene islam ke dawaedar hen aur mujhe alqaab se nawaaz rehe hen. Zahir hai har aadmi ke khayalaat doosre insaanu se kuchh na kuchh had tak milte hen aur afaal bhi to kia ham un ko label karna shuru kar den? haan agar koi khud kisi label ko apne liye pasand kare to aur baat hai. khud aap ke aqaaid kisi na kisi had tak har mazhab ke logoon se milte hen to kia main aap ko apni taraf se label de dun? is liye braaye mehrbaani ilmi behs main ilmi baatun se madad len to is main aap ki izzat bhi reh jaaye gi aur meri bhi.

rahe aap ke bhai ke sawaalaat to un ka to na sar hai na per. aap khud hi bataayen aakhrat abhi aane waali hai yaa aa kar jaa bhi chukki hai? ab main is ka kia jawaab dun? khudaa ke peghambar eaasa ki main wafaat saabit kar chuka hun aur saath yeh bhi bataa chuka hun baaz awqaat mumaasalat sirf lafzi hoti hai. yani eesa ko maseeha kehta hen murdun ko zinda karne ki waja se. unhune apni murda qaom ko zinda kiya. isi tarah kuchh log ummat main peda hote rahen ge jo is ko mukammal tod par tabaho badbaad hone se bachaate rahen ge. un ko aap mujjaddad kahen, maseeha kahen yaa mahdi is se kia faraq padta hai? koi aisa maseeha har giz nahin aaye ga jo aap ke munh main niwaala daale ga. ham ko apne deen ka nizaam khud hi jaanana ho ga aur is ko duniya se mutaaraf karaana ho ga.

jin koi ghair maadi shai nahi hen isi kaainaat ka hissa hen. noor aur naar ka maadah aik hi hai. aur aag bhi maadah hi hai aur noor bhi. matter is energy in frozen form if you like. aap aag se banen yaa matti se baat behar haal yahee hai keh aap maadi cheez hen. khud light travels as packets of photons.

doosra aap agar mere jinnu par post paden ge to aap ko meri baat tasleem kiye baghair koi chaara hi nahin hai. aap khud ghor karo keh jinn agar koi aisi mukhlooq hote jaise mullah bataate hen to kia duniya aisi ho sakti thi jaisi ke hai? aaj aap ko masla dar pesh hai ke north aur south poles main agar aadmi jaaye to namaaz roze ka kia ho ga? kia us dor main musalmaan jinnu ko yeh maloom nahin ho saka keh poles main namaaz roze ka problem ho ga? aaj ham saensdanu ki discoveries ko badi ehmiyat dete hen magar agar jin pehle hi space ke halaat se waaqif the to ham ko itna intizaar kyun karna pada duniya haqeeqat maloom karne ke liye?

agar jinn kisi ke saath raabte main hun to us ko spying ke liye aaj ke aalaat ki kia zaroorat hai? jo log khud ko jinnun ke master bataate hen aur jaadugari ke daawe karte hen kia baat hai wo gali main khel tamaashe kar ke aik aik paisa kamaate hen? kyun woh bankun ke bank khaali nahin kar laite?

to mere pyaare bhaiyo zara to aqal se kaam lo aur quran ki taraf un baatun ki nisbat na karo jin se log samjhen ge keh quran main yahee oot pataang baaten likhi hui hen. aakhir is ka wabaal kis ke sar ho ga?

shaitaan bhi jin hai aur aap logoon ki samajh ke mutaabiq jab se hai tab se hai to phir kia waja hai duniya ko insaanu tareekh maloom nahin aur zameen par garne waale hawaadis ka kuchh pata nahin?

is liye meri aap se guzaarish hai aap tohamaat parasti se niklen. quran insaanu ko jahaalat ki tareeqi se nikaal kar ilm ki roshni main laana chahta hai is liye khud quran ko hi apni jahaalat ki andheri kothadi main na gaseeten.

khudaa ham sab ko hidayat aata farmaaye.
اتنا سارا لکھ دیا اب اتنا وقت نہیں میرے پاس کہ میں اسے پڑھ سکوں، تمھارے ہاتھ تھکتے نہیں اتنا سارا لکھ کر؟


Chief Minister (5k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Dear friends, the best way to solve your jinn problem is to find out who claims to have jinns in his possession and then take him in to the dark room and process him till his jinns come and save him. You will soon come to know the truth.

This is why a lot of stories told in the name of the prophet are false so don't take them seriously or you cannot be right in blaming others for your own stupidity. The quran is full of verses telling us people attribute falsehood to Allah and his messengers yet I am surprised that people accept all nonsense in the name of Allah and rasool. So don't be this stupid and help others out of ignorance and stupidity.

Try and think out ways of testing jinn theories by anyone who claims anything and you will discover them all lies.

The quran uses word jinn for people and other things that are hidden from view for one reason or an other but they are not invisible non-physical creatures. Atoms are invisble but they are not nonphysical this is why we cannot see air for example.

It makes me sad that even educated people have not developed logical thinking in our society and because society is so dangerous that people of knowledge shy away from telling the truth.

People who argue for nonsense either have personal interest in it or that they are ignorant or mentally ill. The question is, how do we know who is talking sense and who is talking nonsense? This is what my posts are generally all about. Learn ideas and put them into practice and you will save yourselves a lot of bother.

Look at confusion of people like dr amina bilal philip and zakir naik. He is advising people to go to doctor, why? How would doctor know one is possessed by jinn or is mentally ill? Ask these guys why they are promoting such such nonsense and confusion? Why they do not say what is truth? The truth is they don't know because they never studied the subject despite some claiming they have.

So get serious and learn things for yourselves and be in peace.

regards and all the best.

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

Dear brother Abdulllah, established facts do not need ijtihaad but they do need to be proven that they are established facts. We cannot claim some idea or thing is an established fact without self evidence or proof. Self evident established facts are solid objects, proven facts are proven either through direct or indirect evidences.

So what is proof that word date has more than one uses and what makes those uses legitimate or valid?

regards and all the best.

to believe meaning of a sentence written in a language that is not my first language i will perefer people of that language to understand the meaning

i will not take workds of GAP who have nothing to do with that language.

in language established fact can be verified by the people of that language not others

Abdul Allah

Minister (2k+ posts)
Re: The main contributions of ghulam ahmed parwez to islam and muslims

if only Islam will be accepted as deen and still christians/Jews can be free of fear and greif then it means only deen is not the criteria for giving relief in fear and grief.

It means that only Islam is not the only Visa for entry to jannat even though only Islam is the accepted deen. This "acceptance" does not relate to giving relief in fear and grief. This "acceptance" may relate to more spiritual maratib or better/superior status in Jannat. This position totally reconciles with 5:69,2:62

This position is STRONG because only relief in fear and grief is promissed (which may be an ordinary state in Jannat) and more positive rewards have not been mentioned (i.e. symbols of raised status in jannat).

But a false "Hadith" which you insists upon .... that 'Hadith' totally ignores and CONTRADICS 5:69/2:62 ... and for which you need to say that 2:62 does not mean what it states...!!!

Quran is the answer for you
Sura 7
(157. Those who follow the Messenger, the Prophet who can neither read nor write whom they find written of with them in the Tawrah and the Injil, -- he commands them to do good; and forbids them from evil; he makes lawful for them the good things, and forbids them from the evil things, he releases them from their heavy burdens and from the fetters that were upon them. So those who believe in him, honor him, help him, and follow the light which has been sent down with him, it is they who will be successful.)

Criteria of success clearly mentioned here . and
they find written of with them in the Tawrah and the Injil

this line clearly tells that here Allah is talking about whom and also previous Ayat confirm that

So 2:62 can not be read out of context of Quran.